Friday, April 26, 2013

Tiny Tots

Dear Maizy,

We signed you up for the cutest class, Tiny Tots, at Central City Recreation Center in Salt Lake.  I was having the hardest time finding a class for you that was offered on the weekends.  I am finding out that a lot of places don't cater towards working parents.  

Anyway, I found this class and it was perfect, it exceeded all my expectations.  The gym was nice and new.  There were no ghetto parents or kids and the staff was awesome. 

The first class we were a few minutes late too but you and I had a great time!! They gave each kid a ball and you were to kick it softly but you liked to kick it as far as possible so there I was chasing the ball around - a good work out was had by all. Then at almost every class they pulled out the parachute where we all hold on to it and wave it around and then at one point all the kids run underneath it, this was by far your favorite thing.  

You made me so proud at each and every class. Not only are you beautiful, smart and have a super contagious laugh and smile you are really coordinated, athletic and tough!!  You rocked it!

There were a few kids that would typically cry or complain but you never did, in fact, you were quite quiet at each class.  You were just busy taking it all in and focused on what you were doing.  

The class taught you teamwork, listening to a teacher, following instruction, interacting with other children and taking turns.  

The first class was just you and I.

The second class Grandma Shelly came and watched for a minute as we were doing something after.  They gave you a t-shirt at this session. This is the class where I hit a dad in the side of the face and a child on top of the head with a ball - YIKES!!  They also have a little obstacle course that you are a rockstar at!! 

The third class was just you and me babe.  Then after we went to visit Aunt JoLynne and she stressed to me that she wanted to come see you at your next class.

The fourth and last class daddy came with us!  Woo hoo!!  Then Aunt JoLynne showed up just in time to see you get your awesome award.  I was the proudest parent in the room.  You brought tears to my eyes when they called your name and you walked up there to receive your trophy and certificate.  You deserved every bit of that award for your enthusiasm, participation, rockstar abilities, best smile, friendliness, kindness and just all around awesome kid!  The teachers always beamed when they saw you.  You and daddy were so cute together.  you LOVED having him there.  

It's been a few weeks since the class has ended but you still talk about it, which assures me that you enjoyed it and had a great time.  The next class isn't until August and that is going to be a crazy month for us, so we'll have to figure out something.  I just know you make me so proud.  I love watching you grow and learn and am so blessed to be your mom.

I love you!!
