Dear Maizy,
I can't believe that it's already 2014 and not only 2014 the first few months are just about over!! I have so much to write about and one thing I want to write about is how I am going to get better at writing on your blog. I always hesitate writing a blog post because I always think it's going to take up too much time, but that is the case when I wait forever to write, so anyway, I want to recap what a wonderful year 2013 was and then get back on keeping better track in 2014. Ok, here we go!
December 2012 - found out we were expecting a new addition to the family. I got super sick for weeks - flu and pregnancy sickness. You stayed with Grandma Shelly for like 3 or 4 days, it was horrible! I longed to be with you. I can't recall ever being that sick.
January 2013 - we went to Little America for New Years, celebrated, swam, ate good food and had a blast together

February 2013 - We found out our new addition to the family was going to be a boy!! We were overjoyed. We also stayed at the Staybridge Suites for our 3rd year in a row to celebrate Valentines Day and dad's birthday. We fixed our annual dinner of steak and lobster and went swimming!! We always have so much fun. Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Glen came over and watched you swim, it was SO fun!!
One Sunday we went for an adventure. We got in the car and just drove. We ended up at the dinosaur park in Ogden, it was closed because it was Sunday but we still got to walk around and be outside on such a beautiful day. It was great for all of us to get some sunshine. You and daddy threw snowballs at each other and kicked them down the path way. Then we went out for a yummy lunch afterwards, it was a fabulous day!!

March 2013 - My friend Amanda ask that you help with a St. Patrick's Day post on her blog for her business. We went and had lunch, it was green broccoli soup, yummy green treats, followed by fun activities with other beautiful kids. See!!
We also had a play date at the aquarium with my friend Kristy and her son, Gavin. We had a great time. Then you and I continued our date with lunch at the mall and a carousel ride
April 2013 - We went to Hawaii. Oh emmmm geeeeeee!! It was amazing!! We were there the 2nd - 9th and we had the time of our lives. We stayed in a darling beach house - the beach was right across the street, the weather was perfect, I got to celebrate my b-day there with the ones I love, Aunt Brittany met us there, we had yummy food, hung out with our darling friend Alexis, we played at the beach all day - everyday, we laughed, we had yummy treats, you played in the sand and built sand castles, you and dad would go out on the kayak, we chased those little fast crabs around, we saw exquisite scenery, we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center, we made friends, we went on a hike, we stayed up late and slept in and we've been longing to go back ever since. Thanks for the wonderful time my love!

Then it was back to reality! Which is still great, but can't help and think that it'd be better in Hawaii!
Grandma and I took you to the zoo. You were being a little stinker prior to this picture. We had a great time though! |
I LOVE this picture. It was Grandma Donker's birthday and we got her this lovely cupcake and you were so proud and excited to hold it the entire drive to her house that morning and give it to her. I just love you!
May 2013 - Well I'd say April was quite the spectacular month huh!?! Well so was May believe it or not. One weekend we got a rental car because we had a busy week ahead of us and needed two cars. Well, when I got to the car rental place it was my choice on what car to pick and what better than a Cadillac SUV. I rolled up in that thing Friday night after work and dad said "Ok where we going?" So we packed an overnight bag, got in the car and just drove. That car was the bomb!! It was super comfy, drove like a dream, had a great stereo and was just slick! So we left kind of late that night and ended up in Lava Hot Springs - one of my fave places in all the world. We stayed the night in the car, it was quite the adventure. We woke up, walked around town, had some breakfast, got in the car and headed north. Dad had never been to the snake river so that was our destination. Well we saw that and then we saw a sign that pointed towards Yellowstone! So we decided to follow the signs and head to Yellowstone. We had a BLAST!! We got there kind of late in the day but it was beautiful!! We saw elk, buffalo, birds, coyotes, fish and Old Faithful of course. Yellowstone was not busy and nothing was open for the season yet. We ate at a cute restaurant in the lodge. EVERYONE couldn't get over how dang cute you were. We talked to everyone surrounding us and answered tonz of questions about you! There were two separate couples at different times during our trip that asked if they could take a picture of you. Um, yeah - that happened!! Then we drove back into town and got a hotel for the night. We woke up, went and bought some clothes for the day and went to the Bear and Wolf Exhibit right outside of the park - LAME!! We made it as fun as possible but it was quite disappointing. We ate at The Gusher, super delish! Got back on the road and headed home. It was such an awesome, spontaneous, memorable weekend!!

For Memorial Day we went up Millcreek Canyon and had a little, lovely BBQ.
June 2013 - This was a busy month getting ready for the arrival of your brother. I was put on bed rest but couldn't/didn't want to follow doctors orders but I still had to take it somewhat easy. We had a blast in the summer time. You and dad were great about seeing the sunset each night. We did play outside in our little backyard once it cooled down a little. You LOVE to be outside and be active. I love that about you. As the birth of your brother was nearing it became apparent to me how grown up you really were, you weren't going to be the baby of the family anymore but rather the sweet, caring, passionate big sister and you have been nothing short of those traits. You have a zest for life that kept/keeps me going on my darkest days.

You and Grandma came to my work baby shower. It was SO much fun to have you there.
July 2013 - Wow! This was a huge, wonderful, exciting month for us. We went to the 4th of July parade in Riverton with dad's family and that is always a blast, but the main highlight was the birth of your darling brother. Ragnar Michael was born on Friday July 26th at 8:45p.m. The hospital called us at 9 a.m. and told us that they were ready for us. We got there about 10:30 a.m. checked in our room and hung out for a few. Then it was time to hook me up to the monitors and play the waiting game. Grandma Shelly came and got you and took you to Grandma Donker's. Then when Ragnar was finally born I had Grandma Donker bring you in the room first and what an amazing moment it was. You and your brother seeing each other for the first time will have an imprint on my heart forever! You are such a tremendous big sister! Seriously, the way you love your brother is the best thing ever. You always ask where he is and what he's doing. You love to be with him. He just adores you too!! I'm one blessed mama. This was also just the beginning of my 12 weeks off work. I loved every minute of being home with you two.

I can't tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you. You were a rockstar when I was adjusting to a new baby in the house and trying to meet your needs too. You were so patient and understanding. I just love you!! Your brother is the perfect and last addition to our family! I couldn't ask for two more wonderful, beautiful, smart and fun children.
August 2013 - well what a busy and fun month it was with it being your BIRTHDAY!! You LOVE birthdays and so does our family. You were really excited for your birthday. We didn't have a friends party but we had an awesome day at home, an fun family party and went out to ice cream with Papa Frank.
September 2013 - This was a fun filled month for us. The weather started cooling down and the nights got shorter. I was getting more in the swing of things having 2 small kiddos. You continued to be an awesome helper with your brother and just loving the crap out of him still. You love to tickle Ragnar's tummy and making him laugh.
October 2013 - Yay for Halloween!! It's one of my favorite holidays. I didn't really start liking it until I got older and now that I am a mom I absolutely love it! You wanted to be Rapunzel which was no surprise as she is your favorite. Grandma bought you your costume, shoes and wig! You looked darling!! Daddy brought you and Ragnar to my work to trick or treat. You made out with SO much candy!! My friends at work gave you pretty much whatever you wanted! Ragnar was sleeping so we didn't dress him up but he had a monkey outfit!! Too cute! Then after work we came home and Grandma Annette, Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Glen came over for dinner. Daddy made chilli - it was really good, but too spicy for the gmas. Then we went trick or treating and OMGosh!!! You were hilarious. We jsut went across the street to that neighborhood. You would just take your sweet time walking and looking at all the Halloween decorations. Then you would knock on the door and ask the people about their dog and what kind of candy they were handing out. It was so precious to watch!! Everyone just LOVED you. You didn't wear your wig trick or treating because it was "too hot" and after hours of wearing it you were over it. Thanks for one of the best Halloween's yet!
November 2013 - We have a tradition that we LOVE!! We do Thanksgiving out our house and Grandpa Frank comes over, it's SO awesome to be home, cooking, playing, drinking and being in the comfort of our own home and then the leftovers are an added bonus too!! Grandpa came over and we always have a great time!
December 2013 - What a busy, busy month!?!? With it being Ragnar's first Christmas it was an extra special Christmas for our family. You of course got spoiled and we had a fabulous Day!
Thank you for an amzing 2013!! It was a terrific year! I know 2014 is going to be an even better year!!
I love you!!