Friday, November 8, 2013

Mommy and Maizy Date

Dear Maizy,

These are way old pics, but one afternoon we met mommy' friend and her darling little boy, Gavin.  He is about a month older than you and you guys were so cute together.  We went to the aquarium which is always a good time.  You were a great listener and seemed to enjoy every minute of it.  The otters and penguins were your fave! Mine too!!

After the aquarium just you and I went to lunch at the mall.  We had a blast together.  We are Hot Dog on a Stick - YUMMY!!!  Then we rode on the carousel together.  The gal working the ride just adored you! I had the best time with you!! I just cherish our little dates and one-on-one time.  This date was before little brother was born but I remember this day perfectly and will always remember the great times we've had together.

I love you my sweet girl!


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