Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Almost 6 Years Later!!!

Dear Maizy,

WOW!! I found the link to your awesome blog and what an awesome blast from the past.  It's crazy so much, but yet, so little has changed.  The little that has changed is you have continued be the little badass that you are, your love, kindness, sympathy towards others, caring ways, sense of humor, sassiness, love for your brother - well that has only gotten stronger - and being my favorite daughter - that has all remained the same. The big things that have changed is we have moved 3 times since then, you're taller, wiser, smarter, daddy lives in a different house than us, I've changed jobs/schedules a dozen times, you've been to 4 different schools, made a plethora of friends, hundreds of birthday parties and play dates, we've cried and laughed a million times over.  As of today, I'd say you've had a pretty happy and adventurous life I hope.  You are in 5th grade now, 5th!!!!  You have lots of friends, a great teacher, your own sense of style - which I LOVE and adore!! You are so super funny!! And absolutely the bestest big sister in the history of the world. You are truly so patient with your brother.  You continue to make me happy everyday! 

I love you! 


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ok here we go!

Dear Maizy,

I have SO much to write and tell you - always!! First of all though I feel like we need to play catch-up so...................here we go!!


You, daddy and Ragnar came to my work for lunch.  We had sandwiches and played by what was once a little reservoir.  We had a blast! Anytime I get to see my kiddos during the work day makes me all smiles!!

 You and daddy exploring in what was once full of water!

We went and got sno cones at Moondoggy's right by our house!! YUM!! We had a blast! And they gave us all leis!

Your brother being silly - he mimics everything his awesome big sister does.  He may have seen you do this exact thing a time or two! 

At Gavin Wagner's birthday party! It was "chef" themed.  You made your own personal pizza!  You make me such a proud mom! I love taking you everywhere and showing you off!

You just being all cute, silly and beautiful!  I cherish days that you and I get to spend all day together. 

I love you to the moon and back!


Let The Pictures Do The Talking

Dear Maizy,

I am SO behind the times as we know.  It's just hard keeping up with our busy daily lives and then to write about it....................wow!! I can barely keep up!

These are some pics from the summer 2014.   You are very dramatic in your expressions - eyes closed, hands so elegantly placed,  you love to sing, dance, jump on the furniture, play dress up, pretend like no other and you make me laugh and smile EVERY day!  You are the best big sister ever!  The love you have for your brother and that he has for you is really extraordinary.  You make me a very, very proud mom!!
We went bowling with Grandpa Frank for yours and Ragnar's birthday celebration.  As always we had a fabulous time!
Grandma Shelly, me, you, Aunt Brittany and Aunt Laurie all went to lunch and you made a "chip beard'!  Ha ha ha!!
Love you!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

4th of July 2014 Pt. 2

Dear Maizy,

For 4th of July weekend we decided to take a drive.  Our cute little family loaded up in the car and we drove up to Evanston, Wyoming.  The plan was to get some lunch and some awesome fireworks.  Well we did just that then we also found a cute little beach to hang out at all day!!  Then we decided to make a day of it, so daddy went to Wal-Mart got us some goodies, you a swimsuit - a cute one! Good job dad!, and some drinks.  We ended up camping out and playing all day!  It was an absolute BLAST!!!

Then it was getting late in teh day so we decided to go find a hotel.  We found a pretty good one. You and Ragnar had a blast jumping on the beds and looking out the window at the fireworks!
 We had to get you some new jammies!  Of course we got the Sophia the 1st Princess jammies - so dang cute!

Then we also went outside and watched the fireworks, it was really quite impressive!  Evanston puts on quite the firework show! We want to go back next year!

 This is a darling dress that cousin Tom sent you!  You love this dress!!
 These are your cute 4th of July toes I painted!  I was pretty proud and so were you - you showed everyone!! It made me proud.  I love these little toesies more than you'll ever know!

Thank you for such an awesome and memorable 4th of July weekend.  You have a great time no matter where we are or what is going on.  I love your zest for life!

Love you!!


4th of July 2014 Pt. 1

Dear Maizy,

I wish I was way better at writing because you do awesome and amazing things each day!  So you started school at Challenger and you love it and you are great at it!!

So here are we with more selfies.  We were playing with hair chalk in preparation for the 4th of July!

These are some cute Doc McStuffin's jammies that grandma got for you!  You love them and you look super darling in them.  You can't help but doctor us up while wearing these!

Look at how cute you are with your sunglasses!

For the 4th of July we stuck to tradition and went to Eaglewood Golf Course to see the fireworks.  Our friend, Laurie, came with us.  We got you a really glow sword.  The firework show was impressive like always!!

This is just a cute pic of us!!

I always have so much fun with you!  Love you!!!