Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ok here we go!

Dear Maizy,

I have SO much to write and tell you - always!! First of all though I feel like we need to play catch-up we go!!


You, daddy and Ragnar came to my work for lunch.  We had sandwiches and played by what was once a little reservoir.  We had a blast! Anytime I get to see my kiddos during the work day makes me all smiles!!

 You and daddy exploring in what was once full of water!

We went and got sno cones at Moondoggy's right by our house!! YUM!! We had a blast! And they gave us all leis!

Your brother being silly - he mimics everything his awesome big sister does.  He may have seen you do this exact thing a time or two! 

At Gavin Wagner's birthday party! It was "chef" themed.  You made your own personal pizza!  You make me such a proud mom! I love taking you everywhere and showing you off!

You just being all cute, silly and beautiful!  I cherish days that you and I get to spend all day together. 

I love you to the moon and back!


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