Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Let The Pictures Do The Talking

Dear Maizy,

I am SO behind the times as we know.  It's just hard keeping up with our busy daily lives and then to write about!! I can barely keep up!

These are some pics from the summer 2014.   You are very dramatic in your expressions - eyes closed, hands so elegantly placed,  you love to sing, dance, jump on the furniture, play dress up, pretend like no other and you make me laugh and smile EVERY day!  You are the best big sister ever!  The love you have for your brother and that he has for you is really extraordinary.  You make me a very, very proud mom!!
We went bowling with Grandpa Frank for yours and Ragnar's birthday celebration.  As always we had a fabulous time!
Grandma Shelly, me, you, Aunt Brittany and Aunt Laurie all went to lunch and you made a "chip beard'!  Ha ha ha!!
Love you!!!

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