Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Dear Maizy,

Yesterday was your first Cinco de Mayo and what a great one it was.  I got home from work.  You woke up and we played and played. Then we went downstairs and I put you in your Einstein and danced for you to some Mexican tunes!  You were quite entertained.  Then your dad got home, put on his sombrero and joined me!  You were cracking up and dancing in your Einstein. It was a lot of fun!  Then you said "mama" it was the best thing ever!!  You brought a tear to your dad's eye and smile to my heart!!  I love you SO much!!

We hung out and continued the dance party! You dad and I indulged in a margarita to celebrate the evening. 

Then later into the evening we got your in your jammies and headed over to Brindy's new place.  Your Aunt Britt was there so we joined her.  Brindy's new place is darling.  You crawled around a bit and explored! We didn't stay long.  We went home and to bed we went!!

I am SOOOOOO looking forward to the weekend. We have lots to unpack, put away and decorate!!  YAY!!  I can't wait to put your room together!!

Love you very much!


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