Monday, May 2, 2011

We did it!!!!

Dear Maizy,

We did it!  We did it!!  We moved!!! YAY!!!!  We found a place after the one that we found in Sugarhouse fell through.  We now call a condo in North Salt Lake home. I am over the moon excited.  Excited to get away from those we lived with.  Excited to have our own space. Excited to have a loving home that I take pride in.  Excited to decorate - especially your room!  I can't wait for the summer time so we can bbq, take walks to the park and hang out outside, it's been a long Winter hear I've been looking forward to our own place the minute we moved into the previous one!

Thursday I went on my lunch break to look at the place and liked it!  We have looked at a lot of crap and this place was actually quite quaint and cute.  It has brand new carpet - a plus for you my little crawler face.  New appliances.  Our own tiny backyard.  Little homey complex.  Freeway access.  It isn't the most beautiful place, it's not forever, but it works great for us now.

Thursday after work we met the landlord and he gave us the keys right there and then!  It was awesome. 

After we got the keys we drove around checked out the area.  We stopped at a cute little diner called Kitty Pappas and had a celebratory dinner!!!  It's actually a cute little area.  We're only about 5 miles away from Grandma Shelly, so she is super excited about that.

Friday night we slept at the place.  We took all of our cleaning supplies to make it spic and span, but it actually needed more TLC than we planned on. 

You did not sleep well there at all.  We made a nice bed for all of us on the floor and you cried the majority of the night. SAD!!  Saturday we went home and got ready for the day. You and I went up to Grandma Donker's to celebrate her birthday then when we got home we helped your dad pack.  Your father and I stayed up until 5:30am packing and loading Grandpa Frank's trailer.  Sunday we woke up early and got busy again!  That's when I took these pictures of you.  I ran across your dad's Halloween wig.  I put it on you and laughed SO hard and then you started laughing because you knew you were being funny!  I love you SO much!! Anyway, so we worked our tails off. We wanted to get out of there a.s.a.p. We finally got packed at 4pm Sunday afternoon.  Grandma Shelly and Aunt Brittany, she came in town Sunday, came and got you and you hung out with them while your father and I finished loading up then unpacking at the new place.  They had a blast with you! Your father and I missed you a ton, but you had more fun with the girls and we definitely got a lot done!!

Sunday night the girls finally brought you back about 8:30pm and your dad ran the truck and trailer back to Salt Lake, so we played until he got back.  Then I finally showered and we went to bed.  It was kind of surreal being at the new place and really grasp that it's our new home! 

Well I hope you enjoy our new home as much as I do!!  I can't wait to decorate your room and make it what I always envisioned for you!  I love you!! And always want the best for you!

Thank you for being so funny and such a good, good baby!

Love you!


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