Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jungle This!

Dear Maizy,

When your father was working out of town, I was super sick (pregnancy) and you continued to think sleep was optional we had conquered some rough nights and mornings that lead to even rougher days.  I was at a loss on what to do.  I mean you are 2!  Which means you are totally irrational, emotional and well, 2.  Then you add a overly tired, pregnant, single mom (since dad was out of town) to the equation and we were quite the pair.

Anyway,  Grandma Shelly had a brilliant idea,  it was Tuesday February 5th and we were taking you to Jungle Jim's to let you go run around and work off your energy, so that you would go to sleep that night.  I thought this was a fantastic plan!! So after work  I picked you up at Grandma Donker's, went to Target to buy you shoes (since someone didn't pack you any - Grandma Shelly), in the meantime Grandma Shelly was at the mall buying you a new coat because she failed to pack one of those too.  We finally arrived to Jungle Jim's about 6:30pm and you were ecstatic.  You were grinning from ear to ear and so was I because I love seeing you super happy and I knew, just knew we had a great night of rest ahead of us!

You went on all the rides that you could - you weren't tall enough for the roller coaster but that's ok because that thing looks like it goes super fast.

You were laughing and giddy, it was the most adorable thing EVER!!!

There was this cute and happy girl running around, so I asked if you two could ride together because I thought that looked like more fun.  I think you liked it too!

 I think the safari jeeps were your favorite since you rode on this ride the most.  I loved and still do love driving rides/games, so I get it.  You are so dang cute babe!!

Babe you were by far the most adorable child in that place.  You are just so full of life and personality and that makes your beauty radiate even more!!  I am one blessed mama!  I know Grandma felt and feels the same way.  

The place reeked and one area even smelled of pee, there were crazy kids and parents everywhere but you were having a good time and therefore I was too!  I LOVE watching you smile and laugh.  Well we stayed there until about 8ish then Grandma went home and we stopped at Arctic Circle to get some dinner.  You were asleep in your car seat by the time we got there.  We got home and I had to wake you up to change and feed you, so we ate our dinner and watched some cartoons and then it was bedtime.  Um, yeah you showed no signs of slowing down.  We were up until 2 AM!!!  Our glorious plan backfired.  UGH!!

Regardless we had a great night.  I try to take these late nights for what they are - time we get to spend together but around 1am I usually start to get a little annoyed.  

I can sympathize with you though.  When I was younger, not as young as you, but when I was like 12ish I would stay up WAY late and redecorate my room, paint, draw, write, watch movies, listen to music and anything else I could think of to just not sleep!  My dad worked nights and my mom was a deep, deep sleeper.  I think we just feel like we are going to miss something.  Well we are SLEEP!!! 

I thought you were just going through a phase but this seems longer than just a phase. 

Well regardless we had a fantastic night and I think we will go back there often - I hope.

I love you my sweet, happy girl!



Dear Maizy,

I just don't think I can stress enough that I truly know how blessed and thankful I am for you.  You are the best child anyone could ask for.  You are smart, well-behaved, beautiful, smart, funny, caring, passionate, kind, thoughtful, loving, easy to reason with, fun, creative, artsy, friendly, well mannered, busy, cool, head-strong, stylish, good at problem solving, understanding and just down right perfect!!  

Daddy was working out of town during the week the last 4 weeks, so it was just you and me babe.  I have been super, super sick at night - we can thank your little brother or sister for this later -  so you have been the best sport!  You want to play and I just want to cuddle.  I have night sickness not so much morning sickness, so I don't feel like doing much if anything.

I try to make the best of it though.  One night I got out my beads and we tried making some necklaces, but you found it kind of frustrating.  Another night I pulled out some watercolors and paper.  Another night some acrylic paints which ended up on the floor and the dining room tables and chairs.  Either way I hope that being with me hasn't been too dreadful!  Oh and baths you get to take the longest baths because I can just sit and talk to you while you do this.

I do cherish the nights we had together and saw it as a huge bonding time for us, it also made me admire you more and more because you would come up with stuff and be so creative - making me dinner, drawing, coloring, painting and playing with the beads and one night the beads even became our dinner.  Yum!!

You say and do the sweetest things. Out of no where you'll say "I love you mom! Hugs!" and we hug.  I just never, ever want to forget the softness of your cute face, the sound of your cute voice, the amazing things you say and do,

I love you SO much!

Thank you for all the happiness you have given me.  

Love you!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sushi! Yum!

Dear Maizy,

Daddy was home, finally, on a Saturday night so the three of us decided to go on a little date. We were craving some sushi!  We went to Fuji Sushi in Centerville.  That place really does rock!

You were a great little sport and tried eating with chopsticks, it was adorable and very entertaining to watch.  I would like to state that rice was EVERYWHERE!  

Dinner was delish and fun!  I love that we were all together and out to eat - dad doesn't like to eat out too often - you know since he can make everything tastier at home!?!

I just love you and daddy to the moon!!

Thanks for being such a fun, sweet girl who is up for anything!  Oh and we had a really cute young waiter.  He was super macho looking but he did say "Um, your little girl!  Um, she's really cute!!"  You make every guy - young, old, handsome, not so handsome - weak in the knees already and you're only 2!!! Yikes!!

Love you!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Makin' Stuff

Dear Maizy,

The last few weeks have been kind of a whirl wind with daddy working out of town, my being super sick and tired and trying to keep on top of it all, it's just been absolutely CRAZY!!

I feel bad because most of our nights were like the movie Groundhog Day - we did the same thing, over and over - got home, eat dinner, watch t.v., go to bed, I wrestle you trying to get you to lie down and go to sleep and then we did it all over again the next night.  

Anyway, I decided to get out my beads one night so you could make a necklace or something - you know mix it up!?  Well the beads were fun for about 5 minutes then they just frustrated the heck out of you.  You my dear have no patience and quite the temper - sheesh I wonder where you get that from?? Sorry about that! 

But you had a good time regardless, I think, I hope. 

Even though you found the beads frustrating you really do love creating, using your hands, making things beautiful, using that awesome imagination of yours and showing off your work.  You LOVE to paint, draw with a pen or pencil since you like to get very detailed, color, help me make dinner/dessert and anything thing artsy.  You are great at it all too!  you can draw a perfect circle and heart like no other. 

Your vocabulary is out of this world!  You kill me when you say "I have an idea!"  Your most used phrase is "I do it ALL.BY.MYSELF!"  You are very independent.  

Sometimes the things that frustrate me the most are the things I admire more than anything about you - your independence and stubbornness. How can I get frustrated that you want to be so independent and stubborn?? Well because honestly I think that I can do it faster or more efficient but you are learning best this way.  I remind myself this on a daily basis.  

You are still a monkey and love to climb on everything and jump on/from anything possible. 

You are the sweetest little girl in the world!  You always say "please", "thank you", "I love you mommy!"  "Have a great day mommy!"  You will give the best hugs and wrap your arms around me so tightly and say "I love you!"  "Hugs."  "Kiss."  You just love to love!  

Thank you for being so wonderful.  I am SO proud to be your mommy.  I love you!
