Monday, February 11, 2013

Makin' Stuff

Dear Maizy,

The last few weeks have been kind of a whirl wind with daddy working out of town, my being super sick and tired and trying to keep on top of it all, it's just been absolutely CRAZY!!

I feel bad because most of our nights were like the movie Groundhog Day - we did the same thing, over and over - got home, eat dinner, watch t.v., go to bed, I wrestle you trying to get you to lie down and go to sleep and then we did it all over again the next night.  

Anyway, I decided to get out my beads one night so you could make a necklace or something - you know mix it up!?  Well the beads were fun for about 5 minutes then they just frustrated the heck out of you.  You my dear have no patience and quite the temper - sheesh I wonder where you get that from?? Sorry about that! 

But you had a good time regardless, I think, I hope. 

Even though you found the beads frustrating you really do love creating, using your hands, making things beautiful, using that awesome imagination of yours and showing off your work.  You LOVE to paint, draw with a pen or pencil since you like to get very detailed, color, help me make dinner/dessert and anything thing artsy.  You are great at it all too!  you can draw a perfect circle and heart like no other. 

Your vocabulary is out of this world!  You kill me when you say "I have an idea!"  Your most used phrase is "I do it ALL.BY.MYSELF!"  You are very independent.  

Sometimes the things that frustrate me the most are the things I admire more than anything about you - your independence and stubbornness. How can I get frustrated that you want to be so independent and stubborn?? Well because honestly I think that I can do it faster or more efficient but you are learning best this way.  I remind myself this on a daily basis.  

You are still a monkey and love to climb on everything and jump on/from anything possible. 

You are the sweetest little girl in the world!  You always say "please", "thank you", "I love you mommy!"  "Have a great day mommy!"  You will give the best hugs and wrap your arms around me so tightly and say "I love you!"  "Hugs."  "Kiss."  You just love to love!  

Thank you for being so wonderful.  I am SO proud to be your mommy.  I love you!


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