Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Santa is coming to town!!

Dear Maizy,

We took you to go see the lights at Temple Square last night.  We got you all nice and bundled up!  You wore the cutest little warm, Christmas onesie thing over your outfit.  You looked SUPER adorable!!  You fell asleep on the way downtown and continued to sleep all the way until we got home again.  You missed the lights!  But your father and I had a great time, people watching, talking all silly (in an accent of sorts) and pushing you around in your stroller.  Next year we'll be sure to go back and I bet you'll enjoy it much, much more.  This is going to be a family tradition of ours for sure.  Downtown is one of my fave places to be.  I just love the hustle and bustle, the tall and old buildings, hearing the church bells and seeing all kinds of people.  I hope you enjoy it too or even find your own favorite things you enjoy about the place we live.

Thank you for being such a good, good baby! You make me proud every day and I love your face!!

After seeing this pic - who wouldn't!?!?!
Happy Holidays Sweet Girl!!

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