Dear Maizy,
I took Wednesday off work so that we could go get our family pictures taken and I must say they turned out pretty dang cute!! You looked adorable as always. You were a little tired, a little hungry and a little distracted by this lame little girl that's mom was not paying any attention to her and was trying to squeeze into our pictures. That part of it drove me crazy. The photographer would get you all positioned and then the little girl would walk over and you were ready to play, the girl's mom was oblivious. But all-in-all the pics turned out great.
When I saw a preview of the pics, it brought tears to my eyes. You are absolutely breathtaking!
After pictures we went next door for wings and beer. Daddy's friend Josh is in town so he came along with us on our adventure. I just love my days off and being with you.
We also have a cute little Christmas tree up too! It's darling!! You like to touch it, say "Christmas tree" and reorganize the ornaments. I wish I didn't wait so long to put one up.
We are almost all done with our Christmas shopping and good thing since tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We are giving most people pictures of us in nice frames for Christmas. They are going to love them. Your father and I bought you some cute things you'll like but we didn't go overboard since your Grandma's seem to do a good job of that.
Tomorrow night is our annual Christmas Eve party with my Aunt JoLynne and my darling cousins. This has been a tradition even before I was born and I look forward to it every single year! I hope we do it forever!!!
Christmas morning we are waking up going to Grandma Annette's for homemade scones, then coming home and having dinner with Grandpa Frank, then we'll open our presents.
Then Monday morning is a day most of us have off work, so we are going up to Grandma Shelly's for the day where you will get bombarded, no, seriously bombarded with gifts. It's going to be a very wonderful, exciting and memorable Christmas. The best gift of all though that I get now and forever is you as my daughter. There's nothing better than that!
So right now you are screaming, screaming a lot! When you are happy, excited, mad, sad - you belt it out! You are continuing to talk a ton, running everywhere, into everything and not sleeping too well at night. Last night you slept with me. I don't mind except that I don't sleep!! But I love to watch you sleep with your long, gorgeous eyelashes, watching you peacefully sleep and just wondering about what life God has planned for you, us as a family, then I really can't sleep just thinking about it all and taking it all in.
Merry Christmas Sweet Girl! I hope you get everything you want.
I love you!!
What a beautiful smile! :D