It's been a while since I've written, but truly know I think about it everyday!! These are the thougths that come across my mind. What should I write? Oh I should write this? Don't forget to write this down!
Well where do I begin!?! I will start by telling you that you are growing WAY too fast! I see pictures of babies and it's hard for me to remember you being that small, but you were. You were only 5 pounds when I brought you home. I still thank God for giving and trusting me with such a beautiful, precious gift and that's what you are - a gift. You are a gift from God to your father and I. You have blessed our lives with so much.
The other day I was maybe in a morbid mood of sorts, but I was watching you as you were sleeping next to me and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I would die for you! I can't think of anyone or anything else in the world I would do that for, but you. I would do anything for you. I am sure and don't want to think that I'd ever have to make that decision but if so, know I got your back. ; )
I can't believe what a big girl you are becoming. You are very independent and are continuing to be each day. Here is all the stuff that you are up to:
- You feed yourself and usually won't have it any other way.
- You refuse to lie still while I change your diaper.
- You like to eat your Desitin (diaper cream) out of the tube. Eeewwwww! I do hide it and put it out of reach but somehow you still manage to get it sometimes.
- You LOVE books! You have been chucking them at me to read to you. You don't have to go to that extent as I enjoy it, but you sure know how to get my attention.
- You say 20+ words and are saying new words each day.
- You try to dress yourself - I would like to add that it's quite entertaining to watch.
- You enjoy playing with your baby dolls - SO cute!
- You and your dad wrestle and play tough - you LOVE it!! Dads are good at this!
- You brush your teeth pretty dang good all by yourself.
- You brush your hair and others - you tried to brush your dad's friend's hair the other day!! Ha ha ha! He does have rather long, blonde hair.
- You are starting to get more cuddly!! I LOVE it! You won't kiss me, but you will give me hugs. Hey, I'll take what I can get.
- You LOVE Grandma Shelly and your Grandma Donker. When they are around - I'm chopped liver. I don't take offense.
- Your sleep pattern has been super crazy lately!! Someone told me that it could be a growth spurt that's causing this :(
- You weigh 20 pounds!!!! You are 4 times your birth weight!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!
- You clingy sometimes and I really like it.
- You LOVE other kids. When we see them out and about you just stand there, point and smile at them and say "baby!" It's super cute!!
- You are so funny, beautiful and perfect.
Love you tonz and tonz!!
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