Dear Maizy,
There has been SO much going on and I feel awful that I haven't kept on top of my blogging! I don't want to go into details but I had a health scare last week and I think it's winding down. I am having a minor surgery today then we will know in 3 -5 days and I will say more then, but enough about me. You are so much more fun to talk about!!
I will admit with this weeks stress I can barely keep the days straight but you have done some awesome, great things and have continued to crack your father and I right up!!
We had a major snow storm and had to go to the grocery store. I felt bad taking you out in the cold, but you were kind of loving it with the snow and all. Plus you say "snow" so damn cute!!
You said the word "spicy" after grabbing a piece of chicken off my plate that had some hot sauce on it. You were warned but did it anyway and we got you a drink quickly and then said "was it SPICY!?!" And you said "spicy" over and over since it was freakin' adorable and made us laugh.
Dad worked on Saturday so we slept in until almost noon! Then I made us puffed pancakes for breakfast that we devoured!! Woo hoo!! It tastes better than it looks.
You played dress up.
Sunday Grandma Shelly and I took you to see The Lorax. you did Ah-Mazing!!! You stayed on my lap or Grandma's or even the chair between us. You were totally diggin the popcorn. You would reach your cute hand into the big bucket and would eat one kernel at a time - cutest thing EVER!! Then I took your sippy cup and some treats for you. The show is really quite cute and you enjoyed the animals and the songs. I was such a proud mama that day! I am everyday but just when I think I couldn't be more proud or love you more you out do yourself! We were in theater 7 at the Centerville theater row H seats 4 & 5. You also got a kick out of all of the lights in the lobby of the theater. You would look up to the ceiling, say "lights" and point. You also made a few friends and made lots of people smile.

Oh but before the movie you and dad went outside and played for a few since it was such a beautiful day!!! It was awesome. You LOVE being outside. Were throwing rocks, picking up snow and bringing it to show us and saying "cold", then you would run up and down the little hill. I know we are going to have a blast this summer!!!
Dad was home with you on Monday and you two had a blast!! You would quit for nothing, but you did catch little power naps between lunch
And dinner!
When I asked your dad how your day was for the two of you he got a little teary eyed since you two had such a good day together. You two hadn't had a day like that just the two of you for a while.
Then early morning on Tuesday I was supposed to go in the hospital for a procedure, so Grandma Shelly came to the house in the morning to stay with you while you slept and your dad and I went to the hospital. They turned us away and told me to come back the following day, so we went home. You were still sleeping, Grandma left, then you woke up and we played for a few. Since I had to take time off today for work I left you and dad home to play together - I did not want to leave!!! But I had too. Since it was a nice day you and dad went out and played! I was jealous I was missing out. I mean look how cute you are!
You also started the cutest thing too! So when you are mad or frustrated you go "ugggggghhhhhh" kind of like I do. We are pretty sure you learned it from me, but it cracks us up and is the cutest thing ever!!
You still love to color, read your books, watch Dora over and over and over again - we did buy you a Care Bears movie yesterday in hopes to give Dora a break.
You say "daddy" and "mom" yep I am just good old mom!! But I love hearing you say or even holler it when you can't find me.
You are taking a big interest in trying to dress yourself which you have always been a good helper when it comes time to dress you and you don't fight me too bad.
You say and point to things that are "blue". You say "earring" and let me change your earrings periodically. You say and do all of the animal sounds for dog, cat, pig, horsey, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey and bear. You also are able to identify many more animals but we're just not sure how to make sounds like them just yet - penguin, bunny, zebra and birds. You say bee and making a stinging sound and you say "fly" when you see a butterfly and make the sign for butterfly - I taught you that one.
You are not afraid of the dark. You will go in your room and shut yourself in there then we play "knock, knock. Who's there?"
We have introduced you to your Dora potty but haven't used it just yet. You like to use the insert as a hat!! Ha ha ha!!
You say "hi" a ton more than you ever have.
You and Grandma Donker have a strong attachment and quite the cute little relationship going on.
When we walk to the convenience store the clerk gives you a donut - EVERY TIME! It's adorable but now you are starting to expect it!! Ha ha ha!!
Grandma Shelly bought you your Easter dress that is SUPER darling, it's white with big pink and green polka dots. I made an appointment yesterday to have your pictures taken again with the live bunnies and chicks. We are thinking you won't try to strangle them this year!
Well I think that does it all for right now kiddo. Thank you for being such an amazing child with the most outstanding temperament ever!! I love you SO much baby girl!!