Thursday, March 29, 2012

Get in here!!

Oops I posted this on another blog of mine!  It was meant for this one! I originally wrote it on March 16, 2012.  Sorry!

Dear Maizy,

I am saying "Get in here!" More and more and more sternly.  If you could live outside you would.  If you could prance around and get dirty outside all day every day and eat berries to survive you would, but you can't!  The other night after being outside for hours and coming inside to bathe and eat dinner you wanted to go back out not even minding the howling wind or the fact that it was pitch black outside.  I love this trait about you and realize how super fun summer time is or isn't going to be.  Fun because we are going to spend lots of time outdoors and doing kick ass stuff but not fun when we have to come in and hear you scream and watch you try to escape. 

Tuesday dad was home with you. You woke up trying to break out the kitchen door and go outside.  After breakfast and changing you out of your jammies you and dad did go outside.  I am sure it felt like a life time to get out the door and only minutes outside. Look at freaking adorable you are!!

I LOVE this picture.  All fancy free and not a care in the world except - when are they going to drag my body indoors!

This weekend we are going to the St. Patrick's Day parade at Gateway and it's outside and then you are sleeping at Grandma Shelly's and since she let's you do whatever you want you will be outside and maybe even all night!  I am sure the dogs will keep you warm if Grandma doesn't have the heart to tell you no and let's you stay out where you are happiest.


Um, yes, you are still wearing your p.j. bottoms!

I just want you to always be happy babe and do what you enjoy most!!

I am really, really looking forward to our weekend.  Even though we'll take time apart on Saturday I know you'll have a blast with G-ma and G-pa and we will too!!!

Cheers!! Here's to an awesome weekend!!

I love you!!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MOM!!! MOM!!!

Dear Maizy,

When you yell for me around the house, "MOM!! MOM!!"  It melts my heart every time and sometimes put me into a little state of shock or panic, maybe!?  I am your mom. Crazy.  It's hard to explain, but heck I'll try.  As a woman I knew that I had the opportunity to be a mom, it's just there and you know you can pick a partner, preferably be in love and have a baby.  Sounds simple enough to some I guess, but it wasn't for me.  To be honest I was off and on about becoming a mother.  I knew that it would be something so awesome to experience, but I had friends that were moms and I heard how expensive it was, how tired you are, how your body changes and will never be the same.  Now that I think about it all I heard was negative stuff.  I even had one person tell me that "it's not all what it's cracked up to be" - exact words and what terrible words they were and are.

Well I found an amazing partner that wanted a little girl as much as I did.  I was "on" at the moment about having a baby.  When we found out we were expecting a baby it was the most amazing, overwhelming moment of our lives and especially mine.  I knew I had to do most of the work getting you here healthy and safely.  Well you exceeded all expectations.  Not only did you arrive healthy and safely, but you were more beautiful than I ever imagined.  You were perfect.  I knew from the moment you were placed in my arms that I was blessed.  I've been unsure about God and his presence off and on throughout life, but now and especially then I was sure.  God is real. He has blessed me.  He trusts me.  He has given me the most amazing gift. Crazy.

I take being a mom very seriously.  I wish others did, so you wouldn't have to be surrounded by idiots and assholes.  Anyway, I take what I teach you, the way I speak to you, the things I let you do and don't do, the things you eat (I have no say when a Grandma is around, mind you), the content you watch on t.v., the way I discipline you all very seriously and with thought (well at least I try really, really hard).  If I act irrational maybe because I am tired or upset I definitely learn from that or if I rethink the scenario I know how I will handle it better in the future.  I just always want the best for you.  I want us to talk and talk and talk about everything.  I want to listen and listen and listen to you.  My mom was an ok mom, so I know what I was lacking from her and I want to provide that all to you.  I want to be Super Mom!!  I know that there will be times in your life that you will think I am annoying, crazy, not understanding and wished you had another mom, but I want to talk about it.  I want to be reasonable with you.  I want to give you respect and really consider your feelings.  You are a little person all your own and you deserve that.

Anyway, I take being called "mom" very seriously coming from you and always will from now that you are 19 months (19 months! Wow!  Where did the time go!?) until the end of time.  I love hearing you say mom and will never get sick of it! 

You are such an amazing daughter so in return I want to be an amazing mom!!

On a lighter note.  Here is an update of stuff you say and do right now:
You say ~ more, blue, green, yellow, orange, eye, nose, earring, corn (for popcorn), hi and bye (as loud as can be), candy, chicken (followed by a "bock"), truck, and all the animal sounds you can imagine and if the animal doesn't make a sound (giraffe) you growl!!  So clever!! You say earring and point to your ears and then try to rip out mine.

You LOVE to color, pretend to feed your baby dolls and animals, put stickers on your belly, show people your belly, try to dress yourself, comb your hair and others too, hide your hands with your face when you know you're in trouble, go down the slides at the park and climb back up them, swing, run, feed yourself pretty dang well, you LOVE bath time and would stay in there for hours if I let you. 

Your favorite thing to do it be outside and throw rocks, play in the sand at the park and run, run, run! I started working out just so I can keep up with you.

We don't have any plans this weekend which is kind of nice, but we always find an adventure to go on and have a blast no matter what.

Thanks for being such a good, good girl!  Always making me smile.  Making my life a thousand times more enjoyable than I ever imagined and for just making me proud.

Love you!


p.s.  check out these 2 darling pics I found on Grandma's phone.  They are oldies but cuties!  We miss Aunt Brittany for sure!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

What a weekend it was!?!?

Dear Maizy,

We had such an awesome weekend!!  Thank you!  Well first we'll start off on Thursday night when we rented The Muppets and ate popcorn.  You LOVE popcorn.  First we shared a bowl, then you asked for "more", then you didn't care to share your second or third bowl.  You actually took your bowl over to your Dora table and devoured the popcorn all by yourself. 

I thought The Muppets movie was adorable but you didn't care for it too much - maybe in another year or so you'll be in to it.

Friday you spent the day at Grandma Donker's house and I got off work a little early.  Woo hoo!!!  I couldn't wait to see you.  Then we went home, picked up daddy and ran errands.  We bought you and daddy some new shoes.  You needed some new tennis shoes for the park, so we got you the cutest little pink pair!  Then we also bought you a Spiderman ball to play with too.

Then stopped at the grocery store to get stuff for dinner.  I made us some yummy stuff - it's not too often that I get to cook!!

You took a nap then when you woke up we played and then went to bed!!

Saturday morning we woke up kind of early and had to run a few errands before your Easter pictures but not before having breakfast outside.  While we were getting ready I heard your dad in a huff about something, so I ran upstairs and this what he was upset about.

Yep!  You threw dad's toothbrush in the toilet!! Ha ha ha!!  Thanks for not throwing mine.  We all got a good laugh out of it.  I knew it was bound to happen.  I looked at the bright side of things and was just glad it wasn't a cell phone.

Then we got you all ready for your pics and your dad got called into work at the last minute.  BUMMER!! 

You looked so freakin' adorable for your pics!!!  Grandma Shelly met us at the photo studio. When we got inside to take the pics there were live bunnies and chicks.  You weren't sure what to think of the live animals, so you weren't smiling too much, so I had to take action.  I started hopping, yes like a bunny, behind the photographer to get you to laugh!!  And laugh you did.  You have the most amazing smile and laugh.  I even got you to wear a headband for the event.  You only took it out um, three times, during the pictures, but you did wear it.  You make mommy so proud. 

Then after pictures, we went and changed your clothes and went and had lunch at Archibald's, it was yummy and fun!!  Grandma and I get the biggest kick out of you.  Then after lunch we walked around Gardner Village.  Got some ice cream to share but you were more interested in  running around.   

And Oh My Gosh do you get SO much attention.  In every store we went in you were offered candy, balloons and stickers!!  You were running on pure sugar that day since you only had a 25 minute power nap!  I am SO proud of the little person that you are.  You are always smiling, talking and laughing.  There was a little girl crying outside one of the shops and you said "Oooooooo" and out your hands over your mouth - you felt bad she was crying.  It was really cute of you.  You already show compassion and love for others. 

After Gardner Village we drove home where you were screaming most of the way - you didn't  want to be in your car seat.  Then we got stuck in traffic for a few minutes, but we finally made it home.  We picked up dad then went to Todd, Sara and Christian's house.  You fell asleep on the way over there - you needed to rest.  Then you woke up and played like crazy with Christian and Todd's grandson Colton.  Colton really wasn't a fan of you! You were playing with his hair and then you poked him in the eye.  Sara and I were laughing.  Colton was just staring at you.  Then Sara got paper and crayons for the 3 of you but you wanted to color on the same page as Colton and tried to take his crayon a couple of times - he did the same to you.  It cracks me up to see you with other kids interacting.  You are so adorable. You played hard all night.

Then we went home about midnight and you and I slept in until 11 a.m. Sunday morning.  Your father went in to check on you and you were sitting up in your crib with our legs hanging out of the side, it cracked us up!  Then we went downstairs for a yummy steak and egg breakfast.  You wanted to go outside of course, so outside you went. 

Then Sunday we just stayed in and cleaned and played all day, it was AWESOME!!!  We started to rearrange your room a little but it's a little tricky working around you and all of your toys!!

After dinner it was bath time!  You were being so brave and would put your whole head back in the water.  I've never seen you do that before.  Were having a blast in the tub - like always.  I kept calling you "mommy's little mermaid". 

Then we got you in your jammies and continued the night with cleaning some more, playing and reading books!

You are starting to pretend a lot more and it's super adorable and very clever of you.

Thanks for the awesome, awesome weekend!!

Here's to a great week!

Love you!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Got confidence?

Dear Maizy,

I know that throughout your life you will have good days and bad days, but just remember the good days will always out number the bad days.  Always.  If you're really having a terrible day, go home, get under the covers and wait for a new day to begin.

When people are mean to you or put you down, it's because they are jealous of you.  Seriously.  You are so beautiful, smart, kind, funny, outgoing and just amazing, so how could any one ever choose to treat you badly or put you down - it's simple - They are jealous.  It may not make sense at the time or you may not believe me, but it's SO SUPER DUPER true!  I have a handful of scenarios I could share with you about this. 

Your father and I love you so much that our hearts could explode at anytime.  We will do anything for you, anything, anytime.  We will always have your back.  Always. 

I want you to have great confidence through out your whole life.  My parents didn't teach me to have great confidence and I wonder if it's because they were kids themselves when they had me that they were still trying to figure it out, but anyway, that's neither here nor there.  Just have confidence and if you're confidence is  low you should fake it to others, but you can always confide in me.  When your confidence is low is when others see that and they will try to make your confidence even lower.   When you have confidence nn yourself amazing things will always happen for you.  Look at all the great figures of history.  They had a crap ton of confidence. 

I want you to know and believe that you can do and become anything.  "The world is your oyster."  Go to school, study, learn, learn, learn, be confident and determined and all good things will come.

I am serious.

On a lighter note.  You are home with daddy today and you two are playing outside since it's such a beautiful spring day.  It's 70+ degrees out!!

Daddy told me that this morning you brought tears to his eyes.  When you woke up you kept saying "Daddy! Daddy!"  Then you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug EVER!!  You made his day and hearing that story made mine!

Love how freakin' adorable you two are!!!

Love you!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Remember this

Dear Maizy,

I saw this quote and I LOVE it.

Be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.
You have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors or aspirations in the noisy confusion of life
Keep peace with your soul, with all it's sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.  live to be happy.
- Max Ehrmann

I Love You!


Maizy the Explorer

Dear Maizy,

You are so fun and hilarious.  You say "Hi!" in the cutest little voice when either you enter the room or someone else does and it cracks us up every time.  We are definitely going to get that on video.  Here is all the stuff that you have been up to.  Well, the stuff I can remember since each day you are always doing something new.

You discovered and explored the gap in the staircase banister.  Scary!!!

You LOVE being outside.  Even if it's rainy, windy and cold.  You don't care!  And I LOVE that about you!  I adore this picture because it's so you right now, fancy free, lovin' life without a care in the world!!  I think about this picture often.

You already show a ton of compassion for people and are sensitive to people's feelings.  If you see a character on t.v. crying you say "Aaaaawwwww!" and cover your mouth.  Same thing goes if you see a character in book sad or crying, it's super cute and melts my heart.  You do it at the grocery store too if you hear or see a sad child.

You say "Strong!" and flex your muscles.  I taught you that one and am very proud of it.  You really are very strong and rarely cry if you get hurt. I admire you for that as I am huge baby when it comes to pain of any kind!!

You say ALL the animals, can pint them out and make "their" sounds.  Who knew that giraffes roared!?!?!  I love it!!

When we read books you can point out the sun, clouds, trees, flowers, bees, butterflies and animals. 

You laugh at things that are funny!  You already have an amazing sense of humor.  You get that from me!!  Just teasin' your dad is also very funny.

You like to dress yourself but still need assistance.

You LOVE putting coins in your piggy bank!  I bet you have close to $200 in that thing by now.

You LOVE putting on sunglasses and walking around being your cool self!

You are getting quite good at falling asleep during lunch time.

At least if you decide to live outside you 'll be comfortable and stylish in this chaise lounge Grandma Shelly got for you.

I don't want to wish any of out time away or rush because I know summer will be here soon enough and it's going to be GREAT!!!  We have many long days/nights ahead of us to spend outside bbqing, playing, exploring, hiking, throwing rocks, playing in the water, looking at the stars and cuddling.  We also have your birthday (2!!  Can you believe you'll be 2!?!  I can't), family reunion and camping trips to look forward to!  It's all going to be so memorable and fun!!

I want you to always be happy and do what you enjoy doing most.  I hope you always have a love for the outdoors!!  There is so much to do and explore.  As a child my friends and I built huts/forts, rode and raced our bikes, played in the water, played hide and seek, drew masterpieces with our side walk chalk, took long walks, rolled down hills, would go to the park and swing as high as we could, played tag and had to be forced to go in at sun down. Those were the best times of my life and I want the same for you.  I want to do all those things all over again.  I miss them!  I hope we can do them together. 

Anyway, thanks for being such a lover of life and adventure.  I can see it in your eyes.  I want you to always be happy!!  I will do my best to make that possible. 
I can't get enough of you!  Last night when I got home (Mondays are the hardest) we were stuck like glue!!!  You wouldn't let me put you down, we ate dinner side by side, read about 5 different books and then the same ones over and over again, you took a bath, we put money in your piggy bank, we read more books, we cuddled and watched a movie, then it was bed time - the saddest part of our day for sure, but then again it reminds me that another day is just around the corner and that makes it ok.

You are home with dad today and I know you two are going to have a terrific, fun filled day together!  He makes sure of that.  Daddy loves you tonz and tonz!!

Love you!!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Mommy's Little Leprechaun!

Dear Maizy,

We had a wonderful weekend!!  You were so cute, fun and hilarious!!!  Like always. Friday night after work we took a nap, it was great!  Then we woke up and had dinner. By Fridays we are all usually exhausted from our busy, busy week.  We just vegged and went to bed fairly early.

Saturday morning we woke up early so we could go to the St. Patrick's Day parade at Gateway!!!  Your father and I were questioning getting up so early but we knew you would have a great time and therefore we would too!  We woke you up and you were in a tremendous mood - like always.  I can't stress enough how happy your are in the mornings.  I LOVE your messy hair, scratchy voice and your big beautiful eyes adjusting to the sunshine coming through the window, it really is one of my favorite parts of the weekends.

Anyway, we got you up,changed you into your St. Patrick's Day dress but since it was cold we had to put leggings on and we were pretty much out the door.  You knew we were up to something exciting, so you were just going with the flow.  I was bummed though since it was a cold, super windy and dreary day!!  We got to Gateway in no time at all, out you in your stroller and found a pretty good spot at the parade.  We were close to the beginning and we were somewhat blocked form the crazy, howling wind.  Sara, Todd and Christian met us at the parade. They were SO happy to see you.  Then Aunt Brittany met us there also, it was awesome!!!

Then after the parade we went to 'Bout Time for lunch and some "green" beer, but now that I think of it I didn't drink one green beer for St. Patty's.  Anyway, you were great at the restaurant but you wanted to get down and run around, so mid lunch Dad took you and Christian outside.

Then we went home and took a nap, it was SOOOOO nice!!  Then when we woke up we got ready for the night out.  Grandma Shelly came and picked you up.  You were sleeping the night at Grandma Shelly's and Grandpa Glen's house.  You and Grandma were quite happy to see each other.  You actually couldn't get out of the house fast enough!!

Look at you two cuties!

Then Dad had to join in the fun too! Ha ha ha!!!

We were sad to see you go!  Your father and I slowly got ready for the night and met up with Todd and Sara again.  We had a pretty good night!  We missed you like CrAzY!!  At midnight we joked about going and getting you!

When I called Grandma in the morning I could hear you in the background - it was breakfast time.  Grandma said you all had a great night together and that your dad and I should do whatever we need to do and then go pick you up since you were all having fun.

You father and I decided to go see a movie, 21 Jump Street, stopped at the grocery store to get stuff for dinner then went and picked you up.  You were in your high chair eating when we arrived, it was no surprise since Grandma feeds you 24/7 when you're at her house.  Anyway, after you ate we went to go pick up all your toys as you were trying to play with them all.  Then you started this flexing thing, so I said "Strong.  You're so strong!" And showed you how to flex, so you started flexing and saying "strong", it was hilarious!  You kept doing it all night.  Then you were giving kisses away and we were loving it.  We finally got int he car and went home and you took a nap.  Then when you woke up we played and played.  You get the biggest kick out of standing on dad's back, jumping and balancing.  He enjoys it too - your little feet walking around on his back!  Then I read you about 10 books and you were just talking up a storm last night, it was cracking us up!  I feel bad though because you say it and I think you expect us to know what you are saying.  Then you would say "Hi!" when you'd come back int he room, it was SOOO cute!!!  Then we had dinner - noodles with sauce, garlic bread and fruit.  At one point you grabbed my fork and there was some hot sauce on it and you got some in your mouth and said "SPICY!!"  I got you a drink and some bread stat.

It was a great, great weekend!!

It's Monday and Mondays make me sad!  I miss you already. You are home today with dad and I know you two will have a blast.  You always do!!

You are such a joy of a baby, so happy, hilarious and so damn cute!!  Everyone just loves you and can't get enough of you!!!  Thank you for being so amazing.

Please always keep smiling that beautiful smile.  Don't let anyone put you down.  If they try, it's because they are jealous.

Love you!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Whew! Life is GREAT!!

Dear Maizy,

So I am happy to report that mama is ok and is going to be here with you for a very, very long time.  Whew!  I will admit it was a stressful and emotional last couple of weeks, but all is well as it should be.

Let me get you updated.  Last Saturday morning we woke up,  it was such a beautiful and warm day.  We decided to go out to breakfast at a new little restaurant we found, Alice's. We were actually quite surprised.  The building and location are interesting but the food was delish!!  You enjoyed it too!!  Especially when you found their stash of coloring books and crayons. 

After our breakfast we went to the park.  You couldn't get out of the car fast enough.  You knew just what to do.  You went down the slides like a champ - you even went down one backwards and on your tummy, then you walked and jumped on the bridge and had mommy and daddy push you in the swings!  You were SOOOOO happy and in your element.  You can't get enough of being outside I tell ya. I was perma-grin just watching you run around and play with absolutely no fear.  You would yell "come, come"  so we just followed you around.  You also got a kick out of playing in the sand. You don't mind getting dirty that's for sure!  Well we had to go home eventually, you were sad of course, but we went home and hung out in the backyard for a few and we eventually had to go inside since we had things we needed to get done.  The only way to get you in the house was I mentioned "tub time" and in you went - straight to the tub.

We had a great rest of the day.  Then around midnight I went and picked up Aunt Brittany at the airport and she slept over.  When you woke up you two were quite happy to see each other!!!  Then we all went to breakfast again at Alice's, it's 2 for 2, so I think we found a new local favorite.  At breakfast you were standing in your chair and your boot got stuck and you fell over.  I felt so bad!  You cried for a second and I said "oh shoot!"  Then you walked around saying "oh shoot!" it was freaking adorable and cracked Aunt Brittany up.  It ended up being the phrase of the day just so we could hear you say it!

Then after breakfast us girls went up to Grandma Shelly's.  We played outside for a bit and you drove your Dora ATV out on the lawn.  You were having a blast! Then we went inside and ate munchies. You definitely needed a bath after eating mac n cheese, watermelon, popsicles and cheetos, so Grandma gave you a bath then blow dried your cute hair!

Then we watched you play some more.  It was a great day!  But it went by way too fast!!

We got home and you took a nap then Britt and I just relaxed.  Dad went with a few friends to go play poker.  He took 2nd Place!  Not bad, not bad!! After you woke up from your nap and dad got home I took Aunt Brittany home to Grandpa Franks'.  We had a fun day babe I was sad to see it end.

Oh but right before bed you decided to jump off the couch and you hurt your poor little ankle/foot.  You didn't break or sprain it but I know it hurt!  You would limp and whimper when you walked on it. 

Monday morning came way too soon!!  We had to wake up early - bummer!! Luckily, your foot was feeling much better but still a little sore but by lunch time it wasn't even a bother.  Anyway, I dropped you off at Grandma Donker's house.  You love Grandma D's house and my mind is at ease when you are there.  You get 5 star treatment girl!

Monday I received some terrific news from my doctor - I was SO overjoyed.  I headed to Grandma's to pick you up and that's when it hit me that life is so precious and wonderful.  I am a very lucky person that has many, many "things" to be thankful for.  Life is grand!  We have a kind and loving God who wants nothing but the best for us.  I can't thank God enough for giving you to me and trusting me with your beautiful mind, body and soul.  Tears came to my eyes while I was driving trying to take it all in.

After I picked you up at Grandma's we met Aunt Brittany for a celebratory drink and appetizers.  We ended up at California Pizza kitchen - they are the only ones that had patio dining available.  It was a really windy evening but you were loving just being outside.  No one else was out there with us so you ran around and had a great time!  We were getting the biggest kick out of you!! It was a wonderful day and an even better night!!!

I love you!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So much going on!!

Dear Maizy,

There has been SO much going on and I feel awful that I haven't kept on top of my blogging!  I don't want to go into details but I had a health scare last week and I think it's winding down.  I am having a minor surgery today then we will know in 3 -5 days and I will say more then, but enough about me.  You are so much more fun to talk about!!

I will admit with this weeks stress I can barely keep the days straight but you have done some awesome, great things and have continued to crack your father and I right up!!

We had a major snow storm and had to go to the grocery store.  I felt bad taking you out in the cold, but you were kind of loving it with the snow and all.  Plus you say "snow" so damn cute!!

You said the word "spicy" after grabbing a piece of chicken off my plate that had some hot sauce on it.  You were warned but did it anyway and we got you a drink quickly and then said "was it SPICY!?!"  And you said "spicy" over and over since it was freakin' adorable and made us laugh.

Dad worked on Saturday so we slept in until almost noon! Then I made us puffed pancakes for breakfast that we devoured!!  Woo hoo!!  It tastes better than it looks.

You played dress up.

Sunday Grandma Shelly and I took you to see The Lorax.  you did Ah-Mazing!!!  You stayed on my lap or Grandma's or even the chair between us.  You were totally diggin the popcorn.  You would reach your cute hand into the big bucket and would eat one kernel at a time - cutest thing EVER!!  Then I took your sippy cup and some treats for you.  The show is really quite cute and you enjoyed the animals and the songs.  I was such a proud mama that day!  I am everyday but just when I think I couldn't be more proud or love you more you out do yourself!  We were in theater 7 at the Centerville theater row H seats 4 & 5.  You also got a kick out of all of the lights in the lobby of the theater.  You would look up to the ceiling, say "lights" and point.  You also made a few friends and made lots of people smile. 

Oh but before the movie you and dad went outside and played for a few since it was such a beautiful day!!!  It was awesome.  You LOVE being outside.  Were throwing rocks, picking up snow and bringing it to show us and saying "cold", then you would run up and down the little hill. I know we are going to have a blast this summer!!!

Dad was home with you on Monday and you two had a blast!!  You would quit for nothing, but you did catch little power naps between lunch

And dinner!

When I asked your dad how your day was for the two of you he got a little teary eyed since you two had such a good day together.  You two hadn't had a day like that just the two of you for a while. 

Then early morning on Tuesday I was supposed to go in the hospital for a procedure, so Grandma Shelly came to the house in the morning to stay with you while you slept and your dad and I went to the hospital.  They turned us away and told me to come back the following day, so we went home.  You were still sleeping, Grandma left, then you woke up and we played for a few.  Since I had to take time off today for work I left you and dad home to play together - I did not want to leave!!!  But I had too. Since it was a nice day you and dad went out and played!  I was jealous I was missing out. I mean look how cute you are!

You also started the cutest thing too!  So when you are mad or frustrated you go "ugggggghhhhhh" kind of like I do.  We are pretty sure you learned it from me, but it cracks us up and is the cutest thing ever!!

You still love to color, read your books, watch Dora over and over and over again - we did buy you a Care Bears movie yesterday in hopes to give Dora a break. 

You say "daddy" and "mom"  yep I am just good old mom!!  But I love hearing you say or even holler it when you can't find me. 

You are taking a big interest in trying to dress yourself which you have always been a good helper when it comes time to dress you and you don't fight me too bad. 

You say and point to things that are "blue".  You say "earring" and let me change your earrings periodically.  You say and do all of the animal sounds for dog, cat, pig, horsey, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey and bear.  You also are able to identify many more animals but we're just not sure how to make sounds like them just yet - penguin, bunny, zebra and birds.  You say bee and making a stinging sound and you say "fly" when you see a butterfly and make the sign for butterfly - I taught you that one. 

You are not afraid of the dark.  You will go in your room and shut yourself in there then we play "knock, knock. Who's there?"

We have introduced you to your Dora potty but haven't used it just yet.  You like to use the insert as a hat!! Ha ha ha!!

You say "hi" a ton more than you ever have. 

You and Grandma Donker have a strong attachment and quite the cute little relationship going on. 

When we walk to the convenience store the clerk gives you a donut - EVERY TIME!  It's adorable but now you are starting to expect it!! Ha ha ha!!

Grandma Shelly bought you your Easter dress that is SUPER darling, it's white with big pink and green polka dots.  I made an appointment yesterday to have your pictures taken again with the live bunnies and chicks.  We are thinking you won't try to strangle them this year!

Well I think that does it all for right now kiddo.  Thank you for being such an amazing child with the most outstanding temperament ever!!  I love you SO much baby girl!!


Monday, March 5, 2012

What did we do?

Dear Maizy,

Our weekends always go by too fast!  Then when I come back to work and write all about it I have fun reminiscing and playing the weekend all over again, but sometimes it's a struggle to remember everything we did and all the things you do that put me and your dad in awe.

Friday night we just played and hung out, read books and watched Dora  Dad came home for a minute, changed his clothes, then and went and slept at Uncle Paul's for work the next day.  We miss him when he's gone. 

Saturday was the fun filled crazy day!  You slept in until 10:45 a.m.  Then you and I had breakfast - fruit, toast and Cheerios. Then of course we had to send dad some cute picks of us girls. See............

You were in the middle of spitting out a grape at this moment.  So cute!!
Then Grandma Shelly came over with this cute outfit in hand.

It was SO freakin' cute on you!  You even let me put matching purple earrings in for you.  Then we were headed to a birthday party!! Woo hoo!!  It was for Carmyne, my friend Brittany Douroux's son.  The party was at Black Diamond Sport Center.  I had no idea what to expect.  We got there a little late - sorry!  But they had trampolines, really awesome bouncy ones,  big huge pits full of foam squares, little slides and even a slide that dropped off into the foam pit.  You LOVED it and was having a blast!!  I got the biggest kick out of watching you play and experience new things for the first time.  You weren't even scared! Brittany's mom was at the party and said, "Maizy is so small.  You'd expect her to be all dainty and fragile, not jumping and climbing.  Then wouldn't you know it.  I left the memory card to the camera in the computer so I have no pics - AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Then we went out to lunch at Mimi's Cafe where you were very well behaved and hilarious!!  Then we went to Costco, picked up daddy at Uncle Paul's and went home and enjoyed the rest of our weekend. 

Well here it is Friday already and I have a whole new bunch of things to say. Anyway, we had a tremendous weekend!!  And a great week so far!!

YAY for another weekend!!

Love you!!
