Monday, November 5, 2012

Catch-up Part: 1

Dear Maizy,

I am going to post these pictures before I forget or can't remember the details.

 You got the biggest kick out of playing in this box!!  It was super adorable of you.  i think we're just going to get you some boxes for your Christmas gifts!  Ha! 

Grandma stopped by and you were ready to go with her.  You kept saying "Bye Mom!  Bye Mom!"  Gosh you sure love your Grandma Shelly!! 

You instantly found and started playing in Aunt Brittany's makeup and checking out yourself in the mirror.  Sooooooo beautiful!  You say "beautiful" for everything, it's super, well, beautiful!

You LOVE brushing your teeth and I am SO glad you do!  Not only is it awesome for your overall health, it's super adorable!  You are so dang sweet!

Thanks for being so smart, fun, easy going and flexible. You just go witht he flow and trust your father and I that we will make sure you are always safe, happy and well taken care of.  Yur smile lights up a room and makes every one smile back at you.  I can't thank you enough for what you do for me.
Love you!


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