Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm Listening!!!

Dear Maizy,

I promise this to you right now and forever!

I promise to always listen to you.

I am constantly thinking about the kind of mother I want to be and the things that I want to do the same and differently from my parents.  One thing that I want to do different is listen to you.  My parents never really listened to me and they still don't.  I was so desperate for an adult to listen to me that I paid a therapist a lot of money for 3+ years to listen to me.  I do not and will not do you that injustice.  I always here for you babe!

I read magazines all the time about how listening makes you a good partner, friend and parent and I want to be not only good, but great at all of those roles especially being your mama, so go ahead continue to yack my ear off! I'm listening!!

Love you tonz and tonz!!


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