Friday, April 29, 2011
Home Sweet Home
Dear Maizy,
We found us a home to live in. YAY!!!! Since you were born we have been living in the upstairs of your Grandma Annette's house with Paul, your dad's brother, his girlfriend and her three children. It worked for us somewhat, ok who am I kidding, it's been awful!! We can't take it any longer, so we searched and found a place for us to make a home. We haven't really had a home since you were born. We are over-the-moon thrilled! We found it online yesterday, I went and looked at it on my lunch and by dinner time the landlord was handing over the keys.
The location is not ideal and the neighbor is a crazy cat lady, but the place has brand new carpet for you to crawl around on and it has lots of crawling room for you! We are going there tonight to clean and make the place all shiny, pack up Saturday and move in Sunday!!
You will have your own room that I can not wait to decorate!! And you will finally have your crib setup for you to play in because Lord knows you don't like to sleep! ; )
I am so excited to fill this home with love, positivity, happiness, smiles and fun - everything else the "other place" lacks - BIG TIME!! When you are older will tell you all about it and I always say to your father "thank God Maizy is too young to know what's going on in this house and thank God she will not remember it." Let's just say the place is corrupt.
Whew ok so you get the picture! In this new place of ours we will be closer to Grandma Shelly and she couldn't be happier!!!! I am happy too!
Another thing your father and I are SUPER excited about is to cook!!! I haven't cooked in almost a year and now we'll have kitchen of our own to utilize!! YAY!!! We joke about who's cooking you'll like more - mine or your dad's!
Last night after we got our keys to our new home we drove around the area (I swore to myself I would never live in Davis County) and we found that we are going to be really happy there. I am going to get online today and find the nearest parks and library, so we can frequent them this summer.
We found a cute little diner to eat at, Kitty and Pappas Steakhouse, it is an old diner and has been around for 64 years. I am sure we will find our fave places to go.
I love you and am SO excited for this new chapter of our life.
Love you Funny Girl!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
36 Weeks Old!!!
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L.O.V.E. this picture of you. You have the best profile and you're just SO happy! I'd like to think I have something to do with that! Love you! |
Dear Maizy,
You have been in this crazy world now for 36 weeks! I hope that you're enjoying it so far. I know that I am. It's so crazy when I think back on how small you were and how much you have grown, changed and learn.
You know SO much!
You know almost how to get out of your play pen, you know how to get out of your Bumbo, you know to ease yourself slowly down from things so you don't fall, you know what foods you like and don't like (there are more on the like list), you know how your toys work and what they do, you know your name, I think you know the word "no", but pretend that you don't! Ha ha ha!
You know how to rip out mama's hoop earrings out of my ear, you know your Grandma's and get happy when you see them, you know when it's bath time and get super excited and kick those little chubber legs of yours! You know when we're getting ready to go somewhere and you get all smiley for our adventure. You know when you've been in the car too long!
You know when it's story time and you sit in my lap so well and read books with me.
You know that mommy and daddy can't resist your smile and will always smile back at you! You know that I will give you whatever you want.
You know how to climb on things and make it more interesting and adventurous! You know that you hate having your diaper changed.
You know that your mommy and daddy love you very much and would do anything for you!
The point is I could go on and on about what you now know and you're only 36 weeks old! You are a very smart, happy, bright, energetic girl and I love you always and forever!
Thanks for being SO awesome!
I love that big heart of yours in such a little girl!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter, food and fun!!!!
Dear Maizy,
We had an AMAZING weekend. Friday night I got home and we just played, ate dinner and went to bed. Saturday we woke up and you and I met G-ma Shelly and Glen and Alexia down at Thanksgiving Point for the Easter Eggstreme festivities. It was such a cold and blustery day! You were SO cute. You wanted to get down and play so bad. When I was holding you, you were just kicking away wanting to get down and play! We walked around for a few and watched Alexia do the bounce house and such then we left pretty early.
We got home, got ready again and headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Donker's house. You got SPOILED!! You got really nice Easter cards from G-ma & G-pa and Aunt Laurie. G-ma and G-pa gave you a stuffed bunny that's really cute, a baby doll and a really cute outfit (that you already have, so we have to exchange it). Aunt Laurie gave you a really cool toy with sea animals on it that will help you learn your colors and such. We hung out there for a while and played. You were cracking us up because you were playing bubbles with your mouth and spit was flying everywhere. Then we went home and your father and I got ready to go out for a little date night. We took you to Grandma Annette's and she watched you. You two had a great time!
Sunday was Easter!! YAY!!! We woke up and got ready for the day and went to Grandma Annette's house. I decided not to get you all dressed in your Easter dress since you were going to be playing most of the day, but now I am regretting it a little since it's so stinkin' cute on you! But you still looked adorable of course. Once at Grandma's your dad made a yummy dinner for everyone while we played and played! You are such a doll! We played with Sienna and all her toys and we also played with your new walker/stroller that the Easter Bunny gave you. You also got spoiled at their house too! Grandma gave you the movie Tangled, Aunt Jenn and Aunt Deb gave you some adorable pajamas and these darling "big girl" sippy cups. You are SO much fun to watch play and explore new things!!! We ate the most delicious dinner EVER!! We were all stuffed so we all took a nap, it was great!! Then we went home and played then went to bed.
See our weekends go by way tooooooo fast!! We are moving next weekend and we couldn't be happier to get out of the place we're living!! We will have another celebration in our new place for sure. Your Aunt Brittany will also be here next week too and I know she can't wait to see you!
I just watch you and still am in shock sometimes that you're mine, all mine!! I just love and appreciate you SO much! Your age right now is a really fun one since you are more mobile and take yourself all over the place. I do feel bad though since you are hearing the word "no" a lot. You like to go play in the bathroom where you can fall and hit your head on the tile, toilet and tub! You are SO curious and like to go in areas that aren't safe for you!! So I feel bad, you must think that is the only word we know at the moment!!! Ha ha ha!!!
Thanks for a great weekend!!
Love you my sweet baby!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Easter pics and more!!!
Dear Maizy,
I finally got your Easter pictures. They are to DIE for!! You are SOOOOOO freaking cute. I sent Easter cards to 9 very lucky people and they all LOVE them and have said the nicest things upon receiving them. Everyone wants a copy and the package only came with so many and I need to get copies galore.
This weekend is Easter and I have been forewarned by Grandma Shelly that you are getting spoiled!! Oh no, but seriously, am I that surprised!?!? I think not.
So last night your Grandma offered to take you and go play at Great Grandma Donker's for the evening while your father and I had a date night. We kindly accepted the offer. Your father and I went to dinner and then met Grandpa Frank for a drink and then we came and got you.
While we sat and relaxed you played like crazy!! Both Grandma's LOVE you to pieces. They both get on the floor and play with you. You have TONZ of toys up there and you have a lil' keyboard on a stand that you stand up to and play. You get the biggest kick out of that thing, it's adorable! When we got there to pick you up you smiled so big for us and jammed on the keyboard like "look at me!" It was a precious moment for me. You are always SO happy.
We got home and you slept the entire night!! That's a rarity. I called the Grandma's this morning and said "You wore out my baby!!" They laughed and told me what a blast they had. Grandma Donker told me that you walked all along her coffee table, crawled across the floor to her, had you pick her up just so you could take her glasses off and play with them!! She said that cracked up them up! What a little determined girl you are!?! Love you, love you!
Well tomorrow we are going on an Easter egg hunt with Grandma Shelly and G-pa Glen and Chad, Kim and Alexia are supposed to be there as well. Then we are going up to Grandma Donker's then Sunday we are going to be at Grandma Annette's most of the day for dinner and such! What a fun filled weekend we have ahead!! And I get to spend it all with you!!
Thanks for being you!!
Love you!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Love you, love you!!
Dear Maizy,
We had a fantastic weekend together, as always. Friday I got home and we took it easy. Saturday we woke up, I bathed you and we got ready for our big day. Then after I bathed you, you found a cup of old coffee and spilled it on you!! BUMMER!! I wiped you off and off we went. We went to pick up Aunt JoLynne at her house. We went inside to get her and she gave you the most lovely handmade Easter basket. I was SO excited. I have been on the hunt for an Easter basket for you but a unique one that not every girl had and we got it! Then we got in the car. We made it out of her neighborhood then you started fussing. Aunt JoLynne offered to get in the back seat with you. We pulled over and I chauffeured the two of you up to Grandma Shelly's house. We got the and met my Aunt Tina and her girls there!! They LOVED you!! They were all about you. Playing with you, wanting to hold you, laughing and admiring your every move and sounds, it was awesome. They are wonderful, well mannered girls.
After a day of playing all day we went home and got ready for my friends wedding reception. We got you dressed in your darling Easter dress. You look BEAUTIFUL!!! Then we headed out the door to the reception. It was a nice night so the event was outside. Everyone commented on how darling you are and the bride couldn't wait to hold you! We ate some of the food and sad and people watched for a few. Then it started getting cold so we went and took our pictures in the photo booth they had there. Our pics turned out SO awesome - see attached.
Then we stopped by G-ma Annette's for a few and your cousin Sienna was entertaining you. She was running all over the kitchen and you were quite entertained watching her and wondering how and when you will be able yo run all crazy like too!! I love, love, love watching you and your curious eyes.
Then we went home and vegged. We have the house to ourselves this week and it has been truly A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
Sunday we woke up and just hung out. You were playing and then you started crying and your left eye was bugging you. You had obviously hurt it somehow but you weren't playing with a toy so we have nothing but your long nails to blame. Those dang things grow SO fast! So we got ready and went to Instacare to get your eye fixed. You were SOOOOOOO good and cooperative with the doctor and nurse. They commented on what a good baby you are! They put this drop in your eye, turned off the lights and then shined a black light on your eye and there it was, the blasted thing, we could see the cut on your eye! It was right by your pupil and it looked painful! My sweet baby. You were prescribed eye drops, so we picked those up and went home and enjoyed the rest of the day in peace and quiet. You were quite tired from your weekend so we just vegged! It was nice.
I love you SOOOO much!!
Friday, April 15, 2011
You're funny!!!
Dear Maizy,
"You're funniest!!" That is what I say to you all the time and what that means is your dad is funny, I am funnier and you are funniest. You seriously cracked us up all weekend and always.
Friday night I got home and went to G-ma Annette's and played with Sienna and Trevin was there too. They were SO cute with you! Trevin is 3 times your size, but he was gentle when you two would play.
We went home and went to bed. I woke up Saturday morning miserable with pink eye in both my eyes!! I went to Instacare and got meds so that you wouldn't get it. Then I got home and we went to Johanna's for breakfast. You were being as cute as ever. Then we had to run home for a few and while you and I were waiting for your dad in the car you were getting tired so I rocked your car seat and sang along to Jack and Diane on the radio and you fell asleep, it was an awesome moment for me.
After we went to Wal-Mart for a few things we came home and just took it easy the rest of the night. I had to wear my glasses and you thought it was SO funny to take them off of me and you would just laugh!! It was the cutest thing ever. You are just full of it.
You now walk along the tables, couches, reach up on the tables to grab stuff and are very, very mobile!!! I can't believe how fast you are!! You are learning and/or discovering something new each day!
Now you will hold on to the couch and will grab on to something else (the coffee table, a box, whatever) and will take a few steps to it.
Well now it's time for the weekend again - thank goodness!! It's been kind of a long week for mommy (I'm dieting). I am love our weekends and the adventures we take.
Love you!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
You Rock!!
Dear Maizy,
You are the coolest!!! And the Cutest!!! And the Funniest!!! I got home last night ready to take a nap, peaked in on you and was greeted by your huge beautiful blues and your gorgeous smile!! I was no longer tired. We played for a few, I had to make a few phone calls as I fed you which is always fun for me then we got ready and ran some errands. You are such a good baby! When we got home we made dinner. We had fish sticks and mac and cheese (kind of gross I know) but we gave you some fish and you LOVED it!! We couldn't feed you fast enough, it's really quite entertaining to watch you eat. You are a good little eater.
You are now able to feed yourself treats with your hands, crawl EVERY WHERE and hold onto things and pull yourself up to a standing position. You rock!! It's impressive just to watch you do all of this and improve your skills everyday. Now while changing your diaper you get up in the middle of the process and crawl away. A diaper change now takes more time You have days where you talk a ton and then others where you're quiet and just taking it all in. I just can't get over how much you know and are continually learning. You always seem to crawl into areas your not supposed to - under tables where you can bonk your head and corners where there's electrical outlets. You give me kisses with your tongue sticking out and it's quite slobbery but most definitely my favorite!!! It's SUPER adorable. You smile a ton and even act shy now when meeting new people. You'll bury your head in my chest, it's cute. You're little but your personality is big!
We are moving from "The Gunn" house to an apartment at the beginning of May and I CAN NOT wait!!! Where we live now is super crazy and pretty much awful. Our living space is cute and comfortable and I love our big bedroom, but this move is going to benefit us in SO many ways. You will have a yard, a cute decorated room with your crib all setup, a kitchen of our own, peace and quiet and no more negative tension in the air form the people living below. You don't feel this and won't even remember - thank God! But we want better for you. Plus I feel bad because on the weekends we just go, go, go because I can't stand to be there!! Anyway, I am just anxious and counting down the days.
Love you!!!! Tonz and Tonz!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Your mama is old!!
Dear Maizy,
Today is my 30th birthday!!! I know, I know! I am OLD!! Well I don't feel that old and certainly don't act it (see pic above). I am trying to embrace the 3 and the 0 but it's not working, not yet anyway.
Today's birthday makes me think of a past conversation I had. I had a co-worker and he and I were talking about the number that we give women. You know, like from 0 to 10, and 10 being the best for looks and personality. He was a good guy, with an even better wife and four little kids. I asked what he gave his wife and he said a "7"!!! I was appalled. I thought he should have given her a 10 or definitely a 9. I told him that I was disappointed in him. He came back the next day and told me that he told his wife about our conversation and the number that he gave her, she responded by saying, "A '7', really!?!?! Thank you!!! That is great, it just means that I have room to grow and better myself."
Well I think about my number but in ages and 30 means I still have room to grow, improve, get wiser, smarter and just better! We're like fine wines, we get better with age. I like who I am but there are areas I would like to grow and improve in. I don't think we ever stop doing that.
I am thankful that I was 29 years old when I had you and not a day younger. I just know myself better, feel wiser and am in a great place in my life.
This morning before I left for work I thanked you for letting me be your mommy and for being the best present I've EVER received. I am thankful everyday for you. This is going to be the best birthday yet because it's the first one being your mommy!!
Today I had to work - that's what birthdays are about when you're old!! But you and your dad made my day by coming to have lunch with me!! We went to El Paisa Grill by my work. Your father and I shared nachos while you ate refried beans that you weren't too fond of! When you two came into my work to get me and meet a few people. You didn't smile once! But when I returned from lunch everyone told me how cute you are and that they can tell your daddy is head over heels in love with you - couldn't be more true!!
This has been a great day regardless of the fact that I am no longer in my twenties and that I had to work. You two made it even better. Tonight your father and I are going out for drinks and sushi while the Grandma's (G-G-ma Donker & G-ma Shelly) watch you. They couldn't be more excited!!!
The plan is to go to dinner early so I can come home and hang a good part of the evening with you too!!
Love you!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Pretty in Pink
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This is just a preview of your Easter pics. I got this off their website. More to come soon!!! |
Dear Maizy,
What a fun weekend we had!?!?! Thank you!! After I got off work Friday we met Grandma Shelly for dinner at the China House in Draper. Your dad had you dressed SO cute!! You were in a great mood. We got our food and fed you rice and shrimp - you LOVED the shrimp! We had a great dinner. At one point your dad was holding you, you were getting a little fussy and you grabbed his bowl of soup and spilled it all over the two of you!!! You started screaming and my first thought was that the soup was hot but luckily it wasn't!! You and your dad smelled like soy sauce the rest of the night!! And it was all over your new, cute outfit but you still remained super adorable!!!
Saturday morning we woke up and got all ready for your Easter pics. I gave you a bath and got you dressed. We arrived to the photography place and everyone commented on how beautiful you are and how darling your dress was!! You were in a great mood! Smiling and giggling! Then we walked into the studio and you were straight faced!! Ha ha ha!! Not too surprised - you seem to do that when a camera is in your face. There was a live bunny sitting next to you and it took you a minute to even notice his presence then once you did you grabbed his ear and poked his eye!! Poor guy! Then they took the bunny and put a duck in the picture. You decided to ring his neck!! I started screaming, but it really was quite adorable - I ended up buying the pic with you doing that. You're such a brave little one. I wouldn't touch a duck if you paid me. Your dad had to pry your fingers from the neck of the duck!! Ha ha ha!!! But they still trusted you because the next shoot they put a duck, chick and bunnies next to you. I can't wait to get the pics back! They are going to be SO freakin' adorable!!! The one above was on the photography website that I copied!!
Since you refused to smile I did my silly noise I make that makes you laugh - its works 60% of the time every time!! Everyone was laughing because it really is quite silly. After the pics we went to lunch with Chad, Kim, Alexia and Bridger and your dad went to babysit Sienna. We went to Joe's Crabshack. You ate some fries and juice. You had a great time looking around and watching the kids.
You are such an absolute joy! Then your dad picked us up from the restaurant and we dropped you and Sienna off with Aunt Jen, Aunt Deb and Grandma Annette and they watched you while we went out with Grandpa Frank.
Sunday we just hung out in bed for a while, played and wrestled around. You do this really cute growling sound and give kisses with your tongue - SO cute!! Then you and I got ready and went up to Grandma Donker's to hang out with Bridger and celebrate his birthday. The day was mostly about you. We were all watching you and getting the biggest kick out of the things you do. You now grab hold of things and stand up next to them. You are such a big girl and I miss you like crazy when I am away from you!!!
Grandma's was fun, but it was nice to be back home and relax with Daddy too!!! We have the best baby in the whole world and I believe you have the best mommy and daddy!! We are a great little family.
Thanks again for a wonderful, wonderful weekend!!! Thanks for being you!!!
Love You!
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