Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love you, love you!!

Dear Maizy,

We had a fantastic weekend together, as always.  Friday I got home and we took it easy.  Saturday we woke up, I bathed you and we got ready for our big day.  Then after I bathed you, you found a cup of old coffee and spilled it on you!! BUMMER!!  I wiped you off and off we went.  We went to pick up Aunt JoLynne at her house.  We went inside to get her and she gave you the most lovely handmade Easter basket.  I was SO excited.  I have been on the hunt for an Easter basket for you but a unique one that not every girl had and we got it!  Then we got in the car.  We made it out of her neighborhood then you started fussing.  Aunt JoLynne offered to get in the back seat with you.  We pulled over and I chauffeured the two of you up to Grandma Shelly's house.  We got the and met my Aunt Tina and her girls there!!  They LOVED you!!  They were all about you.  Playing with you, wanting to hold you, laughing and admiring your every move and sounds, it was awesome.  They are wonderful, well mannered girls.

After a day of playing all day we went home and got ready for my friends wedding reception.  We got you dressed in your darling Easter dress.  You look BEAUTIFUL!!!  Then we headed out the door to the reception.  It was a nice night so the event was outside.  Everyone commented on how darling you are and the bride couldn't wait to hold you!  We ate some of the food and sad and people watched for a few.  Then it started getting cold so we went and took our pictures in the photo booth they had there.  Our pics turned out SO awesome - see attached.

Then we stopped by G-ma Annette's for a few and your cousin Sienna was entertaining you.  She was running all over the kitchen and you were quite entertained watching her and wondering how and when you will be able yo run all crazy like too!! I love, love, love watching you and your curious eyes.

Then we went home and vegged. We have the house to ourselves this week and it has been truly A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Sunday we woke up and just hung out.  You were playing and then you started crying and your left eye was bugging you. You had obviously hurt it somehow but you weren't playing with a toy so we have nothing but your long nails to blame.  Those dang things grow SO fast! So we got ready and went to Instacare to get your eye fixed.  You were SOOOOOOO good and cooperative with the doctor and nurse.  They commented on what a good baby you are!  They put this drop in your eye, turned off the lights and then shined a black light on your eye and there it was, the blasted thing, we could see the cut on your eye! It was right by your pupil and it looked painful!  My sweet baby.  You were prescribed eye drops, so we picked those up and went home and enjoyed the rest of the day in peace and quiet.  You were quite tired from your weekend so we just vegged! It was nice.

I love you SOOOO much!!


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