Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fun Girl

Dear Maizy,

You are my little smiley girl!  You are always smiling, laughing, looking for ways to make others laugh and just all around happy.

We had a fabulous weekend of being together, laughing, playing, going on an adventure, seeing family at a birthday party and doing puzzles!  You are really into puzzles right now and you are a pro at them!  I can't get enough of watching you concentrate - seeing that brain of yours work hard as you put puzzles together.  You are Ah-Mazing!


Saturday on our adventure.  I was craving a Nut Roll and apparently so were you!
Gorgeous girl!  You first thing Sunday morning. 

Mommy's breakfast!  Nothing beats homemade tomato juice!
This is where I found you chillin' on Sunday morning!
Where's Maizy?
Just relaxin' putting on your lip gloss!

You and Megan playing. 
Megan was playing quietly by herself until you snatched the watering can from her.  I hurried  inside the house to find you something else to play with, so Grandma Shelly gave me a plastic container that goes to her iron - hey it worked!  You happily obliged and gave the watering can back to Megan.  that girl didn't say a peep!  But you two were sure cute together. 
Toddlers gone wild! 


Karis - she just adores you and was being a little mommy to you most of the day. 
Grandma Shelly's infamous cupcakes. Yum!
Blake making a wish!
On our way home.  My little "angel baby".
Sweet as can be!
Evidence of a good day well spent. 
Thanks for an amazing weekend babe!  I love and cherish every minute we spend together.  

Love you!


Your Very Proud Mommy

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