Dear Maizy,
I was reading another blog and she said that she heard from Dr. Phil the most powerful role model in a child's life is the same gender parent.
Um, that's me. Yikes!
This is not rocket science of course, but it was a great reminder that I need to be the best role model I can be. Am I the best? No, not yet, but I want to be. You make me want to be a better person and that is a good start right there. I can teach you the best I know how. You can learn from my mistakes and life experiences, but there are things you are still going to do on your own regardless of what I say. My parents used to lecture/talk to me and I thought they were so lame and didn't know a thing. I was wrong and right. They knew stuff, but being parents they didn't know a lot about. My parents were kids thenselves when they had me. That's neither here nor there right now, but something I will talk about another day.
Here are the things I so badly want for you:
To have the know how to make the best decisions for you and only you.
To be confident.
To always stand up for yourself.
To know that you are going to college and won't stop until you have your degree.
To know that your peers in high school aren't important and definitely won't be later in life. You are what's important.
To know that you are SO beautiful inside and out. Seriously!
To know that boys don't matter and really won't matter until they are men - with college degrees, are productive members of society, have a fabulous paying job and don't live with their parents. Until they have all of these tihngs they don't deserve your time.
To know that I am on your side and want the best for you.
To have self esteem and great self esteem for that matter.
To know the sky is the limit in what you can do with your life.
To know that you can never learn too much.
To know that I love and care for you more than anything or anyone in the world.
I love you!!
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