Dear Maizy,
One night when Aunt Jennifer was working she offered for us to go to her hospital and play on the ultrasound machine so we could get a peak at your sibling. We got there kind of late since Aunt Jenn didn't get to work until 7ish anyway. We got there and wouldn't you know it three women came in to have babies, so Aunt Jenn couldn't play with us, but she was able to wheel in the ultrasound machine into our room to play with.
We had the best time looking at the baby, it was moving like crazy but I still wasn't able to feel it. you had a blast doing the ultrasound too! You always say and reminded us "I'm a great doctor!"
You are sure this baby is a boy! You have been calling him your brother from day 1.
I know you'll continue to be the best big sister EVER!! Your sibling is a lucky little person.
It was getting late and you were getting tired, so we didn't stay too long.
Thanks for being such an amazing little girl and blessing me as your mom!
I love you!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Big Girl Bed
Dear Maizy,
Bed time has been an issue in our household for a long time and especially since the time you could climb out of your crib.
You are a night owl and fight tooth and nail falling asleep. Well we were going to get you a big bed but with our Hawaii vacation coming up I decided to put it on hold for now, so we transformed your bed into a "big girl bed" just for you!!
Daddy sleeps in there most nights with you for a couple of reasons. 1) The heater vent is right there so he stays warm all night. 2) You will stay in your bed all night rather than come climb into ours.
I have never been a fan of your sleeping habits and was getting quite worried. I especially got worried when one morning you woke up with dark circles and bags under your eyes! Aaaahhhh!! I called your awesome doctor. She recommended melatonin. That stuff works pretty well. We give you your "tummy medicine", as we call it, at night. You are great about taking it since it tastes good. It takes about 30 minutes to hit you then it makes you act kind of drunk. I love it though because some nights you will fall asleep while I am rocking you in the rocking chair and holding you. Then we put you in your won bed but it's not too long before you come and climb into bed with us. This bed time thing has been the most challenging thing with you - other than that you are a breeze so I guess I kind of don't mind. Sleep is for the birds! Plus I feel like I can sympathize. I was a night owl growing up and your father and I are definitely ones on the weekend.
I love you my sweet girl!
Bed time has been an issue in our household for a long time and especially since the time you could climb out of your crib.
You are a night owl and fight tooth and nail falling asleep. Well we were going to get you a big bed but with our Hawaii vacation coming up I decided to put it on hold for now, so we transformed your bed into a "big girl bed" just for you!!
Daddy sleeps in there most nights with you for a couple of reasons. 1) The heater vent is right there so he stays warm all night. 2) You will stay in your bed all night rather than come climb into ours.
I have never been a fan of your sleeping habits and was getting quite worried. I especially got worried when one morning you woke up with dark circles and bags under your eyes! Aaaahhhh!! I called your awesome doctor. She recommended melatonin. That stuff works pretty well. We give you your "tummy medicine", as we call it, at night. You are great about taking it since it tastes good. It takes about 30 minutes to hit you then it makes you act kind of drunk. I love it though because some nights you will fall asleep while I am rocking you in the rocking chair and holding you. Then we put you in your won bed but it's not too long before you come and climb into bed with us. This bed time thing has been the most challenging thing with you - other than that you are a breeze so I guess I kind of don't mind. Sleep is for the birds! Plus I feel like I can sympathize. I was a night owl growing up and your father and I are definitely ones on the weekend.
I love you my sweet girl!
Winter Time Fun
Dear Maizy,
This has been a long, super cold winter for all of us. You ask if we can go to the park all the time. I get it - you just want to be outside. Well it's been really cold and quite miserable. Well the Sunday after our weekend at the hotel it was actually quite sunny and I was feeling pretty good, so we got in the car with nowhere to go. I love when we do this. We got on the highway and headed north. I drove and sometimes I really despise driving because I can't sight see - well I can but it's not safe.
Anyway, we were up near Ogden and see saw a park that looked nice so we got off the highway trying to find it and we found something even cooler. We came across a dinosaur park, it was closed, but there was a walking trail around it and a beautiful river, so we got out of the car and walked around. It felt tremendous to just be out, in the sun and to be walking.
This has been a long, super cold winter for all of us. You ask if we can go to the park all the time. I get it - you just want to be outside. Well it's been really cold and quite miserable. Well the Sunday after our weekend at the hotel it was actually quite sunny and I was feeling pretty good, so we got in the car with nowhere to go. I love when we do this. We got on the highway and headed north. I drove and sometimes I really despise driving because I can't sight see - well I can but it's not safe.
Anyway, we were up near Ogden and see saw a park that looked nice so we got off the highway trying to find it and we found something even cooler. We came across a dinosaur park, it was closed, but there was a walking trail around it and a beautiful river, so we got out of the car and walked around. It felt tremendous to just be out, in the sun and to be walking.
After hanging out of the sun roof for a minute you were anxious to hit the pavement. We had a blast making snowballs, throwing them at each other, kicking the snowballs, throwing snow into the river, looking through the fence into the dinosaur park, chasing each other, getting a closer look into the river and just being together. We were all permagrin.
After working up an appetite we went over to the gift shop and restaurant across the way to see what it was all about. The gift shop was pretty neat. The cashier LOVED you! She picked you up and carried you around the store showing you everything. We ended up buying you a pink rock that you wanted to go throw in the river. Then we went and ate in the Greenery Room (I think that's what it's called). The food was pretty tasty. While we were there an elderly man walking in to sit at a table near us winked at you, you got shy so you turned into me then he got right up behind you and started talking, you turned around and hit him square in the nose. Aaaaahhh!! I didn't know what to do. I was proud of you for doing what you did and protecting your own space. I just wasn't sure if I should apologize but he was in the wrong. Gosh girl! You have the reflexes of a cat!! This always happens to you and especially with old people. They always get right up in your face.
We left shortly after that and got back in the car and headed home, not before stopping at the store and getting drinks and treats for the ride back.
Thanks for a wonderful, wonderful day! It felt superb getting out and walking around and even though it was cold the sunshine was nice!!
Never a dull moment with my sweet girl!
We love you SO much!
Mommy's Lil' Artist
Dear Maizy,
Since we had such a fast paced weekend at the hotel you were still in go, go, go mode. You relaxed for a few then you were ready to be entertained again, so we got out the new finger paints you got for Valentine's Day.
You truly are a great artist.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Valentine's Weekend
Dear Maizy,
We had a fun filled Valentine's/Daddy's Birthday weekend!! Grandma Shelly got us a room at the Staybridge Suites for 2 nights!! We chose to stay at this hotel because they have an awesome indoor swimming pool and you have been asking to go swimming AND they also have a kitchen in the room. Nice! That way we can stick with our Valentine's tradition of a steak and lobster dinner. YUM!!
Our festivities began on Friday February 15th. I came home from work a few hours early, daddy dropped you and I off at the hospital for my doctor's appointment while he went grocery shopping for the weekend. Grandma Shelly met us at the hospital, so she could entertain you during my appointment. My appointment was brief. Then us girls went up to Grandma Donker's to exchange our Valentine's gifts and holy crap did you get spoiled!!! I felt totally inadequate giving the Grandma's a nice bracelet and Aunt Laurie a DVD when in return we got money, gift cards, you got outfits, candy, a princess tent, toys, books and movies. Valentine's should truly not be this way. After a few hours of being at Grandma's and playing daddy came and picked us up and to the hotel we went. Woo hoo!!
We checked in, jumped on the bed and got you ready for some swimming action. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't swim but I watched you and daddy. We decided to get you arm floaties instead of your life jacket and it was the right thing to do. You are an Ah-Mazing swimmer! Seriously!! You are really good at listening to daddy and doing what he says - kick your legs, paddle your arms, don't drink the water and even taught you how to float on your back. The only thing that makes me nervous is you have no fear! Yikes! But you are a smart girl and know what to do. I really want you to have swimming lessons this summer. Dad insists on teaching you. I know he's a great teacher, but learning from someone that is certified to teach lessons can't be a bad thing, so I guess we'll see.
You and daddy swam for a little while, then came back to the room where you played in the tub and got all clean. The chlorine in the pool was strong!! I could barely breathe just watching you guys. I forgot to bring any bath toys, so you played with some new bowls that mommy and daddy gave your for Valentine's Day. Anyway, after your bath we ate a late dinner of daddies yummy sandwiches - we were saving our fancy dinner for the next night.
After dinner we watched cartoons. You asked if you could stand in the drawer to watch t.v. I said no, but daddy said yes. I was overruled.
We slept in a little bit Saturday morning. You and daddy went and got breakfast at the hotel's breakfast buffet. We just lounged around, then Grandma Shelly came and brought us lunch then we all walked down to the pool to watch you swim. I packed a swimsuit for myself but it was too big and uncomfortable, so I couldn't and didn't really want to swim but wanted to swim with you - I was torn, so I didn't.
After swimming we all came back to the room and crashed, it was nice! We slept for like 3 hours. We woke up and dad started cooking our yummy dinner. Our room got really smoky so we had to open all the windows and we undid the fire detectors because we were afraid they were going to go off. Our room smelled divine!!! We imagined the neighbors and anyone that passed by in the hall were drooling!
Look at this yummy, yummy dinner!
Dinner was SO good. You liked the steak "bacon", but you weren't a fan of the lobster. We also had really yummy rolls, salad and ice creams from the hotel gift shop for dinner! We had a fabulous dinner and weekend.
Checking out of a hotel is always crazy and stressful and kind of sad that the party's over. Well we packed up and headed home, it was nice to be home again.
We all just relaxed and took it easy to get ready for our crazy week ahead. Check you and dad out relaxing!
Thanks for a very memorable and fun weekend!
Love you with all my heart!
We had a fun filled Valentine's/Daddy's Birthday weekend!! Grandma Shelly got us a room at the Staybridge Suites for 2 nights!! We chose to stay at this hotel because they have an awesome indoor swimming pool and you have been asking to go swimming AND they also have a kitchen in the room. Nice! That way we can stick with our Valentine's tradition of a steak and lobster dinner. YUM!!
Our festivities began on Friday February 15th. I came home from work a few hours early, daddy dropped you and I off at the hospital for my doctor's appointment while he went grocery shopping for the weekend. Grandma Shelly met us at the hospital, so she could entertain you during my appointment. My appointment was brief. Then us girls went up to Grandma Donker's to exchange our Valentine's gifts and holy crap did you get spoiled!!! I felt totally inadequate giving the Grandma's a nice bracelet and Aunt Laurie a DVD when in return we got money, gift cards, you got outfits, candy, a princess tent, toys, books and movies. Valentine's should truly not be this way. After a few hours of being at Grandma's and playing daddy came and picked us up and to the hotel we went. Woo hoo!!
We checked in, jumped on the bed and got you ready for some swimming action. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't swim but I watched you and daddy. We decided to get you arm floaties instead of your life jacket and it was the right thing to do. You are an Ah-Mazing swimmer! Seriously!! You are really good at listening to daddy and doing what he says - kick your legs, paddle your arms, don't drink the water and even taught you how to float on your back. The only thing that makes me nervous is you have no fear! Yikes! But you are a smart girl and know what to do. I really want you to have swimming lessons this summer. Dad insists on teaching you. I know he's a great teacher, but learning from someone that is certified to teach lessons can't be a bad thing, so I guess we'll see.
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Look at you! You got your floaties on and you were off! |
You and daddy swam for a little while, then came back to the room where you played in the tub and got all clean. The chlorine in the pool was strong!! I could barely breathe just watching you guys. I forgot to bring any bath toys, so you played with some new bowls that mommy and daddy gave your for Valentine's Day. Anyway, after your bath we ate a late dinner of daddies yummy sandwiches - we were saving our fancy dinner for the next night.
After dinner we watched cartoons. You asked if you could stand in the drawer to watch t.v. I said no, but daddy said yes. I was overruled.
We slept in a little bit Saturday morning. You and daddy went and got breakfast at the hotel's breakfast buffet. We just lounged around, then Grandma Shelly came and brought us lunch then we all walked down to the pool to watch you swim. I packed a swimsuit for myself but it was too big and uncomfortable, so I couldn't and didn't really want to swim but wanted to swim with you - I was torn, so I didn't.
After swimming we all came back to the room and crashed, it was nice! We slept for like 3 hours. We woke up and dad started cooking our yummy dinner. Our room got really smoky so we had to open all the windows and we undid the fire detectors because we were afraid they were going to go off. Our room smelled divine!!! We imagined the neighbors and anyone that passed by in the hall were drooling!
Look at this yummy, yummy dinner!
Dinner was SO good. You liked the steak "bacon", but you weren't a fan of the lobster. We also had really yummy rolls, salad and ice creams from the hotel gift shop for dinner! We had a fabulous dinner and weekend.
Checking out of a hotel is always crazy and stressful and kind of sad that the party's over. Well we packed up and headed home, it was nice to be home again.
We all just relaxed and took it easy to get ready for our crazy week ahead. Check you and dad out relaxing!
Thanks for a very memorable and fun weekend!
Love you with all my heart!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Bathtub Artist
Dear Maizy,
You love bath time as much as the next kid. I actually love it too. I will sit by the tub and listen to you play and pretend while I read a magazine or sometimes you want me to play so I will. We will line up your toys on the side of the tub and take turns flipping them into the water, or you will make up some pretend scenario and such. I will wash your back and then we wash your hair and that is usually a struggle.
Well I saw these cute crayons for tub time and you have had a BLAST with them. I think they are great and of good quality too AND oh my heck are you quite the artist. Even mommy and daddy have indulged in some good tub art and leaving each other messages.
I should have taken a picture of one of your drawings before it got washed away. I asked you what it was and it looked just like you described - a car, with windows and people in it. You are awesome babe!
Check you out!!
Now when you want to take a bath you say "I want to take a bath!" As you strip and leave all your clothes and diaper strewn about the house leading up to the tub.
We are working on potty training and you are quite the little rockstar. You usually tell me when you have to go so I will take you up to the potty and then you wash your hands as your reward - you LOVE washing your hands and playing in the water. Anytime you ask to wash your hands I make you go potty first, it's working pretty well. I haven't pushed you quite yet, but when it gets closer to your sibling's arrival the pressure is on! ; )
I love you SO much! And your creative mind blows me away!
Love you!
You love bath time as much as the next kid. I actually love it too. I will sit by the tub and listen to you play and pretend while I read a magazine or sometimes you want me to play so I will. We will line up your toys on the side of the tub and take turns flipping them into the water, or you will make up some pretend scenario and such. I will wash your back and then we wash your hair and that is usually a struggle.
Well I saw these cute crayons for tub time and you have had a BLAST with them. I think they are great and of good quality too AND oh my heck are you quite the artist. Even mommy and daddy have indulged in some good tub art and leaving each other messages.
I should have taken a picture of one of your drawings before it got washed away. I asked you what it was and it looked just like you described - a car, with windows and people in it. You are awesome babe!
Check you out!!
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Besides your amazing art I do have to say you have the most adorable little bum! |
Now when you want to take a bath you say "I want to take a bath!" As you strip and leave all your clothes and diaper strewn about the house leading up to the tub.
We are working on potty training and you are quite the little rockstar. You usually tell me when you have to go so I will take you up to the potty and then you wash your hands as your reward - you LOVE washing your hands and playing in the water. Anytime you ask to wash your hands I make you go potty first, it's working pretty well. I haven't pushed you quite yet, but when it gets closer to your sibling's arrival the pressure is on! ; )
I love you SO much! And your creative mind blows me away!
Love you!
Dear Maizy,
We bought a case of paper towels from Costco and you were all about the package - you stacked it on top of the case of toilet paper, climbed up and jumped off of it, put it by the couch and jumped to and from the couch and recliner. You were having a great time. Well I left the case in the living room since you were having so much fun, then you got bored with that and decided to take the paper towels out of the big package. You called them your blocks and was all about stacking them. You were having a great time. Then you got dad in on the action.
You and dad would make a "big tower" then you would kick it down and got the biggest kick out of doing this. You and dad did this for about an hour, it was entertaining to watch you two be a little team.
Then I was trying to explain to Grandma Shelly that you don't need every latest and newest toy. This case of paper towels entertained you for most of an afternoon and we had a blast. I am really struggling with your grandma's ALL.THE.TIME. They disregard my requests of not buying you EVERYTHING, it's not that I don't want the best things for you but these are just things! I want you to have the best care, highest quality of food, effective discipline, a clean home and happy and healthy parents and for you to remain healthy. It's just hard when your grandma's are such a huge part of your life but are doing things their way - not ours. Your dad and I rarely argue but when we do it's usually involves one of the grandma's. It can all be very exhausting. This topic deserves it's own post! Ha ha!
Anyway, I love and cherish the moments we are together as a family, creating and laughing together. The other night daddy was working and it was just you and I home. We had the radio on, you were busy dancing in the living room and it brought tears of joy to my eyes. This, right now, is the best moment of my life. I couldn't be happier. I get on my soapbox and wish we had more money, nicer cars, a bigger home but then it's moment like these where I hear your laugh and see your smile and realize nothing else matters. Just like you I don't need things either. I am happy the way things are and we can only go up from here babe! Thanks for always teaching me life lessons and reminding me to be the best I can be. I love you so much and cherish each and every moment we spend together.
Love you!!
We bought a case of paper towels from Costco and you were all about the package - you stacked it on top of the case of toilet paper, climbed up and jumped off of it, put it by the couch and jumped to and from the couch and recliner. You were having a great time. Well I left the case in the living room since you were having so much fun, then you got bored with that and decided to take the paper towels out of the big package. You called them your blocks and was all about stacking them. You were having a great time. Then you got dad in on the action.
You and dad would make a "big tower" then you would kick it down and got the biggest kick out of doing this. You and dad did this for about an hour, it was entertaining to watch you two be a little team.
Then I was trying to explain to Grandma Shelly that you don't need every latest and newest toy. This case of paper towels entertained you for most of an afternoon and we had a blast. I am really struggling with your grandma's ALL.THE.TIME. They disregard my requests of not buying you EVERYTHING, it's not that I don't want the best things for you but these are just things! I want you to have the best care, highest quality of food, effective discipline, a clean home and happy and healthy parents and for you to remain healthy. It's just hard when your grandma's are such a huge part of your life but are doing things their way - not ours. Your dad and I rarely argue but when we do it's usually involves one of the grandma's. It can all be very exhausting. This topic deserves it's own post! Ha ha!
Anyway, I love and cherish the moments we are together as a family, creating and laughing together. The other night daddy was working and it was just you and I home. We had the radio on, you were busy dancing in the living room and it brought tears of joy to my eyes. This, right now, is the best moment of my life. I couldn't be happier. I get on my soapbox and wish we had more money, nicer cars, a bigger home but then it's moment like these where I hear your laugh and see your smile and realize nothing else matters. Just like you I don't need things either. I am happy the way things are and we can only go up from here babe! Thanks for always teaching me life lessons and reminding me to be the best I can be. I love you so much and cherish each and every moment we spend together.
Love you!!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Cutest Girl!!
Dear Maizy,
You are seriously the cutest, funniest and smartest little girl! Daddy was working so it was just you and me home. We were having a great day. You put on your cute little princess backpack and told me that you "were going to school mom." That little statement hit me hard. You looked so grown up but still so small at that moment and it hit me that there will be a day when you will go to school. Sad!
I know you will love school when the time comes but with school crap like drama and bullying can enter our lives. You are such a beautiful and sweet girl that I know that girls that aren't as fortunate as you are going to try and bring you down and I know it starts at a younger age than we'd all like to imagine. Ugh! Ok I am done being a "Debbie Downer", so let's get back to the cute stuff- you!
Anyway, so you had your backpack on and was walking around it all afternoon, you even had it on while in your highchair eating lunch - that was quite comical. I asked if you wanted to take it off while you ate and you said "no".
I checked your backpack to see what you had in there and you had a few random toys and even some plastic food from your play kitchen. Too cute!
You are seriously the cutest, funniest and smartest little girl! Daddy was working so it was just you and me home. We were having a great day. You put on your cute little princess backpack and told me that you "were going to school mom." That little statement hit me hard. You looked so grown up but still so small at that moment and it hit me that there will be a day when you will go to school. Sad!
I know you will love school when the time comes but with school crap like drama and bullying can enter our lives. You are such a beautiful and sweet girl that I know that girls that aren't as fortunate as you are going to try and bring you down and I know it starts at a younger age than we'd all like to imagine. Ugh! Ok I am done being a "Debbie Downer", so let's get back to the cute stuff- you!
Anyway, so you had your backpack on and was walking around it all afternoon, you even had it on while in your highchair eating lunch - that was quite comical. I asked if you wanted to take it off while you ate and you said "no".
I checked your backpack to see what you had in there and you had a few random toys and even some plastic food from your play kitchen. Too cute!
I am LOVING your age right now. You say and do the funniest, cutest things. You blow me away on a daily basis on how smart you are. Your imagination is out of this world!! You are so great at pretending and imagining things. You love to dance and at any sound of music - in the car or on a commercial you start bouncing around. Girl you got rhythm!!
Later this same day we went out to eat. There was a HUGE blizzard but we were craving Red Iguana, so we braved the storm and made it there safely. You were overly tired when we arrived since we had to wake you up from a brief nap. Our cute cousin Misty was our server. I ordered a drink that came with a cherry on top, I gave you the cherry even though they are my all time fave, and that made you crave more. We asked Misty for more cherries and boy did she deliver!
You make me so proud to be your mama!
Thank you for being you!
Love you!
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