You are seriously the cutest, funniest and smartest little girl! Daddy was working so it was just you and me home. We were having a great day. You put on your cute little princess backpack and told me that you "were going to school mom." That little statement hit me hard. You looked so grown up but still so small at that moment and it hit me that there will be a day when you will go to school. Sad!
I know you will love school when the time comes but with school crap like drama and bullying can enter our lives. You are such a beautiful and sweet girl that I know that girls that aren't as fortunate as you are going to try and bring you down and I know it starts at a younger age than we'd all like to imagine. Ugh! Ok I am done being a "Debbie Downer", so let's get back to the cute stuff- you!
Anyway, so you had your backpack on and was walking around it all afternoon, you even had it on while in your highchair eating lunch - that was quite comical. I asked if you wanted to take it off while you ate and you said "no".
I checked your backpack to see what you had in there and you had a few random toys and even some plastic food from your play kitchen. Too cute!
I am LOVING your age right now. You say and do the funniest, cutest things. You blow me away on a daily basis on how smart you are. Your imagination is out of this world!! You are so great at pretending and imagining things. You love to dance and at any sound of music - in the car or on a commercial you start bouncing around. Girl you got rhythm!!
Later this same day we went out to eat. There was a HUGE blizzard but we were craving Red Iguana, so we braved the storm and made it there safely. You were overly tired when we arrived since we had to wake you up from a brief nap. Our cute cousin Misty was our server. I ordered a drink that came with a cherry on top, I gave you the cherry even though they are my all time fave, and that made you crave more. We asked Misty for more cherries and boy did she deliver!
You make me so proud to be your mama!
Thank you for being you!
Love you!
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