Monday, March 25, 2013


Dear Maizy,

One night when Aunt Jennifer was working she offered for us to go to her hospital and play on the ultrasound machine so we could get a peak at your sibling.  We got there kind of late since Aunt Jenn didn't get to work until 7ish anyway.  We got there and wouldn't you know it three women came in to have babies, so Aunt Jenn couldn't play with us, but she was able to wheel in the ultrasound machine into our room to play with.  

We had the best time looking at the baby, it was moving like crazy but I still wasn't able to feel it.    you had a blast doing the ultrasound too!  You always say and reminded us "I'm a great doctor!"

You are sure this baby is a boy!  You have been calling him your brother from day 1.  

I know you'll continue to be the best big sister EVER!!  Your sibling is a lucky little person.

It was getting late and you were getting tired, so we didn't stay too long.

Thanks for being such an amazing little girl and blessing me as your mom!

I love you!


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