Friday, March 8, 2013


Dear Maizy,

We bought a case of paper towels from Costco and you were all about the package - you stacked it on top of the case of toilet paper, climbed up and jumped off of it, put it by the couch and jumped to and from the couch and recliner.  You were having a great time.  Well I left the case in the living room since you were having so much fun, then you got bored with that and decided to take the paper towels out of the big package.  You called them your blocks and was all about stacking them.  You were having a great time.  Then you got dad in on the action.  

You and dad would make a "big tower" then you would kick it down and got the biggest kick out of doing this. You and dad did this for about an hour, it was entertaining to watch you two be a little team.  

Then I was trying to explain to Grandma Shelly that you don't need every latest and newest toy.  This case of paper towels entertained you for most of an afternoon and we had a blast. I am really struggling with your grandma's ALL.THE.TIME.  They disregard my requests of not buying you EVERYTHING, it's not that I don't want the best things for you but these are just things!  I want you to have the best care, highest quality of food, effective discipline, a clean home and happy and healthy parents and for you to remain healthy. It's just hard when your grandma's are such a huge part of your life but are doing things their way - not ours.  Your dad and I rarely argue but when we do it's usually involves one of the grandma's.  It can all be very exhausting.  This topic deserves it's own post!  Ha ha!

Anyway, I love and cherish the moments we are together as a family, creating and laughing together.   The other night daddy was working and it was just you and I home.  We had the radio on, you were busy dancing in the living room and it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  This, right now, is the best moment of my life.  I couldn't be happier.  I get on my soapbox and wish we had more money, nicer cars, a bigger home but then it's moment like these where I hear your laugh and see your smile and realize nothing else matters.  Just like you I don't need things either.  I am happy the way things are and we can only go up from here babe!  Thanks for always teaching me life lessons and reminding me to be the best I can be.  I love you so much and cherish each and every moment we spend together.  

Love you!!


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