Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Go Bees! Go Bees!

Dear Maizy,

On Thursday August 18 your father and I took you to your first Salt Lake Bees game.  It was a beautiful evening.  We received tickets and a complimentary dinner from my work.  We arrived, got some food and sat down at the pavilion.  Right off the bat (no pun attended) people were raving about how adorable you are and how beautiful your eyes are.  There was a girl on our table that didn't smile or say one word until she saw you.  She saw how I was feeding you and wanted to help - you made her night. 

After dinner we walked around a bit.  We brought your stroller, but you didn't have time for that you wanted to walk and pretty much run! And run you did. 

You father had put you in a darling little dress but by the middle of the evening we had to change you - you get pretty dirty playing nowadays.  You walked along the sidewalk in the middle of hte hustle and bustle and smiled and waved at most everyone.

Other kids would come up to you and play, it was really cute.  We love nothing more than watching you explore and learn things for yourself. 

You also made friends with a really cute, friendly couple from Australia.  Chris and Wendy.  They even shared their lemonade with you.  They were all about you.  We talked to them for a while about you,  Utah and baseball. They were from Sydney and were here in the U.S. traveling all over.  They were in Alaska where your Aunt Brittany was, it really was very fascinating.

We had a great, great night!  Baseball games last forever and we stayed to just about the end of the game.  We just let you wear yourself out and that you did.

I know you had a great night and that makes my sleep much more peaceful at night.

I love you baby!


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