Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dang teeth!!!

Dear Maizy,

You are teething SO bad right now and it's super, super sad!  It is your big back teeth that are coming in.  You are drooling a ton and pulling at your ears and mouth.  Last night was the roughest night yet that you experienced.  You were screaming and it was awful to watch you go through.  We gave you medicine, but that didn't help too much, your chest was sopping wet with drool, we gave you a teether from the freezer but it couldn't quite reach your back teeth and you chucked it across the room. Oh and I also gave you a piece of twizzlers to chew on and you LOVED that! 

Your dad and I felt so hopeless and sad.  If we could take the pain away from you baby we would.

Prior to your terrible teething Sunday we went to the zoo and had a fantastic time.  We met my friend Sara Farley and her family there.  They all adored you!! How could they not look at you.

There was a drum circle by the elephant exhibit and you followed your way to the music.  In your hand is a shaker of sorts - too cute!!  See your dad jammin' out.

You and Christian (Sara's son adore each other).  It was a great, great day!!  I love every minute that I get to spend with you. 

On Saturday we had a family party and some of our relatives from Idaho were there.  They got the biggest kick out of your smiling face, busy feet taking you everywhere and the excitement you showed in watching the other kids run around - you'll be there soon enough my darling!

Today, Monday,  you are going with all your cousins on your father's side and your Grandma Annette to go get your picture taken today.  I can not wait to see them!!!!! Your Grandma got you all outfits for the shoot and I heard a rumor that you are the only one wearing a dress - too cute you are!!

Love you!!


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