Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Birthday Celebrating!!!

Dear Maizy,

We celebrated your birthday more last night.  Since your Grandpa was out of town for your birthday he wanted to take us out to celebrate and give you your gift. 

Grandpa came to the house about 7:30pm last night.  You were sleeping so we woke you up when Grandpa arrived.  We opened a gift to us, it was a camcorder!! YAY!!!  To capture all of your milestones, I wish we would have had this on Sunday to record your birthday!!  Then you opened your present.  You received this piggy bank full of silver coins!!! $115 to be exact.

Grandpa also gave you a big, soft blanket of Tangled!!  Super cute!!!  Then we got you dressed all cute for our adventure.  See.............

We headed to Orchard Lanes for some dinner and fun!!  And fun we had!!  The boys got burgers and you and I shared chicken fingers, fries and salad.  Then we went to the arcade.  You really like the arcade for it's music and bright lights, it's cute!!
We all played skeeball and I believe your dad won the most tickets from that.  Then the 3 of us played a game against each other and I WON 100 tickets!!!  After we played for a while we cashed in our tickets for some loot. See............

We got some dice to hang from the rear view mirror or better yet a toy for you to munch on - it's soft and feels good on your teeth I bet!!  Then we got a hacky sack and some tootsie rolls!

It was such a fun, fun night!!  I love my dad so much and know what an important role they are in your life and that is why I am so glad that you and your father have a special bond!

We all had a great night!!

Yay for Dads. Grandpa. And Birthdays!!

Love you!!

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