Thursday, September 22, 2011

Maizy and a baby goat

Dear Maizy,

Look at this ever-so-adorable picture of you and a baby goat at the Utah State Fair.

I was anxiously waiting for a week for this picture.  You look freakin' adorable!!  The goat was quite cute too and was super soft.  When the picture was over you tugged at the little goats ear - you precious thing you!

You are growing so fast and doing new things everyday.  Like these for example.

  • You climb over this HUGE box we have blocking the stairs.  Nothing stops you nowadays. 
  • You quote your dad and say "oh yeah!"
  • You scream!  Yes, scream.  When you're tired, happy, hungry, mad, sad or excited.  You scream!
  • You pretend to dress your self by putting every article of clothing you come across on your head.
  • You still continue to give me open mouth kisses when you're in the mood.
  • You LOVE the tub and try to get in it every chance you get.
  • You LOVE your Grandma Shelly since you two are starting to spend more time together.
  • You are still a CRAZY sleeper.
  • You still get a kick out of Dora the Explorer and that is ok with me she is cute, smart and entertaining.  I get it.
  • You love walks and playing at the park.
  • You are super friendly
  • You have the most beautiful smile and eyes that light up the room
  • You are mine and I am yours FOREVER
I love you my sweet girl!  I hope you're having a great day!  I miss you a crap ton while I am work.

Love you!


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