You are hilarious!! And I love you. This has been a great, but very, very busy crazy week. I like busy but not crazy - well not this kind of crazy.
Anywho, last weekend was great!!
Friday I got home and we played!
Saturday dad worked, so we played but stayed in our jammies all day!! And I mean all day! Dad got home and commented - "hhhhmmm jammie day huh!?!" Yes indeed it was. We bummed around, cleaned a little, took a nap - Yes! Went to the store in our jammies - don't judge! I LOVE taking you places. We talk, you wave randomly at people, we eat the samples and just get to be together. Then we relaxed and had a yummy dinner made by yours truly.
Sunday we played, drove G-pa Frank's truck to his house for him, Grandma Donker picked us up and we headed to Grandma Shelly's for your belated birthday party. Grandma was out of town and had to care for her daughter after surgery, so that's why it was almost a month later that we were celebrating. We even sang Happy Birthday to you of course. We had SOOOO much fun. We played outside, ate yummy food, ate the yummy brownies I made and decorated for your birthday, then opened your presents! You got spoiled of course. You played and played and played! You did not want to give up.
Monday we had the day off so we hung around, played and cleaned. I just love every minute I get to be home with you.
You are getting more and more hilarious too!! Lately you have been putting things on your head, walking around and cracking up!! Therefore it cracks us up! You will put a blanky on your head and walk around, it's super adorable and hilarious!! I think this stems from countless games of peek-a-boo.
Your dad worked all this week, so Tuesday and Wednesday you and Grandma Donker hung out. Thursday and Friday you were with Grandma Annette, Sienna and Aunt Jenn. You have been going to bed by 9pm since we are getting up so early and that is fine by me since I go to bed shortly after you.
I am really looking forward to the weekend. Another jammie day, sleeping in, playing at the park, going on a walk and lounging all sound pretty good to me.
You love to make your dad and I laugh.
You have also started handing us random things then putting out your hand to hand you things. I usually kiss the inside of your hand then hand you something back.
You LOVE to be pushed around on the train Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Glen gave you for your birthday.
You love to eat mashed potatoes and mac 'n cheese.
We are supposed to take your bottle away now that you are 1. You only use it at night and nap time but I think this might be hard for all of us.
You have a tangled blanket that Grandpa gave you that you are getting attached too!!
And you love, love, love your bath time!! So do I for obvious reasons. Love your face!!
Love you sweet girl!
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