Dear Maizy,
This has been one amazing week and I still haven't even talked about last weekend.
Friday - I came home from work and we just hung out and recouped from the Lupe evening the night before. I love getting home and getting on the floor and playing with you. We also have been very good at bath time before bed, it helps us both unwind.
Saturday - we woke up had pancakes for breakfast, got ready for the day and dropped you off at Grandma Shelly's house for your very FIRST sleepover. You father and I debated back on forth on whether or not to let the sleepover take place. It's not that we don't trust Grandma, because we do, we were just nervous and scared for the unknown. But as you can see we all survived and you and Grandma had a joyous time. Grandpa Glen was in Mexico, so it was just you 2 spunky girls. Your father and I attended a JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes) Fundraising event and then went out for a drink with Grandpa Frank. We were spent! Came home and went to bed early dreaming of you! We missed you with all our heart!
Sunday - Grandma was not "done" hanging out with you so she sent your father and I to a movie. We went to Brewvies to see Our Idiot Brother - great flick. Then I came up to Grandma's to get you. Then we got home, BBQ'd and had a lovely evening. Our weekends always go by too fast!!!
Monday - here too soon! Went to work, came home, had dinner and played. Then had bath time and put you to bed. You had an interesting day. (see the post about it)
Tuesday - I had work, came home and played for a few then Grandma Shelly did a surprise visit and brought us some treats and played with you for a few. You sat on her lap for 1 1/2 stories. I love watching you and Grandma Shelly build a relationship. You two adore each other and make one another smile! On this evening you also grabbed my keys and put them up to the door knob - smarty pants!!
Wednesday - I took the day off work - YAY!!!!! I do love my job, but a day to sleep in a little and be with you is like heaven on earth!! We woke up and you woke up naturally - I really despise having to wake you up! We got ready and went to your 12 month check-up. Your doctor was thrilled to see you!!
You are 18 pounds, 28 inches tall and are in the 20 percentile for your age. Developmentally you are in the 15+ months. You have a better vocabulary, are more mobile, more creative and just all around smarter than most kids your age. Well this is not news to us, we knew this already of course. You are freakin' amazing.
You play really well with your toys, you throw stuff really well and FAR! You comb your own hair, you understand what we are telling you, you smile at everyone and everything! You LOVE animals, especially dogs. You know how to come down the stairs just as well as you go up them. You say up, baby, mommy, daddy and thank you.
Your doctor warned us that since you are ahead of schedule that you will be going through your terrible two's sooner!! YIKES!! I am glad that she gave us a heads up though or I am not sure that would have crossed my mind.
After we met with the doctor it was time to go get your vaccines. S.A.D. It was SUPER SAD!! You had to have 4 shots. 2 in each leg. I watched this time and I wish so badly I didn't. They just stab you with those monster long needles, it was the saddest thing I've ever seen. You cried, oh boy did you cry and rightfully so! You did that cry where it takes your breath away and you turn purple, SO sad. If I could have punched the fat nurse I would have.
After the shots we headed to Grandma's work where everyone finally got to see you. They haven't seen your darling face since you were about 6 months old - too long!! Everyone got the biggest kick of you. You smiled, scrunched up your face and melted everyone's heart. One of Grandma's co-worker's even gave you a miniature Care Bear - very cute!
Then Grandma treated us to Little America for brunch. You were making all the old people smile!! Our waitress loved you. You had mac n cheese and fruit for lunch, some crackers and you even drank your apple juice out of a straw!!! There you go..............being amazing again!! You are such a good little girl and so very well behaved. You stayed in your high chair so well.
Then after breakfast I ran in the store while you slept for a second with dad in the car. Then we got home and you stayed awake ALL day! You finally crashed about 4:30pm while you and I lied by each other on the floor and watched Tangled.
Thank you for an amazing day! Week!! Month! Year!
Love you!
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