Monday, January 30, 2012

Pretty Good Weekend!

Dear Maizy,

We had a pretty good weekend!  Grandma Shelly watched you on Friday while your father and I worked.  I got off work at noon to go get ready for Aunt Britt's b-day party plus I had to make cupcakes - well I wanted to make them!  After work I headed up to Grandma Shelly's to visit you since you were going to sleepover and I wouldn't see you until Saturday afternoon.   You were pretty excited to see me when I arrived to Grandma's and you got on your Dora 4-wheeler and were chasing me around! Then we shared a snack and I had to sneak out to go to the grocery store. 

I did everything I needed to do at home then headed to Little America Hotel where were staying for the evening.  See, we were meeting a group of friends and having drinks at a bar, Keys on Main,  and I got the hotel room so we didn't have to drive home.
I got to the hotel and relaxed in a bubble bath before Aunt Brittany got to the hotel to get ready, then your dad met us there after work and we all walked over to the bar together!  We missed you dearly.  We did have a good night out and Aunt Brittany had lots of fun as they sang Happy Birthday to her!

After the bar we went back to the room where I fell asleep, it was a crazy week!  I called Grandma when I woke up and she and Grandpa Glen had a great time with you.  You all stayed up until after midnight!!!  And you all fell asleep in the same bed plus one of their dogs!!  You slept through the night just fine and slept in until 11a.m. - you are so my daughter! Grandma gave me the go ahead to go out to breakfast, take a nap, take my time to go get you, so your father and I went out to breakfast to Bayleaf Cafe where I devoured this...........

Chicken and Waffles Baby!  Salty Sweet!  YUM!

Then after breakfast and our adventure into a crazy bookstore we made our way back to the car to find a parking ticket!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!  Yes, a stupid parking ticket.  Um, it was on a Saturday and I was parked in a freight loading/unloading area!!  Whatever!!

Then I went and picked you up.  I couldn't get to you fast enough!!!  You were pretty happy to see me I think.  Then we went home, played, cuddled and took naps!!

Sunday we woke up, drove dad to work, then went to Aunt Brittany's.  Then us girls went out for brunch.  You were SOOOOO good!  You always are.  Then we went to the mall to find me a dress for my corporate meeting taking place the next day!  UGH!!! Shopping for myself is SO not fun right now.  I had you in your stroller and you were being so good and since there wasn't that many peeps at the store I let you out of your stroller to run around and run around you did!  You looked so freakin' cute.  Grandma Shelly bought you the cutest little pink boots and you were lovin' being free!!!  You do the cutest thing were you run around with your eyes squinted shut and laugh - not very safe, but super adorable!

Then we went back to Aunt Brittany's house, Grandpa got home from fishing, and he bought us KFC for dinner.  It was a good night.  You sat on Grandpa's lap and fed the dogs leftover chicken.  You had a great time doing that!

Then dad met us there after work and we all went home and since you didn't have a nap all day, yes, that's right - not one nap - you fell asleep on the way home, we put you in your crib when we got home and you stayed asleep until morning.  You were worn out!!

Thank you for the fabulous weekend!!  Oh check out this most super darling pic dad took.  I am in love with you two

Thank you for being such a big girl!  A good girl and just for being so damn cool!!  I love you!!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Well that sucked!!

Dear Maizy,

It all started like this.  Monday morning I woke you up to take you to Grandma Donker's for her to watch you for the day.  When I woke you up you could tell that you weren't feeling 100%.  Your eye was a little red and puffy and you felt a little warm.  You are getting your second set of molars so I wasn't sure if that was all to that or not.  I decided to take you to Grandma's anyway because I knew you'd be in great care.  Well Grandma and I kept in touch through out the day and wouldn't you know it, I got out of a meeting and had a message from Grandma to call her "immediately".  I called and she said "Brooke your baby is sick! And she's throwing up!"  Well I lost it, naturally.  I told my boss, left the office and headed to Grandma's, it was the longest 20 minute drive of my life!!

I got to Grandma's to find you just sitting in her lap with the biggest, most sad eyes I've ever seen.  It broke my heart.  On my way to Grandma's I called your dad and told him what was going on in the meantime he called the doctor and she agreed to see you before 5pm.  So we scooped you up and Grandma Shelly (she was at Grandma's checking on you) drove us to Dr. Palmieri's office.  I broke all laws and just held you in the backseat.  I was so worried that you would start throwing up again due to the motion of the car.

When we got to the doctor's office you wanted to look at the fishies in the aquarium, so we did that until it was time for the doc to see you.  We went back in the exam room where they weighed you (20 pounds 7 ounces) and waited FOREVER for the doc.  While we were waiting they decided to give you some meds to get your fever of 102.7 down. The yucky medicine barely touched your mouth and you threw up the little left in your belly all over my shoulder. I got you calmed down after that incident,  turned off the lights in the room and you felll asleep in my arms.  After a half hour wait the doc came in and checked you out.  Oh you hated that SO bad!!  It was so sad to see. The doctor leaned you back and we looked in your throat and it was covered in red bumps and blisters.  The doc thought you might have had strep so we walked over to the lab where they swabbed your throat and that pissed you off! Poor girl!!  I felt so bad!! But some good news - you didn't have strep!!!  YAY!!  So what did you have!?!  Good question.  Just a viral infection was the best answer the doctor could tell us.  The best thing we could do was give you some meds to get your fever down, lots of liquids and rest.  Then I also knew that lots of love, cuddles and kisses would help too!!

Grandma Shelly drove us back to Grandma Donkers and this time you seemed ok enough to sit in yoru car seat, so I buckled you in and felt much better about that.  We got back to Grandma's where our car was at.  We changed you and got you all bundled up and we drove home.

You slept most of the way home.  Once we got home and you saw dad you started acting like you were feeling better even though you still had a fever. Come bed time I rocked you and  eventually you fell asleep.  I woke up at 3:30am to check on you and you were on FIRE!! I couldn't go back to sleep for a really long time I was so worried about you. 

You woke up about 9am and I obviously called in work to take care of you.  You wouldn't eat a thing you just wanted to cuddle and watch cartoons and that is what we did all day.  I tried to feed you but you wouldn't have it, not even yummy popsicles. I gave you a bath and you seemed to enjoy that for a minute. You went down for a nap in your crib but that didn't last long, so I brought you downstairs and made you a comfy bed on the couch and that worked much better for you.  You slept for at least an hour or so.  Then Aunt Brittany came over and watched you while I ran to go pick up my Sundance movie tickets.  When I got home I found you two reading books.  Aunt britt left then you and I just hung out.  Sometimes you would get up from lying down and would just wander around with yoru head down, wimpering or crying - sad, sad, sad!! 

Your eyes said it all.  Then I tried to feed you dinner, nope that didn't work, then I tried to feed you my dinner, usually works, but didn't. We just finished the night by watching cartoons, waiting for dad to get home and cuddling. 

Dad made it home and that made you smile for a minute.  Then not too much after that I took you to your room and rocked you.  You fell asleep as I rubbed your sweet face and head.  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks and tears came to my eyes.  I love you SO much!  I knew this already, of course, but you really are the only personal in this whole huge world that I would hoenstly take your pain away if I could.  I was wishing so badly that I was the one that was sick and not you.  I felt helpless. Absolutely helpless.  My heart hurt for you.  I prayed to God to please make you better.

You woke up about 1am and I brought into bed with us and you wanted to climb around, play, you'd cry and would lie down for a minute then would get up and do it all over again.  It was very frustrating for all of us.  About 4am I decided to take you out of your jammies since you were so warm and give you Tylenol immediately followed by Ibuprofen although we were told to wait 2 hours to give you the Ibuprofen - obviously it wasn't working.  You cried yourself to sleep on my chest and your fever broke - woo hoo!!! About 5am you were no longer buring up!! Thank God!!  You slept in bed with us until about 9am.  I was tired and obvisouly you still needed care I called in to work again.  We woke up watched cartoons, took a bath, you still weren't eating anything but you were drinking so that is good.  You were starting to be a little bit more active but you weren't talking much and I am sure it's because your throat still hurt.  Poor girl!!

Your dad got home and I left for a Sundance film we had tickets for with Grandpa Frank and Aunt Britt.  Your dad was supposed to go and Grandma Shelly offered to babysit but your dad insisted he take care of you.  I was sad to leave you but your dad assured me that you would be ok.  Plus your dad is a pro at taking care of you.  Here are the pics he sent me throughout the evening to sheo your progress!!  You were on the mend.  YAY!!!

When I got home you were still awake.  Whew!!  We cuddled for a few and you went to bed.  I went to check on you this morning and you woke up.  Uh oh!!  Then I laid you with daddy while I got ready for work and when I left we both cried!!  We sure got attached to each other over the last couple of days.  I miss you!!  You are at Grandma Donker's today - you got dropped off before your dad went to work - and she said you are still not 100% but we're all helping you get there babe.

I can't imagine what you were feeling and experiencing the last couple of days, but it was truly the saddest thing for me to witness. When you are not happy, feeling well or smiling it's a sad/bad day for me!!  I am truly blessed.  You have always been so healthy and I couldn't be more thankful for that.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Say What!?!?

Dear Maizy,

You are saying a ton. Some are old and new words. 


............ go, go, go!  (mostly while I am driving)

........................... one , twooooooooooooo, freeeeeee!!!

.................... no, no, (while shaking your head no.)

......... daddy

.................... mommy

...... ice

...................... outside

......... fishy (then you make a fish noise, so adorable.)

..................... horsey

............................. boots (the monkey from Dora.)

......... green

........................... yellow


....... baby

..................... brush (referring to your toothbrush and brush for your hair.)

And you are starting to try to dress yourself.  You now bathe yourself (I still help of course).  You will get a washcloth and wash your face after you eat.  You will sit and look at all the pages of your books.  You like to brush your teeth and walk around the house.  You like to put my shoes on and try to walk around.  You like to pretend to put makeup on like mom.

I just love watching you grow into your own little person, it's all happening SO fast and it's SO amazing to watch.  It's crazy to see what things you just learn/do naturally.  I love you so much!! 

I hope that you know how much I love you and that I know I am truly so blessed to be your mommy!!

Love you!


The Best!!!

Dear Maizy,

You are the best!! Seriously.  You are so flexible with your schedule and you never cry or scream or raise hell when I have to wake you up early and drag you out in the cold to take to you to Grandma's to be watched, you just go with the flow and you trust me.  You trust me.  It blows my mind how awesome you are.  I already knew this, but you just keep proving it to me.

Our week was kind of crazy since your dad worked all week.  I was really looking forward to our weekend.  Friday I left work a few minutes early and went to pick you up at Grandma Annette's.  When I went inside you and Sienna were cuddled with Grandma on the couch watching cartoons.  You were excited to see me.  Grandma and I just sat and talked while you and Sienna played with all the toys.  You didn't hardly say anything and I asked Grandma if you walked much and she said no.  Hhhhmmmmm!!  Maybe it's because with Sienna you can't get a word in.  Grandma gave you grapes in a cup that you walked around ate and gave me a few.  You were dressed all cute and running around the place showing me all the toys you played with throughout the day.  Then it started, Sienna started misbehaving, hitting Grandma, not listening to her, climbing all over even if Grandma asked her not to, taking toys from you, yelling, screaming and it gave me a heart attack.  You were just staring at Sienna doing all those things and I just pray to God you weren't taking notes.  Out of all the kids to hang with I don't want you hanging with your cousins and I certainly don't want you acting like them.  UGH!!! 

I am not being naive.  I know that you will have your terrible twos/threes but I certainly don't want to rush anything! And I want it to be your actions not exactly what you witness other kids doing.  I hope that makes sense? 

Anyway,  after we left Grandma and Sienna we went to visit dad briefly at work.  He said he was going to be another couple of hours so you and I headed to the mall for a little date night. 

You fell asleep in the car so I took the long way to the mall so you could get a power nap.  We arrived to the mall and you were really excited to get out of the car and into your stroller.  You knew we were going on an adventure.  We walked in and there was the carousel!  Your eyes lit up at that.  We would have gone on it but dinner was the first thing on our agenda.  We got Greek food to share.  We got chicken, fries and salad.  You loved dipping your fries in ketchup (eeeewwwww).  See...........

I LOVE your messy face and decided to keep it real for the photo op!!!  I could kiss your messy face a million times.
 Then you decided you didn't want to sit in your stroller any longer and you wanted to stand, so I let you so you could walk around and check everything out.  We had a great time!! Then dad called just when we were getting ready to go shopping!  BUMMER!!  But he probably did save us some money, and plus we missed him!!  We left and picked up daddy.  Went home. Played and cuddled then bed time.

Saturday we woke earlier than I prefer on a Saturday (10 a.m.) and drove dad to work and come to find out he was only going to be a couple of hours.  Instead of going home and turning around I thought it'd be best to stick around.  Oh, but I didn't have your bag with us or anything and not to mention I was in my p.j.'s and had bed head for sure.  UGH!!! But who saved us you ask?? Grandma Donker to the rescue.  I called her and told what was going on and before I could finish she said "just come up here!  I'll see you in a minute!"  We made it Grandma's where we put you in the tub to play.  You were loving it and was so super adorable.  Then we lotioned you up, combed your hair and put you in a new cute outfit Grandma had for you. We just love Grandma's!!!  Then we fed you breakfast where you decided to rub smashed banana and strawberry jam in your hair!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!  Yes, you were sticky in like 10 minutes after your bath.  I wiped you off the best I could then I just let you sport your sticky hair all day! Then we played for a little while before dad called and said he was ready for us to pick him up.  You fell asleep on our way to pick up dad and luckily you slept the rest of our crazy drive!!  It was raining like crazy and then it started snowing.  Crazy snow.  The biggest snow flakes I've ever seen!!!  Then we got home, you woke up and wanted to play in the snow. You did for a second then we came in and you kept staring out the back door saying "outside, outside!!"  It was adorable. 

Dad took you to his friend Kevin's house while I took a nice long hot bath!  It was really nice for me and you had a great time at Kevin's with daddy.  When you got home your eye's were red and itchy.  We think you may be allergic to cats!!  Luckily your eyes weren't like that long since we hurry and washed your hands and changed your clothes! 

We rented had some movies earlier on our way home so we just stayed in for the evening since it was so cold outside, cuddled, ate dinner and watched movies.  It was really nice!!

Sunday we woke up around 11 a.m. - have I told you how much I love and appreciate you sleeping in!?!?!  Then we took baths, got ready for the day and went to Grandma Shelly's to meet her and Aunt Brittany (yes, your aunt got in town the night before).  We got to Grandma's where I fed you breakfast and hung out for a few.  You saw your Dora 4-wheeler and hopped right on it, it was super cute!!!

Then once Grandma and Britt were ready to go we headed to the mall where we spent the next 5 hours!!  We had a blast and you were SOOOO freakin' good!!!  You were so patient and good in your stroller.  We did take a break and went to lunch at the Bistro Cafe inside Nordstrom's.  It was YUMMY!!!  Us girls had a salad, you had chicken fingers, fried and fruit!!  Grandma bought you a little coloring thing to keep you entertained.  After lunch we went to the restroom to change your diaper and outfit.  You looked super darling!!  So many people complimented you at the mall - "look at those eyes!"  "look at that cute baby!"  Plus there were tonz of people that smiled at you and you would smile back!!!  Priceless.  It's one thing to have such a beautiful baby but one that is super happy is just freakin' awesome!!!!

We stopped at TCBY to have an afternoon snack of some yummy non-fat yogurt.  You woke up just in time to have some!!

We were almost done with our excursion, but had to make one more stop at Macey's.  Since you were so good all day in your stroller and the crowd died down I let you out to do some walking around and exploring.  I love watching you walk around, discover new things and see what catches your attention.

You really liked this chair at Macey's!
Then we finally made our way to the car, not because we were done shopping, but because the mall was closing.  After a long, busy day you were still smiling!!

We finally made it home to dad.  He missed us and was really excited to see us.  He made homemade bread for our yummy chicken sandwiches for dinner!!  Delish!! 

Thanks for a wonderful weekend my dear!

Love you!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How do you do it!?!

Dear Maizy,

You are SO amazing.  I am not quite sure how you do it.  You are always smiling and are SUPER happy and I LOVE it!!!  It's only Wednesday but it feels like thsi week should be over.  We have had to wake up early - all of us.  Get all ready and head out the door.  We have been dropping dad off at work and then you and I drive to Grandma Donker's house where you spend your day then I go to work and pick you up after.  It just makes for a long day for all of us!!  Your sleep is totally thrown off and you could be a big brat face and I would excuse it, but you're not and I love and appreciate you so much for that. You work hard for our family too!!

Grandma Donker loves you SO much and takes amazing care of you.  Her house is clean, comfortable, warm, cozy and you have tonz and tonz of toys there!!  She plays with you all day - nonstop!! To be honest if you are being watched by any one I'd pick Grandma Donker a thousand times over.  When I call to see how you're doing through out the day she tells me every cute thing you've done, what you ate, and all the things you've learned!  We appreciate Grandma SO much and I love, love, love that you and your Great Grandma get to hang out together and that she vibrant enough to get on the floor to play with you, carry you around and take awesome care of you.  You and her have quite a cute relationship! 

I am SO glad that I am blessed enough to have not have to take you to day care.  That would be the worst thing ever!  I would cry all day!!  I feel bad for those single moms or mom's that don't have family help that have to rely on others to care for their children.  We truly are blessed babe!!

Last night we went bowling with friends while Grandma Shelly took you to her house to play and when she dropped you off we were SO excited to see you.  We miss you when we don't get to hang out, so you and daddy played and wrestled while I clapped and egged you two on.  I LOVE watching you and daddy play, then you get all wound up and get silly!!

I am really tired though.  Our days go by too fast and the dishes and laundry piles up even faster!!  I think people have it around raising a newborn baby is much easier and involves more sleep and less energy.  Now that you are older you are into everything!!! You are everywhere!! You are fast and more curious than George himself!!  But guess what I am loving every minute of it and embracing it.

But some days I do wish I could put you back in this thing..............

................ then at least I would know where you are at all times and could keep you in one place!!

Thanks for bringing so much love into our lives.  Teaching my heart what unconditional love is.  Teaching me patience.  Learning relevance in life.  

Thanks for being so patient with me as I continue to grow and find myself and learn this whole mommy thing.  I couldn't ask for a better, wiser teacher!  I don't know how you do it!?!

Love you sweet girl! 


Monday, January 16, 2012

Another successful weekend!!

Dear Maizy,

I was so sad to see our weekend come to an end.  It really was a lot of fun!

Friday after work I came home and we headed out the door for Grandma Annette's house.  Aunt Jenn made us yummy tacos for dinner.  You ate a rolled up taco all by yourself, it was the cutest thing and you knew you were being such a big girl.  Us girls sipped on some yummy wine. You sipped on some V8 Splash in your new Muppets sippy cup they gave you. 

After dinner we played Just Dance 3 on the Wii.  Your dad and Aunt Jenn beat me every time!!!  Your dad is quite the dancer.  Let's hope you have his rhythm and not mine. You and Sienna played with all of her toys.  She was not feeling like sharing with you very much.  She told you "no" at one point and you told her "no" right back!  Not that I encourage you two to talk like that I will give you props for standing up for yourself!  Go Maizy!! 

We stayed there until 11pm then we had to stop off at Uncle Richards to drop some tools off, Grandpa Frank's to pick up some fishing gear dad left there, to Uncle Paul's to drop off more tools and then we finally headed home.  Once home we all hit the hay!

Saturday morning we woke up and it was beautiful outside!!  Just beautiful.  Dad had a great idea that we walk up to Janet's Sunshine Cafe for breakfast, so we did.  We had to wait forever to get a table, so we just stayed outside and soaked up the sun as you greeted people coming and going from the restaurant.  Everyone commented on how dang cute you are!  Then we finally got a table.  You and I shared eggs, hashbrowns, ham and toast. 

After breakfast we strolled back home.  Then you and I headed to Centerville.  We dropped off the car to get an oil change then Grandma picked us up and we went to Target where Grandma bought you the cutest pink boots!!  And a swimsuit.

Then I mentioned to Grandma how much you like popcorn so she had to buy you some to eat when we left Target!  You will never want for anything my dear.

After Target we stopped by the dry cleaners to pick up Grandma's stuff, you fell asleep in the car then you woke up when we arrived at Grandma's house.  We had munchies and hung out for a few before Grandma took us back to pick up our car.

When we got home you finished your nap, I took a nap too, then we woke up,  ate yummy sandwiches for dinner, played, watched some t.v. and went to bed.

Sunday morning daddy fixed us yummy breakfast burritos, I gave you a bath then Grandma Shelly picked us up and we went to Grandma Donker's.  You had mac and cheese for lunch, we played for a while and watched you keep busy with all your toys.  We were there for about 2 hours then Grandma dropped us back off at home.  We played, had steak, bread and mashed potatoes for dinner, we folded laundry, watched some t.v. and then it was bed time.

Our weekends always go by way too fast!!! 

This morning I dropped you off at Grandma Donker's while dad works today.  Of course on Monday morning just in time for the commute it starts snowing.  Dad warmed up the car for us while I woke you up.  You were in a great mood - like always.  I changed your diaper, out some socks and a coat on you and we were out the door!!  The drive wasn't too bad just really slow.  I would reach back to touch you and hold your hand but you didn't want any of that. 

When we got to Grandma's you saw where we were and you couldn't get to Grandma fast enough.  You were ready to play!!  If I take you anywhere to be watched I prefer Grandma's house because you LOVE it there!  Grandma's house is clean, with everything in it's place, you have an abundance of toys, soft, clean plushy blankets, treats and Grandma's attention!! I miss you today, but know you are in excellent hands!!  I love you sweet girl.

Thanks for being so well behaved and perfect.

Love you!


Friday, January 13, 2012

17 Months!!

Dear Maizy,

You turn 17 months old tomorrow!!! Say what!?!?!  Yes, 17 months.  That is just crazy to me.  The months have flown by but yet I feel like I have carried love for you in my heart much, much longer!!

You are the most exciting, fun person I know.  You are always on the move!!!  I love that about you.  I also love that when you are busily playing you will take the time to give me a quick kiss or maybe even a quick hug with your precious head on my shoulder!!!

You now say and continue to say - green, orange, jello, fishy, socks, shoes (your word for feet too), bear, baby, no, down, daddy and every animal now makes the same sound as a goldfish!!

You also understand a ton of what we are saying. You will look for something if we ask, you will flush the toilet - for some reason you love doing that, if we mention the bath tub you ferociously take your clothes off and try to jump in the tub whether there is water in there or not.  Smarty pants!

I love you so much!!  Thanks for being so kick ass and bringing so much happiness into my life!!

Love you!


You. Just hours old.  Now. 17 months.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Thursday!

Dear Maizy,

I live for our weekends together, so I am pretty happy that today is Thursday!!  YAY!!  My mind if going non-stop on what to write to you today. I have SO much to tell you.

I have no idea where to start or stop!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!

But first, I would like to apologize for the "titles" of my posts.  Thinking of them stresses me out and I know some are quite cheesy, so please forgive me.

Yesterday when I got home from work the house was sparkling clean and smelled SO good!  Thanks Dad!!!  You were in the tub - you had an accident when you woke up so dad had to bathe you immediately, it was not a pretty situation according to your father.  I helped get you out of the tub and get dressed just in time for Grandma Shelly to come over.  Grandma arrived around 6:30pm with Chinese takeout, wine, beer, a new coloring book and crayons for you.  We ate dinner, you were quite entertaining as always, then we went in the living room to play and watch Modern Family (my fave show).  I LOVE watching you and Grandma interact.  You are so dang cute.  You did take a break to give kisses, so that was nice, you're not giving those so freely these days.  Grandma left, we played a bit more then it was bed time - you were tired!! 

Last night you woke up about 1:30am and I got up with you - your dad was out!  I went into your room, you reached for me and I picked you up, you placed your head on my shoulder and my heart melted. You are just too busy during the day to cuddle, so I have to take it when I can get it. Then I put you back in your crib while I went to refill your bottle.  I came back, picked you up and rocked you with your bottle.  There was little light in your room, I could mostly just see your big beautiful eyes staring into mine,  I rocked you while rubbing your cute little footsie's.  I assume they are sore from all the running around you do.  I rocked you for about 10 minutes then placed you back in your crib and you peacefully went back to sleep.  I cherish these sweet moments you and I share more than you'll ever know.  I love you!!!

You are truly such a blessing.  You sleep well, you eat well, I can take you places and you'll behave, you rarely cry, you are never sick (knock on wood), you were easy to give birth too, you laugh a ton, are always smiling,  you are great at sharing,  you are SO beautiful, you are strong, you are loving, you are sympathetic,  you bring SO much happiness to your family's life, you look freakin' darling in everything you wear, you are creative, determined and just down right AMAZING!!!!

Lately I am struggling on the idea of ever giving you a sibling.  I know you'd be a kick ass sister.  You already prove such awesome leadership skills, but I am just torn.  I would love your sibling just as much as I love you but WOW!!  They'd have a lot to live up to. I am just torn even at the thought.  To be continued..............................

Thank you for all you do for me and our family!!  You work hard for this family too - Dad

Love you!!


An oldie but a goodie!  Love you!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Case of the Mondays even on Tuesday

Dear Maizy,

We had such an awesome weekend together that I didn't want it to end come Monday morning, so I decided to take the day off to enjoy one more day of bliss.  Even though it's Tuesday it still feels like a Monday I must have a "Case of the Mondays."

Anyway, our weekends are always so much fun.  Friday I came home and we hung out and played. We decided to break out the Dora table and chairs we bought for you.  You LOVED it!!!  You are all about coloring and drawing and now you can do it all on your very own table.    

Saturday we woke up, dad made us breakfast, we did bath time, played and got ready to go shopping. 

We relaxed, you took a nap.  Dad made us a yummy meatloaf for dinner that we enjoyed together.  While dad was making dinner you wanted in the kitchen SO bad, see, you've kind of been banished from the kitchen while cooking is going on.  You can now reach up the stove, liek to get in every drawer and pull everything out and you also liked to be held so you can see all that is going on.  Well you were bound and determined to get in the kitchen. See.............

You are such a smarty pants.  So then this is my cue to come out in the living room and play with you so dad can finish fixing dinner!!  After we all had dinner together we got ready and dropped dad off at Grandpa Frank's house.  They were going on an early morning fishing trip the next day and us girls needed the car so we dropped dad off at Grandpa's.  Then you and I came home, cuddled for a minute then we went to bed.  We were tired!!

Sunday you and I slept in until 11am!!  You are SO my daughter!!! Then we made pancakes for breakfast you had a bath, then took a nap while I got ready for the day.  When you woke up we were out the door and headed to Fashion Place Mall to meet Brittany and Grandma for some lunch and shopping. 

We got to the mall and Aunt Brittany was with her friend Logan and her kind of boyfriend Patrick (they are on a break).  We walked around for a few then walked over to California Pizza Kitchen to meet Grandma Shelly and we all had lunch.  It was YUMMY!!!!  You had some yummy Mac and Cheese.  We all had drinks and devoured salads and pizza.  You were the entertainment!  You were cracking us all up.  You are such a good girl and I can always take you anywhere - knock on wood this never changes!  We were there for a while eating and drinking and I am sure you were getting bored and so you started entertaining yourself by squishing your mac and cheese between your fingers over your plate!!! Ha ha ha!!  You were having fun, not screaming and not making too much of a mess, so I let you do it!! Then you also kept busy by coloring and drawing.  So cute!!

After lunch we walked around the mall for a minute more, than drove to Grandpa's house where your dad was waiting for us after his ice fishing trip.  He's so cute!!  We all missed each other!

Then we went home, played for a minute and went to bed.

Monday morning my alarm went off and I just wasn't feeling it, I know, I know I never "feel" Monday mornings but that day was an exception, so I called into work and went back to bed.  It was WONDERFUL!!!!!  I slept until 10ish, we woke up, dad made us super yummy breakfast burritos, we lounged around, you had bath time, then we all  got ready for the day and went to the zoo!!  It was cold but it was awesome because no one was there!!! YAY!!!  We got to see this guy....................

It was awesome to be able to see him right up close.  You even tickled his paws!!  There was the double pane glass there of course. 

Then we walked around and said hi to all the animals before getting back in the warm car. 

We were hungry and thirsty so we headed to The Pie for some beer and cheesy pull-a-parts. Yum!!!!  We were pretty much the only patrons.  There was a lady working that adored you.  She reached out for you and you went to her then she took you in the kitchen to say hi to all the guys!  You little flirty pants!?!?!  But we need to talk about this going to strangers thing!!!

Then we headed up to Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Glen's for dinner.  It was a good time.  You rode your 4 wheeler around, colored and ate some yummy food! Grandma and Grandpa are absolutely in love with you and always give you whatever you want!!!

We finally made it back home and went to bed!  Whew!  It was a wonderful, extra long weekend!

I love you baby!


Friday, January 6, 2012

You in 2012

Dear Maizy,

I want to take more pictures of all of us and especially you - one of my goals is to become a camera person.  I am always forgetting it and missing lots of photo ops - well not this year babe!!

Here are some pics so far!!

Bath Time 1.1.12

You took this picture by yourself.  1.2.12

Cutest comb over ever!! 1.2.12

This is you exactly one year from the pic below!!  You are growing too fast!! 1.3.10

You on 1.3.12.  wanting my phone SO bad!!!  Love your face!!!

 I think it would be SO bad ass to take a picture of you just about everyday and then put them all side by side and see, really see, how fast you change and grow!!  It breaks my heart sometimes.

This morning before I left for work I peeked in on you snozzin' in your crib and you looked, so, so big!!! And just long!!!  It blows my mind babe, it really does.  To think that you were once 5 pounds and 18 inches long and now you're 23 pounds, super tall (not exactly sure how tall) and just full of sass!!

I love you sweet girl!

Cheers to our awesome year!!



Dear Maizy,

I hope that 2012 is an amazing year for you!!!!  We had a great New Years's we rung in the evening with some wonderful homemade soup - Ham and Potato.  I think this might be a tradition now if we stay home - make yummy soup - since we did this last year too!

Your father and I drank cocktails all evening.  We all took a late afternoon nap - still recovering from Christmas.  We woke up ate dinner, danced and played around.  I tried to keep you up as long as I could but you only made it until 11:30pm.  Your father and I kissed you goodnight and then stayed up to celebrate the New Year, kissed each other and went to bed!! 

2011 was a great year but I have a feeling 2012 is going to be even more awesome!!  I have some goals for us.  Here they are:

Potty Train You!!! YAY!!  I will be honest I don't like buying diapers and I certainly don't always like changing them.

Eat healthier.  We eat pretty good, but I want us to eat even more veggies and fruit!

Be more active.  Any time that we get a nice winter day you and I are to go on a walk. You LOVE being outside and I know you miss it. Any time we open the door you take a run for it. 

Take more pictures.

To really get a good bed time routine - brush teeth, read stories and bad.  We kind of have a hectic one going right now. 

I think that is it so far for our goals.  Believe me, my list is long!  I LOVE New Year's for so many reasons.  For me it's time to start fresh, new goals, hopes and surprise.  Plus on New Years Day 2010 I found out I was expecting you!!  Woo hoo!!!

I am wishing all of us and especially you a wonderful, super awesome, lovely 2012!!!

So far, so good!

Love you!


Merry Christmas!!

Dear Maizy,

I am SO behind on writing about our awesome Christmas.  I can't believe it's our second Christmas together and what a great one it was!!

Ok I have so much to tell you that I hope I don't forget anything and I hope not to skip around too much. 

Let's start with Christmas Eve.  Your father went shopping early that morning to get everything for our Christmas dinner and some last minute shopping. 

We slept in a little, kind of bummed around, wrapped gifts and got ready for our Annual Christmas Eve Party with the Lucero's.  We have had this tradition going for 30+ years!  I dressed you in your darling Christmas dress.  We were a little late to the party, but we got there and ate some yummy homemade ravioli's, salad and sipped on some drinks.  We exchanged our white elephant gifts.  I went home with a gift card to Cheesecake Factory, your dad got an awesome oven mitt and a travel coffee mug - can never have too many of those.  Then Aunt JoLynne and September gave you a super darling dress.  You were having a great time admiring their Christmas tree and following the puppy around.  Then you found a pen and paper and drew for a few too!  You are so stinkin' fun, cute and easy going!

We weren't there too long.  We got home about 8:30ish and hung out and relaxed, it was really nice. You also opened your Hello Kitty Christmas jammies.

Christmas morning we woke around 8am, got ready and were out the door to Grandma Annette's for breakfast.  They served us super yummy homemade scones, bacon, sausage and grapes (you couldn't get enough of those).

Then we opened presents.  Grandma Annette gave you some bath toys, a cute little toy holder for the tub, a 3 Little Pigs storybook that she recorded her voice reading it to you.  Aunt Jenn and Aunt Deb gave you a cute little learning toy.  Then we got some stoneware, some books and Aunt Deb made me some darling block letters to decorate with.  It was a really nice breakfast and visit. After breakfast we headed up stairs where you and Sienna played with her new Dora the Explorer kitchen.  You two are SO cute to watch play together.  You were having a great time and was really sad when we had to leave. 

We left and were home by 11:15am.  We just relaxed, cleaned the house, played and got ready for Grandpa to come over and join us for dinner.  He finally arrived about 5pm - we were waiting for him to open present.  Dinner was SUPER yummy.  We had a delicious ham, rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy,  stuffing and  green bean casserole.  Yum!!  Grandpa definitely adores you, it's cute to see you two together.  Then we finally got to the fun part of opening presents - YAY!!!!
Grandpa gave you a really cute gift, it's a blowup mattress - just your size,  with the Disney Princesses on it.  You LOVE it!  You jumped and laid on it, it was really cute of you to react that way to Grandpa's gift.  He gave your father and I $$$ and we gave him a darling framed picture of you and some alcohol.   Then we opened the rest of your gifts and this is what you got: (I hope I can remember it all)
A Dora the Explorer doll holding a little Dora blanket
2 books - Gallop and Mommy's Hugs
A Dora the Explorer Potty - yes!  I am going to start potty training you.
A Dora the Explorer Bath set - mirror, wash clothes, bath foam, shampoo, conditioner, bath gel
Princess Tiana Baby Doll
Dora DVD
And your favorite toy of all a $3 BIG Pink Ball

Grandpa left then your father and I exchanged our gifts.  I got spoiled!  I won't bore you with details but it was such an awesome day!!

We stayed up and watch some t.v. then went to bed.

Monday we slept in a little, played with your new toys and got ready to go to Grandma Shelly's for Christmas there.  We got there and holy crap!!!  You had tonz and tonz of gifts!!!

The first present you opened was a Dora the Explorer electric 4 wheeler!!!!  You were so super cute opening it and you hopped on that thing with no reservations, found the power button and off you went!!  You were cracking all of us - Grandma and Grandpa Donker, Aunt Laurie, Grandpa Glen, Grandma Shelly, Pat, Gary, Keaton, your father and I.
I just love your big personality!!  We ate dinner while you drove around.  We had yummy smoked ham and all the fixins', but all you wanted to do was cruise around and rightfully so.

Then we finished opening all of our presents.  You got another toy cell phone, 5 of the cutest outfits ever - 2 from Grandma Shelly, Grandma Donker, Pat and Aunt Laurie, bath toys, a Little People Zoo and a darling stuffed frog, but it seemed like you were opening presents forever so you probably received more gifts than I can remember. 

We had a wonderful time and I enjoyed more than anything watching you open your presents and interact with everyone.  You are SO freakin' cute!!

It was the best Christmas yet and I thank you!!!

I love you sweet girl!!
