It all started like this. Monday morning I woke you up to take you to Grandma Donker's for her to watch you for the day. When I woke you up you could tell that you weren't feeling 100%. Your eye was a little red and puffy and you felt a little warm. You are getting your second set of molars so I wasn't sure if that was all to that or not. I decided to take you to Grandma's anyway because I knew you'd be in great care. Well Grandma and I kept in touch through out the day and wouldn't you know it, I got out of a meeting and had a message from Grandma to call her "immediately". I called and she said "Brooke your baby is sick! And she's throwing up!" Well I lost it, naturally. I told my boss, left the office and headed to Grandma's, it was the longest 20 minute drive of my life!!
I got to Grandma's to find you just sitting in her lap with the biggest, most sad eyes I've ever seen. It broke my heart. On my way to Grandma's I called your dad and told him what was going on in the meantime he called the doctor and she agreed to see you before 5pm. So we scooped you up and Grandma Shelly (she was at Grandma's checking on you) drove us to Dr. Palmieri's office. I broke all laws and just held you in the backseat. I was so worried that you would start throwing up again due to the motion of the car.
When we got to the doctor's office you wanted to look at the fishies in the aquarium, so we did that until it was time for the doc to see you. We went back in the exam room where they weighed you (20 pounds 7 ounces) and waited FOREVER for the doc. While we were waiting they decided to give you some meds to get your fever of 102.7 down. The yucky medicine barely touched your mouth and you threw up the little left in your belly all over my shoulder. I got you calmed down after that incident, turned off the lights in the room and you felll asleep in my arms. After a half hour wait the doc came in and checked you out. Oh you hated that SO bad!! It was so sad to see. The doctor leaned you back and we looked in your throat and it was covered in red bumps and blisters. The doc thought you might have had strep so we walked over to the lab where they swabbed your throat and that pissed you off! Poor girl!! I felt so bad!! But some good news - you didn't have strep!!! YAY!! So what did you have!?! Good question. Just a viral infection was the best answer the doctor could tell us. The best thing we could do was give you some meds to get your fever down, lots of liquids and rest. Then I also knew that lots of love, cuddles and kisses would help too!!
Grandma Shelly drove us back to Grandma Donkers and this time you seemed ok enough to sit in yoru car seat, so I buckled you in and felt much better about that. We got back to Grandma's where our car was at. We changed you and got you all bundled up and we drove home.
You slept most of the way home. Once we got home and you saw dad you started acting like you were feeling better even though you still had a fever. Come bed time I rocked you and eventually you fell asleep. I woke up at 3:30am to check on you and you were on FIRE!! I couldn't go back to sleep for a really long time I was so worried about you.
You woke up about 9am and I obviously called in work to take care of you. You wouldn't eat a thing you just wanted to cuddle and watch cartoons and that is what we did all day. I tried to feed you but you wouldn't have it, not even yummy popsicles. I gave you a bath and you seemed to enjoy that for a minute. You went down for a nap in your crib but that didn't last long, so I brought you downstairs and made you a comfy bed on the couch and that worked much better for you. You slept for at least an hour or so. Then Aunt Brittany came over and watched you while I ran to go pick up my Sundance movie tickets. When I got home I found you two reading books. Aunt britt left then you and I just hung out. Sometimes you would get up from lying down and would just wander around with yoru head down, wimpering or crying - sad, sad, sad!!
Your eyes said it all. Then I tried to feed you dinner, nope that didn't work, then I tried to feed you my dinner, usually works, but didn't. We just finished the night by watching cartoons, waiting for dad to get home and cuddling.
Dad made it home and that made you smile for a minute. Then not too much after that I took you to your room and rocked you. You fell asleep as I rubbed your sweet face and head. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks and tears came to my eyes. I love you SO much! I knew this already, of course, but you really are the only personal in this whole huge world that I would hoenstly take your pain away if I could. I was wishing so badly that I was the one that was sick and not you. I felt helpless. Absolutely helpless. My heart hurt for you. I prayed to God to please make you better.
You woke up about 1am and I brought into bed with us and you wanted to climb around, play, you'd cry and would lie down for a minute then would get up and do it all over again. It was very frustrating for all of us. About 4am I decided to take you out of your jammies since you were so warm and give you Tylenol immediately followed by Ibuprofen although we were told to wait 2 hours to give you the Ibuprofen - obviously it wasn't working. You cried yourself to sleep on my chest and your fever broke - woo hoo!!! About 5am you were no longer buring up!! Thank God!! You slept in bed with us until about 9am. I was tired and obvisouly you still needed care I called in to work again. We woke up watched cartoons, took a bath, you still weren't eating anything but you were drinking so that is good. You were starting to be a little bit more active but you weren't talking much and I am sure it's because your throat still hurt. Poor girl!!
Your dad got home and I left for a Sundance film we had tickets for with Grandpa Frank and Aunt Britt. Your dad was supposed to go and Grandma Shelly offered to babysit but your dad insisted he take care of you. I was sad to leave you but your dad assured me that you would be ok. Plus your dad is a pro at taking care of you. Here are the pics he sent me throughout the evening to sheo your progress!! You were on the mend. YAY!!!
When I got home you were still awake. Whew!! We cuddled for a few and you went to bed. I went to check on you this morning and you woke up. Uh oh!! Then I laid you with daddy while I got ready for work and when I left we both cried!! We sure got attached to each other over the last couple of days. I miss you!! You are at Grandma Donker's today - you got dropped off before your dad went to work - and she said you are still not 100% but we're all helping you get there babe.
I can't imagine what you were feeling and experiencing the last couple of days, but it was truly the saddest thing for me to witness. When you are not happy, feeling well or smiling it's a sad/bad day for me!! I am truly blessed. You have always been so healthy and I couldn't be more thankful for that.
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