Monday, January 23, 2012

The Best!!!

Dear Maizy,

You are the best!! Seriously.  You are so flexible with your schedule and you never cry or scream or raise hell when I have to wake you up early and drag you out in the cold to take to you to Grandma's to be watched, you just go with the flow and you trust me.  You trust me.  It blows my mind how awesome you are.  I already knew this, but you just keep proving it to me.

Our week was kind of crazy since your dad worked all week.  I was really looking forward to our weekend.  Friday I left work a few minutes early and went to pick you up at Grandma Annette's.  When I went inside you and Sienna were cuddled with Grandma on the couch watching cartoons.  You were excited to see me.  Grandma and I just sat and talked while you and Sienna played with all the toys.  You didn't hardly say anything and I asked Grandma if you walked much and she said no.  Hhhhmmmmm!!  Maybe it's because with Sienna you can't get a word in.  Grandma gave you grapes in a cup that you walked around ate and gave me a few.  You were dressed all cute and running around the place showing me all the toys you played with throughout the day.  Then it started, Sienna started misbehaving, hitting Grandma, not listening to her, climbing all over even if Grandma asked her not to, taking toys from you, yelling, screaming and it gave me a heart attack.  You were just staring at Sienna doing all those things and I just pray to God you weren't taking notes.  Out of all the kids to hang with I don't want you hanging with your cousins and I certainly don't want you acting like them.  UGH!!! 

I am not being naive.  I know that you will have your terrible twos/threes but I certainly don't want to rush anything! And I want it to be your actions not exactly what you witness other kids doing.  I hope that makes sense? 

Anyway,  after we left Grandma and Sienna we went to visit dad briefly at work.  He said he was going to be another couple of hours so you and I headed to the mall for a little date night. 

You fell asleep in the car so I took the long way to the mall so you could get a power nap.  We arrived to the mall and you were really excited to get out of the car and into your stroller.  You knew we were going on an adventure.  We walked in and there was the carousel!  Your eyes lit up at that.  We would have gone on it but dinner was the first thing on our agenda.  We got Greek food to share.  We got chicken, fries and salad.  You loved dipping your fries in ketchup (eeeewwwww).  See...........

I LOVE your messy face and decided to keep it real for the photo op!!!  I could kiss your messy face a million times.
 Then you decided you didn't want to sit in your stroller any longer and you wanted to stand, so I let you so you could walk around and check everything out.  We had a great time!! Then dad called just when we were getting ready to go shopping!  BUMMER!!  But he probably did save us some money, and plus we missed him!!  We left and picked up daddy.  Went home. Played and cuddled then bed time.

Saturday we woke earlier than I prefer on a Saturday (10 a.m.) and drove dad to work and come to find out he was only going to be a couple of hours.  Instead of going home and turning around I thought it'd be best to stick around.  Oh, but I didn't have your bag with us or anything and not to mention I was in my p.j.'s and had bed head for sure.  UGH!!! But who saved us you ask?? Grandma Donker to the rescue.  I called her and told what was going on and before I could finish she said "just come up here!  I'll see you in a minute!"  We made it Grandma's where we put you in the tub to play.  You were loving it and was so super adorable.  Then we lotioned you up, combed your hair and put you in a new cute outfit Grandma had for you. We just love Grandma's!!!  Then we fed you breakfast where you decided to rub smashed banana and strawberry jam in your hair!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!  Yes, you were sticky in like 10 minutes after your bath.  I wiped you off the best I could then I just let you sport your sticky hair all day! Then we played for a little while before dad called and said he was ready for us to pick him up.  You fell asleep on our way to pick up dad and luckily you slept the rest of our crazy drive!!  It was raining like crazy and then it started snowing.  Crazy snow.  The biggest snow flakes I've ever seen!!!  Then we got home, you woke up and wanted to play in the snow. You did for a second then we came in and you kept staring out the back door saying "outside, outside!!"  It was adorable. 

Dad took you to his friend Kevin's house while I took a nice long hot bath!  It was really nice for me and you had a great time at Kevin's with daddy.  When you got home your eye's were red and itchy.  We think you may be allergic to cats!!  Luckily your eyes weren't like that long since we hurry and washed your hands and changed your clothes! 

We rented had some movies earlier on our way home so we just stayed in for the evening since it was so cold outside, cuddled, ate dinner and watched movies.  It was really nice!!

Sunday we woke up around 11 a.m. - have I told you how much I love and appreciate you sleeping in!?!?!  Then we took baths, got ready for the day and went to Grandma Shelly's to meet her and Aunt Brittany (yes, your aunt got in town the night before).  We got to Grandma's where I fed you breakfast and hung out for a few.  You saw your Dora 4-wheeler and hopped right on it, it was super cute!!!

Then once Grandma and Britt were ready to go we headed to the mall where we spent the next 5 hours!!  We had a blast and you were SOOOO freakin' good!!!  You were so patient and good in your stroller.  We did take a break and went to lunch at the Bistro Cafe inside Nordstrom's.  It was YUMMY!!!  Us girls had a salad, you had chicken fingers, fried and fruit!!  Grandma bought you a little coloring thing to keep you entertained.  After lunch we went to the restroom to change your diaper and outfit.  You looked super darling!!  So many people complimented you at the mall - "look at those eyes!"  "look at that cute baby!"  Plus there were tonz of people that smiled at you and you would smile back!!!  Priceless.  It's one thing to have such a beautiful baby but one that is super happy is just freakin' awesome!!!!

We stopped at TCBY to have an afternoon snack of some yummy non-fat yogurt.  You woke up just in time to have some!!

We were almost done with our excursion, but had to make one more stop at Macey's.  Since you were so good all day in your stroller and the crowd died down I let you out to do some walking around and exploring.  I love watching you walk around, discover new things and see what catches your attention.

You really liked this chair at Macey's!
Then we finally made our way to the car, not because we were done shopping, but because the mall was closing.  After a long, busy day you were still smiling!!

We finally made it home to dad.  He missed us and was really excited to see us.  He made homemade bread for our yummy chicken sandwiches for dinner!!  Delish!! 

Thanks for a wonderful weekend my dear!

Love you!


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