Friday, January 6, 2012

You in 2012

Dear Maizy,

I want to take more pictures of all of us and especially you - one of my goals is to become a camera person.  I am always forgetting it and missing lots of photo ops - well not this year babe!!

Here are some pics so far!!

Bath Time 1.1.12

You took this picture by yourself.  1.2.12

Cutest comb over ever!! 1.2.12

This is you exactly one year from the pic below!!  You are growing too fast!! 1.3.10

You on 1.3.12.  wanting my phone SO bad!!!  Love your face!!!

 I think it would be SO bad ass to take a picture of you just about everyday and then put them all side by side and see, really see, how fast you change and grow!!  It breaks my heart sometimes.

This morning before I left for work I peeked in on you snozzin' in your crib and you looked, so, so big!!! And just long!!!  It blows my mind babe, it really does.  To think that you were once 5 pounds and 18 inches long and now you're 23 pounds, super tall (not exactly sure how tall) and just full of sass!!

I love you sweet girl!

Cheers to our awesome year!!


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