Tuesday, April 3, 2012

1st Temper Tantrum

Dear Maizy,

Last night I witnessed your first, real temper tantrum.  I picked you up from Grandma Donker's yesterday and every time I go to pick you up you get hyper and all excited to see me.  I LOVE IT!!!! 

So we drove home and sang songs as usual.  Right when I pulled in the driveway I received a phone call.  I took it and was trying to talk on the phone, carry all the stuff in from the car and keep you entertained all at the same time.  I went upstairs to change my clothes, you followed me then I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff.  You saw your Dora "spray" bath time soap on the counter - you wanted it!!!  While I am still on the phone I put you up to the counter, push up your sleeves, give you some soap and let you play in the water for a few.  You were putting the super foamy soap all over your face so it looked like a bear, it was super adorable and funny.  I am sad I didn't get pictures.  I let you play like this for about 10 minutes while I wrapped up my phone conversation.  After I hung up the phone I put you down on the floor and washed the soap off your face.  We are still laughing and having a good time at this point.  Then it hits you, you realized that we were done playing and you lost it!!  I mean really lost it!!  You started crying, then screaming and threw yourself back on the ground and continued to scream, you stood up grabbed my leg and was pretty much pleading with your actions to let you play again in the sink with the soap.  I explained we had to leave and had played enough.  I really did feel bad.  I've never seen you act like that.  I picked you and was trying to hug you and calm you down, but you wouldn't have it.  Then you saw your super sad face in the bathroom mirror and started crying more and even harder. 

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt on this tantrum.  I mean you were with your Grandmother all day and I am sure got to do whatever your beautiful heart wanted and you have probably never heard "no" from Grandma.  I remained calm, loving and understanding.  i felt bad too!  Believe me I much rather would have loved to stayed home and played too but Grandma Shelly was waiting at her house for us to join them for dinner.

Anyway, that tantrum sure was something.  I am hoping and praying that it doesn't become a habit.  I am understanding though as to why you acted that way.

You really are such a good, good girl that I am sure I can handle this sort of behavior once in a blue moon and it's completely justified - you are spoiled by many, so it's not entirely your fault.

I think your tantrum wore you out because when we got to Grandma's house you were way tired and didn't have much to say for quite some time. 

Thanks for being an angel 99.9% of the time.  I can handle that for sure.

Overall we had a great, great night together.  I love you tonz and tonz!!!

Love you!!


This is the closest pic (taken 2/11/11) I could find to you having a tantrum.  See how adorable you still are??
Love you!

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