Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Dear Maizy,

You are such a bad ass.  Pardon my french but you are.  I just can't get over how clever, smart, witty, happy, beautiful, fun and easy going you are.

Friday I got home from work about 7 p.m.  You and dad were on the back patio drawing with sidewalk chalk.  You two are quite the artists.  Then we hung out, had dinner, then we all lounged on the couch and played video games.  I am not sure if I mentioned it or not but we bought a Wii and it's pretty fun!! And addicting. 

Saturday morning we slept in.  YAY for sleeping in.  We were all SO tired from our busy, hectic week.  We woke up and daddy fixed us eggs and cheese - YUM!!  I cherish our meals when we all get a chance to sit together at the table to talk and laugh.  Meal time with my parents and sis was also my favorite time growing up.

Then we got ready for the day.  You insisted on wearing your "hat".  You have been wearing your "hat" around the house for some time now.  Which I find very interesting since you refuse to wear a headband or anything else on/in your head/hair for long.  Your "hat" or helmet, as I like to call it, is the top to a toy.  You wear it while playing in your room, your head has since grown and doesn't fit like it used to,  so you hold the "hat"  with one hand and play with the other, it's all very entertaining and awesome to watch. So we, including your "hat", got  in the car and went on an adventure. 

We met Uncle Paul for minute at a house that he and daddy are working in.  You and I walked around while they wrapped up some last minute details.  We were in a really fun neighborhood with big trees and lots of flowers.  We walked around for about 30 minutes then it was time to go.  We were on the hunt to get you an outside play thing - a thing to climb on with a slide.  You were SO awesome while we dragged you around town.  We went EVERYWHERE!  Wal-mart, Target, Lowe's, Home Depot, Toys R' Us and Shopko.  You eventually fell asleep. We ended the adventure at Harmon's to get stuff for dinner and treat ourselves to some gelato!!  Yum!!  We got you the mango sorbetto which you devoured!!!

We finally made it home - no play thing in hand, but a tummy full of gelato.

Then we just played around, ate a delicious dinner, played some more then it was bed time.  Our days definitely go by way too fast!! Insert sad face here.

Sunday morning your dad went to work early so it was just you and I kiddo.  We slept in again - woo hoo!!

When you woke up you needed a bath since your diaper leaked, so in the tub you went.  My two favorite moments of the day - getting you out of your crib with your messy hair and scratchy little voice and then bath time.  I love watching you interact with your toys, play in the water, we just sit and talk.  I love it!! 

During your bath you said "potty" jumped out of the tub and went potty, pee-pee to be exact, on your Dora potty.  I was SO excited and proud.  I even cried a little.  YAY!!! Then you jumped back in the tub. See you are a total BAMF!!

Then we went downstairs and I fixed us a yummy breakfast of chocolate dipped strawberries, cheerios and sugar/cinnamon wheat tortilla chips - which could also be dipped in chocolate. 

Then we started cleaning the house, it was a disaster!!  You were a big help while I cleaned.  you helped me throw stuff away and kept your self busy while I did the dishes and laundry.  Thank you for being such an awesome girl.  At one point you got bored with me and went and played in your room by yourself.  I would go spy on you and watch you play.  You have such a creative mind.

Throughout the day you said some new words.  "Shelly" for Grandma Shelly. "Morning".  Then I said "shit" and then I heard you say it, I didn't make a big deal of it and started saying "shoot" instead.  Oops!!!  Now that we have been playing video games and swear more because of it we have to seriously watch it!! 

Anyway, I was in the kitchen at one point and you were in the living room watching a show and they said "What's your favorite color?" And you responded "Green!!"  I couldn't believe it.  You little smarty pants!!!!  Plus that's my favorite color and Grandpa Frank's. 

I got a lot done on Sunday thanks to you.  You were so awesome and entertained yourself so I could get stuff done.  I did take breaks to come snuggle with you on the couch, read you a story or two, draw and play with some toys. 

Then we had dinner.  You had noodles and green beans - my heck you LOVE green beans.  Then I ate a spinach salad.  You LOVED the beets but didn't care too much for the mushrooms or dressing. 

After dinner I went to change you and you needed another bath.  Your diaper leaked again!!
That's ok.  I love bath time. Then you said "shower" so you were sitting in the tub with the shower going.  You were loving it.  Well when the water starts getting cold bath time comes to an end.  I got you out and got you in your jammies.  I laid you in my bed and turned on a movie for you and you were out!  You were pooped babe!!

It was an awesome weekend and I hate to see them end.  Seriously.  I experience a little anxiety every Sunday night.  Ugh!

You are such a special little girl.  You make my heart melt with your smile.  You make me laugh every day!  You make my days brighter.  I love you more than I can ever, ever put into words.

Thank you!

Love you!!


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