Since you have been in my world I can't stop thinking about you. I think about it all - the past, future and present. I want the best things in life for you. Always. I have a very important job in helping you obtain all the best things in life.
See, you are the only constant in my life. Jobs come and go. Boys come and go. Friends come and go. Parents come and go. Siblings come and go. Metaphorically speaking of course - people may come in and out of your life. But you are my constant. I know that I get to see your beautiful smiling face everyday, take care of you, make sure you are fed, taken care of and all of your needs are met. This is my favorite part of my life. I LOVE seeing you in the mornings. You are always SO happy.
When I peak in on you when you're sleeping it takes everything I have not to jump in your crib and cuddled with you. I love the peace you show while sleeping and seeing the side view of your long, beautiful dark lashes, it reminds me of how great life is and you are the reason I do everything I do.
I am truly blessed to be your mom. Every time you smile and laugh I know I'm doing something right and when you cry because you are sad and you run to me, even in a group of others, I know I must be doing something right. I am your mom. Crazy. That statement still blows me away. I am your mom. God loves me and trusts me with such an amazing little spirit. Wow! I am so lucky. A while back someone used to tell me that I was going to do some great things, he didn't know what or when, but that I was going to do some thing great. I was waiting for what it was he was talking about and here you are. You are the great thing that I did and the great thing I get to do - be your mom.
Part of me wants to be selfish and not share you with any one but then part of me wants to share you with every one and show you off. This may sound silly but if we are at the grocery store or somewhere I see a person that looks sad or just down I intentionally walk passed them with you, they see your smiling face, they smile and mission accomplished. I've shared your beauty, smile and kindness and we all feel better.
Last night I was cleaning my room - see even mom's have to clean their rooms - anyway, I turned on a movie for you and you were laughing. You were laughing at the funny parts of the show. Now how do you know what's funny!?! I've always wondered that, but you do. You have a fabulous sense of humor and that adds to the list of a billion things I love and admire about you.
Thanks for the being such a wonderful girl and being the great thing I did!!
Love you!
Ok so now it's picture time. Last night daddy worked so you and I had a yummy dinner then for dessert we dipped strawberries in chocolate. You loved it!
Then we headed upstairs to the bath tub!! Bath time - your favorite!!!
You LOVE your bath tub time. We fill the tub up at least twice. I have to say it's my favorite too!
Check you out! This pic was taken on April 4, 2011. Can you believe how much you've grown and changed!?!? I can't.
I love that face!!! xoxoxo
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