Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stuff, stuff and more stuff!!

Dear Maizy,

Life can be SO hectic and as a mom you try to make your kids believe that you have it all together.  Not sure if I that can always be accomplished.  For example,  our house is a disaster right now!!  UGH!  I just can't seem to get on top of it all.  I work all day, drive 25 miles after work to go get you, drive home, unload the car, relax, make dinner, then it's bath time and before you know it, it's bedtime and I got nothing done around the house like planned. I'm not complaining I'm just giving a brief run down of our week nights when daddy works and how our nights go by way too fast.  Then the weekend comes and the last thing we want to do is stay home and do chores.  I feel like we have to cuddle, play and enjoy each other's company as much as possible.  You're just supposed to have fun, enjoy life as much as possible, learn new things and play not be bothered with the fact that your mother can't get her crap together.  

Anyway, I'll get it all figured out soon.  Hopefully.  I'm considering hiring a maid or taking a week off work to Spring clean our home.  Remember our house is messy not dirty - there is a difference.  I vacuum, dust, scrub and clean around the toys, clothes and clutter. 

This morning when you and I were on our way to Grandma Donker's your dad called and told me that I left your bag at home!!  Blah!!  Great! Just great!! That bag has all your clothes, diapers and wipes in there.  So, we get to Grandma's and I tell her this, but she said it was fine, she has everything you need, but I believe it makes her question me and my motherly abilities.  Maybe not, it's just how I feel.  Mornings are rough!

Ok, so we got that out of the way.  I also wanted to talk about what a good, good girl you are and even though you are an angel you are still a toddler, a toddler that wants her way and is testing her boundaries.

You will definitely cry if you don't get your way or get something you want.  Like the other night you found my chapstick, took the lid off and was digging your finger in it to get the gunk out to put on your lips.  I kindly took it away from you to show you how to apply it to your lips, but you freaked out!!!  There was no reasoning with you.  You lost it.  You were so mad at me.  You even backed yourself into a corner to get away from me. Ouch!  That hurt a little.

I decided you cry more over not getting your way than you do when you get hurt.

You are starting to tug and pull on me to get your way.  If I am sitting down and you want me to get up and do something you will pull on my arm, shirt or whatever you can and will drag me to what you want me to do.  I find it hilarious.

You yell if you want something and if you're not getting your way.  I always tell you to use your words, but the closer it is to your bedtime the less words you say.  I get it.  I understand.

You like to get in the fridge, look around and grab things.  You LOVE apples and the way you say "apple" is adorable.  You like to eat apples whole, you spit out the peel but will pretty much eat the whole thing.

You LOVE to dip your food in ranch, ketchup, BBQ sauce, pretty much anything you can dip.  Then you like to put your hand in it - palm down - right in the center of the dip and then lick your hand.  You get super messy, but you like it and everything is washable so I don't mind too much.

You are continuing to talk more and more.  Here's what you are saying as of late:

Shoot.  Egg.  Candy.  Money. 
Mickey, Minnie, Pete, Belle, Daisy - all from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 
Grandma Donker taught you forehead, cheek and chin - you point to them too when you say them. 
Bunny.  Trouble.  Outside.  Dog.  Cat.  Horsey. Car.  Shoes. 
Show - then you tug at me to put in a show for you. 
No - as you shake your head. 
Bottle - which we are still struggling to take away from you. 
Hair.  Earring.  Ouch.  Color.  Bee.  Bug.  Green.  Yellow. Orange. Red. Brown. Blue. Purple. Blankie. Baby.

Today I called Grandma to check on you and she said that Grandpa was washing his hands and you said "Grandpa wash hands!"  Gosh you're so smart!!

We also started kissing your owies better, it's SO cute!  The other night you and I were playing in your room and your hurt your hand, you put your hand up to me to kiss it better and I did, then you were holding your baby doll and made her kiss your hand better too!!  SOOOOOOOO freakin' adorable!!

Well I can't wait for the weekend to get here!  Woo hoo!!!!

Thanks for being a fun, fun baby!!  And for always keeping me on my toes.

I love you!!


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