Friday, April 20, 2012


Dear Maizy,

I got home from work last night.  You were sleeping, but I needed t run to the grocery store and you are my little shopping buddy.  I went in to check on you - you were awake!! YAY!!  I changed you and out the door we went.  It was such a beautiful night.  You were fun as always at the store.  We weren't gone long, so we got home fixed dinner and hung out.  Then we all hung out in the t.v. room and played.  Then I said "awesome" and you kept saying it.  We were cracking up!  You say it SO freakin' cute!  "Awesome, awesome!"  You would say it over and over again.

Then we had to return a movie so we walked as a family to the convenience store to return the movie.  I am so very proud of my cute and happy family.  You were just loving being outside and I was just loving every minute of being outside, pushing you in your stroller with your dad and holding hands with him.

It was a fabulous night.  Tonight daddy and I are going out with some friends.  We are having mixed feelings about it.  We are dropping you off at G-ma Donker's house for a sleepover and we are going to miss you like crazy!!! We would much rather just stay home and be together but this sort of stuff is good for all of us or something like that.  Grandma is just ecstatic to get you overnight.  She LOVES you SOOOOO much and has missed you this week.  The last time she saw you was on Tuesday and I know she misses you and I am sure you miss her.  I love that you and her have this great relationship.  Most children don't get to even meet their grandparents let alone a great grandparent.

I am going to go pick you up first thing Saturday and we are going to have an amazing weekend together.  I just know it. 

Love you!!

Thanks for being so AWESOME!!


you and dad playing outside 4.19.12

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