Dear Maizy,
Last night was a lot of fun. As soon as I got home we loaded up in the car and headed back into town. Daddy dropped you and I off at my friend Tristian's house while he ran errands. Tristian and I used to work together. I got her fired - long story with a great lesson - anyway, she found it in her heart to forgive me and I am so very thankful that she did.
Anyway, the purpose of our visit was to go visit her and meet her new baby, Dexter. He was born on April 6, 2012 and can I just say he is super cute!?!?!
I was kind of curious how you would do with a baby, but like always and with everything you were a rock star!! I held him and you seemed pretty cool with that. You came and sat right next to us. I pointed out his cute little toes to you and you kissed them - my heart melted!
Then you lost interest and explored his toys and room a bit. You even tried out his bouncer! Tristian was getting the biggest kick out of you and all that you could say.
When Dex was in his bouncer you gave him his binky ever so gently, but not before trying out the binky yourself first. Tristian is and was so easy going and laid back about it all, it was me who was freaking out. Then you kept giving him his toys and placing them next to him and you even helped bounce him in his bouncer. I was worried you were going to give him whiplash, so I showed you how to do it gently.
I am not sure if you will be a big sister one day, but I know whole-heartedly you'd make a fabulous one.
Dad picked us up and we were driving home as I was telling him all about our visit and how awesome you were with baby Dex. Then dad turned around while driving and said "Oh Maizy" and you yelled back "I LOVE YOU!!!" Yep! You said "I love you!" for the first time. It was so freaking adorable and brought tears to our eyes. You kept saying it all night, ok, maybe we kept saying it to you so you would say it back, but regardless it was so cute and tender. The funny thing was every time you said it, you yelled it!! Ha ha ha!!
You are something else babe! You are truly amazing. We love you tonz and tonz.
This weekend we are going to Lava Hot Springs and we are so super excited to take a mini trip as a family. We are going to have a blast. I spent all my summers growing up in Lava and I wish that you could have the same experience, but since it's not possible since my Great Grandma passed we will just have to go there as much as we can.
You are going to swim in the same pool I spent many, many hours in. Enjoy the same ice cream parlor I did. Anyway, I could go on and on but this trip means a lot to me. YAY!!
I can't wait to tell you all about it and have lots of pictures capturing the great times.
Thanks for letting me be your mommy!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
You got your hair did!
Dear Maizy,
Your hair is getting super long and it's been discovered, by your father, that you can now wear it in pony tails and all sorts of ways.
Your father has done your hair super cute 3 times now.
This is you today! You and dad are hanging out and obviously having a great time!
I think you look too grown up with your hair done. You're growing way too fast.
Your hair is getting super long and it's been discovered, by your father, that you can now wear it in pony tails and all sorts of ways.
Your father has done your hair super cute 3 times now.
This is you today! You and dad are hanging out and obviously having a great time!
I think you look too grown up with your hair done. You're growing way too fast.
It looks like you are mid-sentence and ready to say something like
"Damn I'm cute!"
Yes, yes we know that.
Dad just called me at work and told me that you were kind of having a rough day. As of late you like to shut the door to the bedrooms, sometimes shutting us out, sometimes not, anyway, you pinched your fingers once last night and twice today all in different doors.
Then you were playing with my stand up jewelry box, which is a big no, no for this reason exactly - it came crashing down on you.
Dad said you cried for less than a minute I believe it since you are such a tough girl, but I can't wait to get home to cuddle you and kiss your owies better!
Sorry that happened babe!
And just in time to go meet some friends of mine tonight for the first time.
Love you!
Shhhhhhhhh! Quiet!
Dear Maizy,
Last week you started saying "Shhhhhhh! Quiet!" As you put your finger up to your mouth. It was super cute and hilarious. Especially when you did it while dad was singing! My thoughts exactly. : )
We are still not sure where you learned that one from - we are thinking Dora.
Recently when i get busy cleaning or doing laundry I notice you aren't right behind me, I worry then when I can't hear you I really worry. Every time I find you just quietly playing in your room. You'll either be sitting there either going through your books and studying each page, going through all the toys in your toy box and observing each one before you toss it on the floor, playing with your alphabet train and mimicking each letter and sound it makes, but last night you were putting stickers all over your legs and feet.
I watched you for a minute without you noticing, it was completely quiet as you methodically placed each sticker. Then I walked in and laid on the floor next to you. We didn't say a word. You just started putting stickers on me and saying the colors of the stickers out loud "Black." "Yellow". "Red." "Blue" Then when I was covered you started putting the stickers on your stuffed bear and toy dolphin and naming the body parts you were putting them. "Foot." "Hand." "Neck." "Leg." "Nose. My heart was melting. You were just so into what you were doing, your big blue eyes paying attention to detail, your beautiful hair was messy from playing and having fun all day, your t-shirt had remnants of our yummy family dinner together and Popsicle and your cute little busy hands with the finger nail polish almost rubbed off. I'm smitten with you. I love watching you and seeing your eyes light up with a new idea in your head.
You are definitely something special. I am blown away how much you know and learn each day.
I am also blown away by the compassion you already have. You give loves unexpectedly and all on your own will. You give kisses - the best ones - without being asked. You show concern when you hear someone crying. You are amazing at sharing without even asked. You have a heart of gold babe!
I think this is why too I get so upset when I see other kids be mean to you, take things right out of your hands or be mean to you. You are so smart, so kind, so amazing, so beautiful, so sweet and I don't want any one to ever, ever make you doubt how tremendous you are or crush your sweet spirit.
I love and admire you so much.
Thank you for being my sweet, sweet girl.
Love you!
Last week you started saying "Shhhhhhh! Quiet!" As you put your finger up to your mouth. It was super cute and hilarious. Especially when you did it while dad was singing! My thoughts exactly. : )
We are still not sure where you learned that one from - we are thinking Dora.
Recently when i get busy cleaning or doing laundry I notice you aren't right behind me, I worry then when I can't hear you I really worry. Every time I find you just quietly playing in your room. You'll either be sitting there either going through your books and studying each page, going through all the toys in your toy box and observing each one before you toss it on the floor, playing with your alphabet train and mimicking each letter and sound it makes, but last night you were putting stickers all over your legs and feet.
I watched you for a minute without you noticing, it was completely quiet as you methodically placed each sticker. Then I walked in and laid on the floor next to you. We didn't say a word. You just started putting stickers on me and saying the colors of the stickers out loud "Black." "Yellow". "Red." "Blue" Then when I was covered you started putting the stickers on your stuffed bear and toy dolphin and naming the body parts you were putting them. "Foot." "Hand." "Neck." "Leg." "Nose. My heart was melting. You were just so into what you were doing, your big blue eyes paying attention to detail, your beautiful hair was messy from playing and having fun all day, your t-shirt had remnants of our yummy family dinner together and Popsicle and your cute little busy hands with the finger nail polish almost rubbed off. I'm smitten with you. I love watching you and seeing your eyes light up with a new idea in your head.
Look how freakin' happy you make me! |
I am also blown away by the compassion you already have. You give loves unexpectedly and all on your own will. You give kisses - the best ones - without being asked. You show concern when you hear someone crying. You are amazing at sharing without even asked. You have a heart of gold babe!
I think this is why too I get so upset when I see other kids be mean to you, take things right out of your hands or be mean to you. You are so smart, so kind, so amazing, so beautiful, so sweet and I don't want any one to ever, ever make you doubt how tremendous you are or crush your sweet spirit.
I love and admire you so much.
Thank you for being my sweet, sweet girl.
Love you!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Memorial Weekend!!
Dear Maizy,
This was the best Memorial weekend as of yet! We had so much fun hanging out together as a family. You kept us entertained and laughing.
Friday night I got home from work and couldn't have been more happy. We played and had a dance party. We took a break and cuddled. You took a picture of yourself on my phone to capture the moment. Look at how dang cute you are!
Saturday we slept in - yay for sleeping in! Then we got ready and headed to Grandma Annette's house where you were going to meet some cousin's of daddy's we have never met. You were dressed super cute of course. We got there and met everyone and I was not impressed and either were you. The kids were super, super bratty and super, super possessive of toys - even if they weren't playing with them. You realized how lame they were so you went off on your own and played. You are so damn cool I can hardly stand it. Then when the dumb kids came in from being out on the tramp you wanted to go outside so me, daddy and you went out and jumped on the tramp, it was GREAT!! Then when the other kids came back out we went back in and left. We went to the store and got some yummy stuff for dinner. We got home, got in our jammies and relaxed, it was WONDERFUL!! We may or may not have gotten super silly.
Then we had a delicious bbq steak dinner with baked potatoes. You sure are a good little eater. You kept saying "leaf, leaf", so I shared my salad with you and you loved it!! We finished the evening with a rigorous dance party. This was definitely one of those nights that I didn't want to end.
Saturday night you kept waking up crying so I brought you into bed with us and we cuddled. I did not sleep well and we did not sleep in. You woke up at 9 and dragged me downstairs with you, but it was actually good that we didn't sleep in since we had lots to do that day. We had to bake cupcakes, frost them, go shopping and go to Grandma Shelly's for her birthday celebration.
You are such a big helper. You helped me put the cupcake ingredients into the bowl and stir it together, it was actually quite messy, but you were having a great time.
You even helped me decorate them!! You are such a rock star!!
You might be able to see in the pic above that you have a pair of shorts on over your pants!?! Yeah you're in this phase right now where you like to layer your clothing, it's quite hilarious and entertaining. If you can't do it yourself you get super frustrated. You don't quite understand why another pair of pants can't easily go on top of another. It cracks me up!!
We had to go get ready for the bbq at Grandma's house but not without trying on dad's work boots first.
Oh and you had already had your bath before the cupcake! I swear you could take a bath after every meal!! After breakfast we just hung around and got ready for Grandpa Frank to come over and visit. The sun was finally shining and it was beautiful outside. We turned on the stereo cleaned the house, you would follow me around and help or you would go in your room and play. Then Grandpa showed up and we played outside. We turned on the sprinkler for you and you were in heaven! you were cracking Grandpa Frank up! He brought you a Pluto Pez dispenser. He was impressed that you knew Pluto and kept saying his name, you were saying all your animal sounds, colors, counting to 14 like you do and even saying circle and finding circles all over the place. You are such a smarty pants.
So you know how to count to 14, can say and recognize "circle", say and point out all the colors, you also said the following words/phrases this weekend:
freak - my "swear" word but now you say it so I need to get a kinder word to say
Let go! - you and dad were both grabbing for the same thing
Where is she/it/that?
Oh there she/it/that is!
Sienna - I was teaching you this on Saturday on our way to G-ma Annette's house
Jaguar - Diego the cartoons pet
Pirate Ship
Super hot
Come on! - as you tug, pull, push someone to go with you
Maizy - it's SO freakin' adorable how you say your name
Two - when you are asked how old you are
I know you have started saying a ton more words and phrases but I can't remember them all. you are talking so much and are getting easier and easier to understand. When people are talking to you, you are always staring at their mouth and I think that has helped you a lot.
Thanks for a fantastic weekend. You are such a good, good girl! Today I woke up thinking how can I stay home with Maizy all day, but still make money?!?!?!
How I only wish babe!!
Love you!
This was the best Memorial weekend as of yet! We had so much fun hanging out together as a family. You kept us entertained and laughing.
Friday night I got home from work and couldn't have been more happy. We played and had a dance party. We took a break and cuddled. You took a picture of yourself on my phone to capture the moment. Look at how dang cute you are!
Saturday we slept in - yay for sleeping in! Then we got ready and headed to Grandma Annette's house where you were going to meet some cousin's of daddy's we have never met. You were dressed super cute of course. We got there and met everyone and I was not impressed and either were you. The kids were super, super bratty and super, super possessive of toys - even if they weren't playing with them. You realized how lame they were so you went off on your own and played. You are so damn cool I can hardly stand it. Then when the dumb kids came in from being out on the tramp you wanted to go outside so me, daddy and you went out and jumped on the tramp, it was GREAT!! Then when the other kids came back out we went back in and left. We went to the store and got some yummy stuff for dinner. We got home, got in our jammies and relaxed, it was WONDERFUL!! We may or may not have gotten super silly.
Then we had a delicious bbq steak dinner with baked potatoes. You sure are a good little eater. You kept saying "leaf, leaf", so I shared my salad with you and you loved it!! We finished the evening with a rigorous dance party. This was definitely one of those nights that I didn't want to end.
Saturday night you kept waking up crying so I brought you into bed with us and we cuddled. I did not sleep well and we did not sleep in. You woke up at 9 and dragged me downstairs with you, but it was actually good that we didn't sleep in since we had lots to do that day. We had to bake cupcakes, frost them, go shopping and go to Grandma Shelly's for her birthday celebration.
You are such a big helper. You helped me put the cupcake ingredients into the bowl and stir it together, it was actually quite messy, but you were having a great time.
You even helped me decorate them!! You are such a rock star!!
You might be able to see in the pic above that you have a pair of shorts on over your pants!?! Yeah you're in this phase right now where you like to layer your clothing, it's quite hilarious and entertaining. If you can't do it yourself you get super frustrated. You don't quite understand why another pair of pants can't easily go on top of another. It cracks me up!!
We had to go get ready for the bbq at Grandma's house but not without trying on dad's work boots first.
We made it to Grandma's after a quick trip to Costco where I picked up a copy of Bug's Life for you. The party didn't start until you got there. You were cracking everyone up!! You were making animal sounds for everyone, naming all your colors, smiling, laughing and running around. The sun even peaked through the clouds for a minute so we ran outside and enjoyed it while we could. We ate some yummy bbq, fruit, salad and bread. Then it was time for dessert. We gave you a cupcake and you were so cute just eating the frosting off the top and sucking it out of the cake, it was funny.
We got home from Grandma's at about 8pm and laid you down since you didn't have a nap all day. Then about 20 minutes later you were yelling from your crib and was ready to play! What the heck!?!? You were pretty much deliriously tired!! We sat at the table together and had a snack. There is a mirror above the table that is shaped like a circle, so you learned circle. You would see things shaped like a circle and yell "CIRCLE!!" Then you would also make the shape with your hand. It's amazing how fast you learn. Then you and I eventually cuddled together and watch Bug's Life. You kept asking every minute "What's that?" "What's that?" It was hilarious... at first. ; )
You finally did make it to bed. Even though I had the day off Monday morning came too soon. you woke up saying "cake, cake". Yep you wanted a cupcake for breakfast. You had more sugar on Sunday than you have ever had in one day - could it be that you had two Grandma's that over ruled anything your parents said!?! Hmmmm, yeah pretty much!
Anyway, you had a cupcake for breakfast since you were such a good, good girl this weekend.
Oh and you had already had your bath before the cupcake! I swear you could take a bath after every meal!! After breakfast we just hung around and got ready for Grandpa Frank to come over and visit. The sun was finally shining and it was beautiful outside. We turned on the stereo cleaned the house, you would follow me around and help or you would go in your room and play. Then Grandpa showed up and we played outside. We turned on the sprinkler for you and you were in heaven! you were cracking Grandpa Frank up! He brought you a Pluto Pez dispenser. He was impressed that you knew Pluto and kept saying his name, you were saying all your animal sounds, colors, counting to 14 like you do and even saying circle and finding circles all over the place. You are such a smarty pants.
So you know how to count to 14, can say and recognize "circle", say and point out all the colors, you also said the following words/phrases this weekend:
freak - my "swear" word but now you say it so I need to get a kinder word to say
Let go! - you and dad were both grabbing for the same thing
Where is she/it/that?
Oh there she/it/that is!
Sienna - I was teaching you this on Saturday on our way to G-ma Annette's house
Jaguar - Diego the cartoons pet
Pirate Ship
Super hot
Come on! - as you tug, pull, push someone to go with you
Maizy - it's SO freakin' adorable how you say your name
Two - when you are asked how old you are
I know you have started saying a ton more words and phrases but I can't remember them all. you are talking so much and are getting easier and easier to understand. When people are talking to you, you are always staring at their mouth and I think that has helped you a lot.
Thanks for a fantastic weekend. You are such a good, good girl! Today I woke up thinking how can I stay home with Maizy all day, but still make money?!?!?!
How I only wish babe!!
Love you!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Dance Parties
Dear Maizy,
We have had such a fun, fun, crazy busy week!! I am thinking that rhythm will continue through the weekend.
Last week I bought us a new stereo since I had to get rid of the one I've had since I was 13!! Yes, I had that same stereo for 17+ years. That stereo has been the only my constant in my life for so many years. My mom and dad gave it to me for Christmas and gave me a couple of CD's and tapes to go with it - Eagles, Pearl Jam and Robert Page.
I LOVED that stereo!!
It consoled me as a angry teenager, comforted me and gave me a piece of home every time I moved, it got me smilin', movin' and shakin', it was the host of many, many solo dance parties, it gave me hope when I questioning it all, it reminded me of who I am and what I love. Does that sound just crazy!?!? Ok maybe. I just LOVE music. All kinds. I want you to love music too and go with the way it makes your body move. Let's just hope you have your dad's rhythm and not mine. Your dad really is a terrific dancer.
Anyway, so this new stereo is a great replacement. It's a radio, cd, cassette and Mp3 player, and the absolute best feature of all is it plays records!! Yes, records! I LOVE records.
When I was a young child I used to dress up in my mother's dresses - yes, they were way long, dragged on the floor and made maneuvering very difficult - and I would dance to my parents records. I would entertain myself like this for hours!! I used to play Lionel Richie and Bonnie Tyler the most. Please, please don't hold this bit of information against me ever!! :)
When Grandpa Frank saw the stereo he promised me that he would bring those old records over for us to play and dance to!!
Ok sorry I got off track. Well since I have bought this stereo we have had multiple dance parties and such party took place last night. We had a blast!! All three of us were grooving in the living room. You are the cutest little dancer EVER!! You bend your knees and bounce and of course you twirl too. I am looking forward to many, many more dance parties and having music be a big part of our lives.
Besides our awesome dance parties, it's just been an awesome week. Monday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you two watered the flowers and plants in her yard. Then we ordered yummy pizza for dinner.
Tuesday the 3 of us piled in the car with Todd and Sara and headed up the canyon! Daddy made us yummy sandwiches for us to enjoy up in the mountains. You were LOVING it. you were checking out all the bugs, climbing on everything you could, they even had a playground up there for you to play on. We walked down by the roaring river. We got home when you were tired and filthy!! Luckily the next day Grandma gave you a bath first thing when I dropped you off. You even had dirt inside your diaper!! Ha ha ha! all that matters is you had a great time.
And, um, I suck. I didn't get any pics of the evening.
Wednesday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you were super tired by the time I got home after 7p.m. You and daddy went on a walk then when you two got home we ate leftover pizza, watched a little t.v. and read books. Then before you know it, it was bedtime.
Thursday you spent the day with Grandma Donker. I picked you up after work then we went to Target. you are the best shopping buddy in the world! We have so much fun wherever we are. You like to stand up in the cart and smile at everyone and check everything out. I just love you! Then we got home and had dinner and our dance party.
This weekend is a 3 day weekend!! Woo hoo!!! We are just staying close to home, but are going to visit the Grandma's and get outside a bit. I am looking forward to being with you!
Thanks for being so amazing!!
Love you!
We have had such a fun, fun, crazy busy week!! I am thinking that rhythm will continue through the weekend.
Last week I bought us a new stereo since I had to get rid of the one I've had since I was 13!! Yes, I had that same stereo for 17+ years. That stereo has been the only my constant in my life for so many years. My mom and dad gave it to me for Christmas and gave me a couple of CD's and tapes to go with it - Eagles, Pearl Jam and Robert Page.
I LOVED that stereo!!
It consoled me as a angry teenager, comforted me and gave me a piece of home every time I moved, it got me smilin', movin' and shakin', it was the host of many, many solo dance parties, it gave me hope when I questioning it all, it reminded me of who I am and what I love. Does that sound just crazy!?!? Ok maybe. I just LOVE music. All kinds. I want you to love music too and go with the way it makes your body move. Let's just hope you have your dad's rhythm and not mine. Your dad really is a terrific dancer.
Anyway, so this new stereo is a great replacement. It's a radio, cd, cassette and Mp3 player, and the absolute best feature of all is it plays records!! Yes, records! I LOVE records.
When I was a young child I used to dress up in my mother's dresses - yes, they were way long, dragged on the floor and made maneuvering very difficult - and I would dance to my parents records. I would entertain myself like this for hours!! I used to play Lionel Richie and Bonnie Tyler the most. Please, please don't hold this bit of information against me ever!! :)
When Grandpa Frank saw the stereo he promised me that he would bring those old records over for us to play and dance to!!
Ok sorry I got off track. Well since I have bought this stereo we have had multiple dance parties and such party took place last night. We had a blast!! All three of us were grooving in the living room. You are the cutest little dancer EVER!! You bend your knees and bounce and of course you twirl too. I am looking forward to many, many more dance parties and having music be a big part of our lives.
Besides our awesome dance parties, it's just been an awesome week. Monday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you two watered the flowers and plants in her yard. Then we ordered yummy pizza for dinner.
Tuesday the 3 of us piled in the car with Todd and Sara and headed up the canyon! Daddy made us yummy sandwiches for us to enjoy up in the mountains. You were LOVING it. you were checking out all the bugs, climbing on everything you could, they even had a playground up there for you to play on. We walked down by the roaring river. We got home when you were tired and filthy!! Luckily the next day Grandma gave you a bath first thing when I dropped you off. You even had dirt inside your diaper!! Ha ha ha! all that matters is you had a great time.
And, um, I suck. I didn't get any pics of the evening.
Wednesday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you were super tired by the time I got home after 7p.m. You and daddy went on a walk then when you two got home we ate leftover pizza, watched a little t.v. and read books. Then before you know it, it was bedtime.
Thursday you spent the day with Grandma Donker. I picked you up after work then we went to Target. you are the best shopping buddy in the world! We have so much fun wherever we are. You like to stand up in the cart and smile at everyone and check everything out. I just love you! Then we got home and had dinner and our dance party.
This weekend is a 3 day weekend!! Woo hoo!!! We are just staying close to home, but are going to visit the Grandma's and get outside a bit. I am looking forward to being with you!
Thanks for being so amazing!!
Love you!
Daddy did your hair super cute on Tuesday!! |
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Dear Maizy,
I can't believe what a slacker I am. Ugh! I haven't written or posted pics for a while now, but don't worry your pretty little face - I have been taking pictures.
Ok where do I start. Well summer is here, it's been super warm and sunny. If you had your way you would be outside 24/7.
Well we went to Grandma Annette's house and played in the pool and water park there. You were having a BLAST!!! Aren't you the cutest thing in your swimsuit!?!? I bought you two by the way. The other one is a darling two piece that's black with flowers.
You LOVE the water and just want to swim so bad. It's frightening really. If you had your way you would jump in the deep end with the big kids and that is why your dad and I decided to get you this life jacket!
Well let my clarify, this doesn't mean you can jump into the deep end by any means, this just makes it so you float and gives mom and dad peace of mind.
So we've been playing with your blocks a lot, playing dress up - I got you the cutest Dora play dress and slippers - you love them! I need to post pics of that, but it deserves it's own post really. Anyway, blocks, yes, you love your blocks.
You've even been wearing more hats and even a headband, so we decided to buy some barrette's at the store for you. You kept them in for a long time too!!
Ok so maybe we went a little crazy with the barrettes but we were just so happy that you were keeping them in and your hair looked darling!! You have fabulous hair and it curls perfectly.
Your father and I get the biggest kick out of you. Here are some phrases you have said lately that tugged at our heart strings.
"Oh! Awesome"
"Here Mommy" as you hand me something.
"Sure!" You say this instead of yes! Super darling.
"Jaguar" Yes you know all your animals and sounds - even the jaguar.
"Where is she?" You turn around and see me and say "Oh! There you is!"
"What's that?"
"Sicle" for popscicle - yours and daddy's fave treat.
I point to all of us and you say "Daddy! Mommy! Maizy!" It's just melts my heart. You say your name SO cute!!
You also say apple and purple super cute. You know all your colors and can count to twelve.
Lately when you cry you like to cry in front of a mirror, it's funny, cute and sad all at the same time.
You call all your Grandpa's "Pa pa" And all your Grandma's "Mom" Then every guy you see at the grocery store is "Dad!"
You also like to say "No!" and "Mine!" I am not sure where "mine" came from - that's where I think nurture vs. nature plays a role, it's just natural to be territorial with our belongings and call them as they are "Mine!" Because dad and I don't walk around claiming everything. I am just amazed at what you learn and what comes natural. Too cool!!
I can't get over how fast you are growing, maturing and changing. You are spectacular and we love you to the moon and back!
Thanks for being so awesome!
Love you!!
I can't believe what a slacker I am. Ugh! I haven't written or posted pics for a while now, but don't worry your pretty little face - I have been taking pictures.
Ok where do I start. Well summer is here, it's been super warm and sunny. If you had your way you would be outside 24/7.
Well we went to Grandma Annette's house and played in the pool and water park there. You were having a BLAST!!! Aren't you the cutest thing in your swimsuit!?!? I bought you two by the way. The other one is a darling two piece that's black with flowers.
Well let my clarify, this doesn't mean you can jump into the deep end by any means, this just makes it so you float and gives mom and dad peace of mind.
So we've been playing with your blocks a lot, playing dress up - I got you the cutest Dora play dress and slippers - you love them! I need to post pics of that, but it deserves it's own post really. Anyway, blocks, yes, you love your blocks.
Ok so maybe we went a little crazy with the barrettes but we were just so happy that you were keeping them in and your hair looked darling!! You have fabulous hair and it curls perfectly.
Your father and I get the biggest kick out of you. Here are some phrases you have said lately that tugged at our heart strings.
"Oh! Awesome"
"Here Mommy" as you hand me something.
"Sure!" You say this instead of yes! Super darling.
"Jaguar" Yes you know all your animals and sounds - even the jaguar.
"Where is she?" You turn around and see me and say "Oh! There you is!"
"What's that?"
"Sicle" for popscicle - yours and daddy's fave treat.
I point to all of us and you say "Daddy! Mommy! Maizy!" It's just melts my heart. You say your name SO cute!!
You also say apple and purple super cute. You know all your colors and can count to twelve.
Lately when you cry you like to cry in front of a mirror, it's funny, cute and sad all at the same time.
You call all your Grandpa's "Pa pa" And all your Grandma's "Mom" Then every guy you see at the grocery store is "Dad!"
You also like to say "No!" and "Mine!" I am not sure where "mine" came from - that's where I think nurture vs. nature plays a role, it's just natural to be territorial with our belongings and call them as they are "Mine!" Because dad and I don't walk around claiming everything. I am just amazed at what you learn and what comes natural. Too cool!!
I can't get over how fast you are growing, maturing and changing. You are spectacular and we love you to the moon and back!
Thanks for being so awesome!
Love you!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Mommy's Little Artist
Dear Maizy,
Grandma Annette had you on Monday and you had a blast at her house playing with Sienna. You did take a nap, so that was good. When you take a nap during the day we seem to have a better night together.
Anyway, we got home and it was so beautiful outside so we went out on the back patio and drew with SIDEWALK CHALK!! Yay!! It was a lot of fun to A.) be outside and B.) watch you draw. You really are quite the artist.
You traced your hand.
You traced my hand.
You let me and daddy outline your body. Then. Then you drew eyes, nose, mouth and hair! We didn't even tell you, you just knew. You are so freakin' smart!!
You are such a joy to be with. I love and admire your creativity, your innocence, your imagination, the art you create, your words, sense of adventure and your humor. Your father and I get the biggest kick out of you.
The last two nights you have been waking up around 3 a.m. crying. We go and get you and bring you into bed with us. You instantly go back to sleep, but I don't (can't). I just listen to you and your father breathe. in between your father's snoring I am able to hear your soft breathes and I just stare at you in awe. You are beautiful and so peaceful when you sleep. This morning you were all nestled into the small of dad's back. I was in complete awe. I sometimes can't get over the fact that you are mine!! Well especially the last two mornings when it's dark, quiet and I can actually think. I wonder what you will be when you grow up - an artist, a ballerina, a teacher, a stay at home mommy, a race car driver, a pilot, a doctor, president of your own company, a chef, a fashion designer - the possibilities are endless and you are capable of all of them and so, so, so much more! I wonder where you will live in hopes that we will always be near each other. I wonder what kind of partner you will pick - preferably someone dark, rich, handsome, smart, giving, caring, kind, funny and ambitious. I just always want the best for you. I want you to be as happy as you are right now. I love that you are always happy, smiling and laughing. Not every parent gets to enjoy being a parent as much as we do. we truly are blessed and I never want to take that for granted.
We don't live in the nicest or biggest house, but guess what!?! That doesn't matter. We are safe, clean, healthy and comfortable. The walls outside of our house really don't matter it's what we have created on the inside. We really do have a loving home. Your father and I love each other a ton and to think that we love you a ton more on top of that - that's a lot of freakin' love going on!
I don't focus on being the best dresser, the best employee or the best cook and so on, I focus on being the best mommy. The best mommy for you! Everyone has different needs and wants and I am focused on meeting your needs and wants the best that I absolutely can.
I go to bed with the dishes in the sink and the house a mess, but when I wake up the next day and see it all I am reminded of what a good day/night we all had together and that is what's important to me. Those messes will wait for us and we always find time to catch up on it all, but you won't be small forever so we try to soak it up as much as we can.
Thanks for being such a blessing in my life. I know there will be a time in your life when you think I am against you, but rest assured that will never be the case, you may not understand it at the time but it's true.
Love you!!
Grandma Annette had you on Monday and you had a blast at her house playing with Sienna. You did take a nap, so that was good. When you take a nap during the day we seem to have a better night together.
Anyway, we got home and it was so beautiful outside so we went out on the back patio and drew with SIDEWALK CHALK!! Yay!! It was a lot of fun to A.) be outside and B.) watch you draw. You really are quite the artist.
You traced your hand.
You traced my hand.
You let me and daddy outline your body. Then. Then you drew eyes, nose, mouth and hair! We didn't even tell you, you just knew. You are so freakin' smart!!
Then we all just started drawing. These sort of activities remind me of what a terrible artist I am, it makes me wish Aunt Brittany was here to draw and color with you - she's the artist in the family.
You would take a break from drawing, get on your belly and inspect the bugs (ants).
The last two nights you have been waking up around 3 a.m. crying. We go and get you and bring you into bed with us. You instantly go back to sleep, but I don't (can't). I just listen to you and your father breathe. in between your father's snoring I am able to hear your soft breathes and I just stare at you in awe. You are beautiful and so peaceful when you sleep. This morning you were all nestled into the small of dad's back. I was in complete awe. I sometimes can't get over the fact that you are mine!! Well especially the last two mornings when it's dark, quiet and I can actually think. I wonder what you will be when you grow up - an artist, a ballerina, a teacher, a stay at home mommy, a race car driver, a pilot, a doctor, president of your own company, a chef, a fashion designer - the possibilities are endless and you are capable of all of them and so, so, so much more! I wonder where you will live in hopes that we will always be near each other. I wonder what kind of partner you will pick - preferably someone dark, rich, handsome, smart, giving, caring, kind, funny and ambitious. I just always want the best for you. I want you to be as happy as you are right now. I love that you are always happy, smiling and laughing. Not every parent gets to enjoy being a parent as much as we do. we truly are blessed and I never want to take that for granted.
We don't live in the nicest or biggest house, but guess what!?! That doesn't matter. We are safe, clean, healthy and comfortable. The walls outside of our house really don't matter it's what we have created on the inside. We really do have a loving home. Your father and I love each other a ton and to think that we love you a ton more on top of that - that's a lot of freakin' love going on!
I don't focus on being the best dresser, the best employee or the best cook and so on, I focus on being the best mommy. The best mommy for you! Everyone has different needs and wants and I am focused on meeting your needs and wants the best that I absolutely can.
I go to bed with the dishes in the sink and the house a mess, but when I wake up the next day and see it all I am reminded of what a good day/night we all had together and that is what's important to me. Those messes will wait for us and we always find time to catch up on it all, but you won't be small forever so we try to soak it up as much as we can.
Thanks for being such a blessing in my life. I know there will be a time in your life when you think I am against you, but rest assured that will never be the case, you may not understand it at the time but it's true.
Love you!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Cinco de Mayo
Dear Maizy,
Monday mornings come way too fast!! We had such a fun weekend. Friday I left work early and took myself to a movie. I needed that. I love you and dad so, so, so much, but I needed some alone time and a dark, cool movie theater seemed like my only solution these days. After the movie I headed up to Grandma's to pick you up. Grandpa was home too and you all had a great day! You are always so happy when you come home from Grandma Donker's. It's decided because you never hear the word "no!" and get to do whatever you want, so who wouldn't be all smiles.
We stopped at the grocery store. You are the best little shopping buddy. Then we got home and dad pulled up right behind us. YAY!! We were all home and the weekend had begun. We put groceries away then all sat at the table as you ate your dinner - hot dogs, cheese, fruit and juice. Then you and dad got bored and started playing Rambo!! Ha ha ha!! Dad put his belt around his head and we were all cracking up then you wanted to do it too.

You are the cutest thing I've ever seen!! Then we all played and watched Hop (well your dad and I did, you decided to go upstairs and watch Dora), then it was bed time. You definitely get to stay up later on the weekends and I swear you would stay up all night if we let you. I can't blame you though I was the same way as a child.
Saturday was Cinco de Mayo. It's a day of celebration in the states for Mexican heritage and pride and that is just what we did with margaritas and shrimp tacos!! Yum!
You didn't get any margarita for obvious reasons and the tacos were too spicy, but we had a great day. Daddy worked so you and I went shopping at Target. You scored some new earrings and a darling Minnie Mouse shirt. After shopping we stopped to get my oil checked. They had a little play kitchen while we waited for them to check the car and i was getting the biggest kick out of you. You play so well and are so imaginative. I could have watched you play like that all day long. Then after that we headed to Grandma Shelly's. Her and Grandpa were out working in the yard, so she took a break to feed us lunch.
We headed back home. You fell asleep on the way and when we got home I carried you up to your bed and you were out! You slept for 2 1/2 hours. I drank my margaritas and read my book outside, it was such a beautiful day! Dad got home from work about the same time you were waking up. Uncle Paul stayed for a margarita and we all just hung outside and enjoyed the sunshine before it was gone for the day.
Well the sun set, so Uncle Paul left and we came in the house to eat our tacos while you had a ham and cheese sandwich. We read books after dinner and off to bed we went.
Sunday dad made us yummy orange french toast for breakfast. Then you got a bath and we got ready for the day. We went to Grandma Annette's. You played with Sienna outside in her "castle" that has a slide. You are a pro at climbing and going down slides. Oh my gosh you say "castle" so cute!!! Then we jumped on the trampoline. You were having a blast!! you would jump up and land on your bum. You were cracking up!! And your hair was all static-y and cute!! I love watching you laugh, smile and have a good time.
After playing we went inside and played, you girls ate a Popsicle then we headed home. You slept on the way home and slept some more once we got home. You were tired!! You woke up, we ate a yummy dinner of pork chops, peas, carrots and mashed potatoes! You ate all of it - well actually you didn't like the carrots too much. Then we went upstairs and I cleaned your room while you and dad wrestled and played. Your room was messy!! You decided to pull all of your toys out of your toy box! I decided that before your second birthday we are going to take a bunch of your toys that you no longer play with to the homeless shelter. You have too many toys!!
I was thinking about all the words you say and I can't keep up. You pretty much say whatever your father and I say. I said "your room is freezing" and you said "freezing" perfectly! As of late you say: crown, castle, kite, umbrella, bike, bus, truck, frog, shoes, you can count one to ten, jammies, Popsicle, no, yes, baby, Dora, all of the characters on Mickey Mouse's clubhouse, Pa-pa, down, done, more, milk, juice, swing, slide, lips (for lip gloss), all your colors, plane, bee, butterfly, stickers, chair, table, light, hair, brush, teeth, potty, jump and pillow. Ok I tried but I can't do justice for all that you say and know. It's crazy to witness you growing and changing. I am trying to soak up every minute with you and trying to take it all in and remember it. I want to remember the sound of your sweet voice, the smell of your hair and the softness of your skin. It's all so breathtaking.
Then before we knew it our weekend came to a close and it was bed time for all of us. The weekends go by way too quickly. Thank you for being such a good, good girl. You rarely cry and are always smiling and happy.
Monday mornings come way too fast!! We had such a fun weekend. Friday I left work early and took myself to a movie. I needed that. I love you and dad so, so, so much, but I needed some alone time and a dark, cool movie theater seemed like my only solution these days. After the movie I headed up to Grandma's to pick you up. Grandpa was home too and you all had a great day! You are always so happy when you come home from Grandma Donker's. It's decided because you never hear the word "no!" and get to do whatever you want, so who wouldn't be all smiles.
We stopped at the grocery store. You are the best little shopping buddy. Then we got home and dad pulled up right behind us. YAY!! We were all home and the weekend had begun. We put groceries away then all sat at the table as you ate your dinner - hot dogs, cheese, fruit and juice. Then you and dad got bored and started playing Rambo!! Ha ha ha!! Dad put his belt around his head and we were all cracking up then you wanted to do it too.
You are the cutest thing I've ever seen!! Then we all played and watched Hop (well your dad and I did, you decided to go upstairs and watch Dora), then it was bed time. You definitely get to stay up later on the weekends and I swear you would stay up all night if we let you. I can't blame you though I was the same way as a child.
Saturday was Cinco de Mayo. It's a day of celebration in the states for Mexican heritage and pride and that is just what we did with margaritas and shrimp tacos!! Yum!
It tasted way better than it looked! |
We headed back home. You fell asleep on the way and when we got home I carried you up to your bed and you were out! You slept for 2 1/2 hours. I drank my margaritas and read my book outside, it was such a beautiful day! Dad got home from work about the same time you were waking up. Uncle Paul stayed for a margarita and we all just hung outside and enjoyed the sunshine before it was gone for the day.
Well the sun set, so Uncle Paul left and we came in the house to eat our tacos while you had a ham and cheese sandwich. We read books after dinner and off to bed we went.
Sunday dad made us yummy orange french toast for breakfast. Then you got a bath and we got ready for the day. We went to Grandma Annette's. You played with Sienna outside in her "castle" that has a slide. You are a pro at climbing and going down slides. Oh my gosh you say "castle" so cute!!! Then we jumped on the trampoline. You were having a blast!! you would jump up and land on your bum. You were cracking up!! And your hair was all static-y and cute!! I love watching you laugh, smile and have a good time.
After playing we went inside and played, you girls ate a Popsicle then we headed home. You slept on the way home and slept some more once we got home. You were tired!! You woke up, we ate a yummy dinner of pork chops, peas, carrots and mashed potatoes! You ate all of it - well actually you didn't like the carrots too much. Then we went upstairs and I cleaned your room while you and dad wrestled and played. Your room was messy!! You decided to pull all of your toys out of your toy box! I decided that before your second birthday we are going to take a bunch of your toys that you no longer play with to the homeless shelter. You have too many toys!!
I was thinking about all the words you say and I can't keep up. You pretty much say whatever your father and I say. I said "your room is freezing" and you said "freezing" perfectly! As of late you say: crown, castle, kite, umbrella, bike, bus, truck, frog, shoes, you can count one to ten, jammies, Popsicle, no, yes, baby, Dora, all of the characters on Mickey Mouse's clubhouse, Pa-pa, down, done, more, milk, juice, swing, slide, lips (for lip gloss), all your colors, plane, bee, butterfly, stickers, chair, table, light, hair, brush, teeth, potty, jump and pillow. Ok I tried but I can't do justice for all that you say and know. It's crazy to witness you growing and changing. I am trying to soak up every minute with you and trying to take it all in and remember it. I want to remember the sound of your sweet voice, the smell of your hair and the softness of your skin. It's all so breathtaking.
Then before we knew it our weekend came to a close and it was bed time for all of us. The weekends go by way too quickly. Thank you for being such a good, good girl. You rarely cry and are always smiling and happy.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Family Night, Fun Night
Dear Maizy,
I got home from work last night ready to go on our adventure to the bowling alley. You were napping when I got home and so I relaxed for a few and changed my clothes. Just then daddy came in the room and said "Honey come here! You have to see how Maizy is sleeping!" So we sneakily went into your room to find you sleeping sitting up pretty much with your head against the crib, it looked SO uncomfortable. Then we noticed you had completely disrobed - pants and diaper were off! We ran to get the camera to take a pic. I can't (don't) post the nakey baby pic on here, but it's something I am definitely putting in your scarp book. You woke up right after we snapped the picture. You were not happy when you woke up and we think it's because your neck was hurting. Poor girl. You cuddled with me for a few then we got you dressed all cute. We headed to the bowling alley. You went right to the arcade, pointed to the games and said "money". You knew the games needed money (tokens), so dad went and got change and we played lots of games and won lots of tickets. We redeemed our tickets and you got a sucker, a ball, smarties and the guy that works there gave you a clappy thing.
You were having so much fun just running around the place. We ordered food and the girls working the concessions told me over and over again how cute and smart you are! This I know, but I never get sick of hearing it. Then one girl said, "she's so cute I just want to give her stuff!!" That made me laugh. You had a corn dog and fries for dinner - you know the usual healthy bowling alley food!?!? Then we hung out for a little while longer.
The cutest thing happened, well I thought it was cute. you and I were sitting next to each other and your straw fell and I went to pick it up and so did you, so we bonked heads. We looked at each other and you said, "sorry!" and smiled. To me it was so cute and melted my heart. You didn't need to say sorry, but you already know how to use it in the right context and showed compassion. I just admire you so much. Thinking about it just brings tears to my eyes. I never knew that me and your father would be blessed with such a precious gift and get the best gift of all - having you in our lives. To be honest I can't imagine life without you and now that I know you I wonder how I was ever happy the years before knowing you, it's just hard to put into words let alone explain. Just know you are awesome and I love you more than you'll ever know.
I have so much fun watching you run around and discover things. You so badly wanted to run down the bowling lanes!! I get it, I mean they do have flashing lights and all. Dad stopped you from doing that, but you and him did walk down the side of the alley - where the workers go - to get a closer look at the pins and lights. I LOVE watching you and your dad together. The love you two have for each other is amazing!! Daddy is such a good daddy.
Then you and dad danced around a little bit and it helped distract you from running down the lanes. You have the best smile and laugh. When I make you laugh - those are the happiest moments of my day hands down.
Thanks for a wonderful night last night. You are with Grandma Donker today and I just know you girls are having fun! She was SOOOOO excited to have you today. When I dropped you off first thing you said was "pa pa". You sure love your Grandpa, but he wasn't there, he was at work. You will always have more love than you'll know what to do with.
Love you!
I got home from work last night ready to go on our adventure to the bowling alley. You were napping when I got home and so I relaxed for a few and changed my clothes. Just then daddy came in the room and said "Honey come here! You have to see how Maizy is sleeping!" So we sneakily went into your room to find you sleeping sitting up pretty much with your head against the crib, it looked SO uncomfortable. Then we noticed you had completely disrobed - pants and diaper were off! We ran to get the camera to take a pic. I can't (don't) post the nakey baby pic on here, but it's something I am definitely putting in your scarp book. You woke up right after we snapped the picture. You were not happy when you woke up and we think it's because your neck was hurting. Poor girl. You cuddled with me for a few then we got you dressed all cute. We headed to the bowling alley. You went right to the arcade, pointed to the games and said "money". You knew the games needed money (tokens), so dad went and got change and we played lots of games and won lots of tickets. We redeemed our tickets and you got a sucker, a ball, smarties and the guy that works there gave you a clappy thing.
You were having so much fun just running around the place. We ordered food and the girls working the concessions told me over and over again how cute and smart you are! This I know, but I never get sick of hearing it. Then one girl said, "she's so cute I just want to give her stuff!!" That made me laugh. You had a corn dog and fries for dinner - you know the usual healthy bowling alley food!?!? Then we hung out for a little while longer.
The cutest thing happened, well I thought it was cute. you and I were sitting next to each other and your straw fell and I went to pick it up and so did you, so we bonked heads. We looked at each other and you said, "sorry!" and smiled. To me it was so cute and melted my heart. You didn't need to say sorry, but you already know how to use it in the right context and showed compassion. I just admire you so much. Thinking about it just brings tears to my eyes. I never knew that me and your father would be blessed with such a precious gift and get the best gift of all - having you in our lives. To be honest I can't imagine life without you and now that I know you I wonder how I was ever happy the years before knowing you, it's just hard to put into words let alone explain. Just know you are awesome and I love you more than you'll ever know.
I have so much fun watching you run around and discover things. You so badly wanted to run down the bowling lanes!! I get it, I mean they do have flashing lights and all. Dad stopped you from doing that, but you and him did walk down the side of the alley - where the workers go - to get a closer look at the pins and lights. I LOVE watching you and your dad together. The love you two have for each other is amazing!! Daddy is such a good daddy.
Then you and dad danced around a little bit and it helped distract you from running down the lanes. You have the best smile and laugh. When I make you laugh - those are the happiest moments of my day hands down.
Thanks for a wonderful night last night. You are with Grandma Donker today and I just know you girls are having fun! She was SOOOOO excited to have you today. When I dropped you off first thing you said was "pa pa". You sure love your Grandpa, but he wasn't there, he was at work. You will always have more love than you'll know what to do with.
Love you!
This is you yesterday during lunch with dad. You two always wear each other out! |
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Sweet Dreams
Dear Maizy,
You are such an interesting sleeper. Sometimes you can sleep through anything, than other mornings you will wake up at the slightest noise. You also toss and turn quite a bit and sleep in funky positions. I try to peak in on you every morning before I leave work, but if you start moving like you heard me I sneak back out and shut the door. You need your sleep babe and I don't want to interrupt it.
This morning I was able to sneak into your room and peak in on you. You were in a deep sleep. I would give anything to know what you were dreaming about. I so badly just want to jump in your crib and cuddle with you, but since we know that can't happen. I at least want to rub your back, kiss your cute little feet and soft cheeks without waking you, but that isn't going to happen either, so I settle on just watching you sleep and enjoying the peace.
Look how adorable you are. I took this pick this morning.
It just so happens that your room is the most comfortable room in the house and I am thankful for that. It's the warmest in the winter and coolest in the summer. Your room is also the cutest.
Lately you have not been sleeping as much as you should and it's partly my fault. On the weekends we are usually running around and doing something so that definitely throws you off schedule. Then at night you refuse to go to sleep - you don't want to miss a thing. Your eyes will be SO heavy, but you fight going to sleep so hard.
But I keep thinking if you don't sleep then you won't grow any bigger. I want you to be my little girl forever!
Thank you for being so amazing. There is never a dull moment with you.
Love you!
You are such an interesting sleeper. Sometimes you can sleep through anything, than other mornings you will wake up at the slightest noise. You also toss and turn quite a bit and sleep in funky positions. I try to peak in on you every morning before I leave work, but if you start moving like you heard me I sneak back out and shut the door. You need your sleep babe and I don't want to interrupt it.
This morning I was able to sneak into your room and peak in on you. You were in a deep sleep. I would give anything to know what you were dreaming about. I so badly just want to jump in your crib and cuddle with you, but since we know that can't happen. I at least want to rub your back, kiss your cute little feet and soft cheeks without waking you, but that isn't going to happen either, so I settle on just watching you sleep and enjoying the peace.
Look how adorable you are. I took this pick this morning.
It just so happens that your room is the most comfortable room in the house and I am thankful for that. It's the warmest in the winter and coolest in the summer. Your room is also the cutest.
Lately you have not been sleeping as much as you should and it's partly my fault. On the weekends we are usually running around and doing something so that definitely throws you off schedule. Then at night you refuse to go to sleep - you don't want to miss a thing. Your eyes will be SO heavy, but you fight going to sleep so hard.
But I keep thinking if you don't sleep then you won't grow any bigger. I want you to be my little girl forever!
Thank you for being so amazing. There is never a dull moment with you.
Love you!
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