Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mommy's Little Artist

Dear Maizy,

Grandma Annette had you on Monday and you had a blast at her house playing with Sienna.  You did take a nap, so that was good.  When you take a nap during the day we seem to have a better night together. 

Anyway, we got home and it was so beautiful outside so we went out on the back patio and drew with SIDEWALK CHALK!!  Yay!!  It was a lot of fun to A.) be outside and B.) watch you draw.  You really are quite the artist.

You traced your hand.

You traced my hand.

You let me and daddy outline your body.  Then.  Then you drew eyes, nose, mouth and hair!  We didn't even tell you, you just knew.  You are so freakin' smart!!

Then we all just started drawing.  These sort of activities remind me of what a terrible artist I am, it makes me wish Aunt Brittany was here to draw and color with you - she's the artist in the family.

You would take a break from drawing, get on your belly and inspect the bugs (ants).

You are such a joy to be with.  I love and admire your creativity, your innocence, your imagination, the art you create, your words, sense of adventure and your humor.  Your father and I get the biggest kick out of you. 

The last two nights you have been waking up around 3 a.m. crying.  We go and get you and bring you into bed with us.  You instantly go back to sleep, but I don't (can't).  I just listen to you and your father breathe.  in between your father's snoring I am able to hear your soft breathes and I just stare at you in awe.  You are beautiful and so peaceful when you sleep. This morning you were all nestled into the small of dad's back.  I was in complete awe.  I sometimes can't get over the fact that you are mine!!  Well especially the last two mornings when it's dark, quiet and I can actually think.  I wonder what you will be when you grow up - an artist, a ballerina, a teacher, a stay at home mommy, a race car driver, a pilot, a doctor, president of your own company, a chef, a fashion designer - the possibilities are endless and you are capable of all of them and so, so, so much more!  I wonder where you will live in hopes that we will always be near each other.  I wonder what kind of partner you will pick - preferably someone dark, rich, handsome, smart, giving, caring, kind, funny and ambitious.  I just always want the best for you.  I want you to be as happy as you are right now.  I love that you are always happy, smiling and laughing.  Not every parent gets to enjoy being a parent as much as we do.  we truly are blessed and I never want to take that for granted.

We don't live in the nicest or biggest house, but guess what!?!  That doesn't matter.  We are safe, clean, healthy and comfortable.  The walls outside of our house really don't matter it's what we have created on the inside. We really do have a loving home.  Your father and I love each other a ton and to think that we love you a ton more on top of that - that's a lot of freakin' love going on!

I don't focus on being the best dresser, the best employee or the best cook and so on, I focus on being the best mommy.  The best mommy for you!  Everyone has different needs and wants and I am focused on meeting your needs and wants the best that I absolutely can. 

I go to bed with the dishes in the sink and the house a mess, but when I wake up the next day and see it all I am reminded of what a good day/night we all had together and that is what's important to me.  Those messes will wait for us and we always find time to catch up on it all, but you won't be small forever so we try to soak it up as much as we can.

Thanks for being such a blessing in my life.  I know there will be a time in your life when you think I am against you, but rest assured that will never be the case, you may not understand it at the time but it's true.

Love you!!


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