Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shhhhhhhhh! Quiet!

Dear Maizy,

Last week you started saying "Shhhhhhh! Quiet!"  As you put your finger up to your mouth.  It was super cute and hilarious.  Especially when you did it while dad was singing!  My thoughts exactly. : )

We are still not sure where you learned that one from - we are thinking Dora.

Recently when i get busy cleaning or doing laundry I notice you aren't right behind me, I worry then when I can't hear you I really worry.  Every time I find you just quietly playing in your room.  You'll either be sitting there either going through your books and studying each page,  going through all the toys in your toy box and observing each one before you toss it on the floor, playing with your alphabet train and mimicking each letter and sound it makes, but last night you were putting stickers all over your legs and feet.

I watched you for a minute without you noticing, it was completely quiet as you methodically placed each sticker.  Then I walked in and laid on the floor next to you.  We didn't say a word.  You just started putting stickers on me and saying the colors of the stickers out loud "Black."  "Yellow". "Red." "Blue" Then when I was covered you started putting the stickers on  your stuffed bear and toy dolphin and naming the body parts you were putting them. "Foot." "Hand." "Neck." "Leg." "Nose.  My heart was melting. You were just so into what you were doing, your big blue eyes paying attention to detail, your beautiful hair was messy from playing and having fun all day, your t-shirt had remnants of our yummy family dinner together and Popsicle and your cute little busy hands with the finger nail polish almost rubbed off.  I'm smitten with you.  I love watching you and seeing your eyes light up with a new idea in your head.

Look how freakin' happy you make me! 
You are definitely something special.  I am blown away how much you know and learn each day. 

I am also blown away by the compassion you already have.  You give loves unexpectedly and all on your own will.  You give kisses - the best ones - without being asked.  You show concern when you hear someone crying.  You are amazing at sharing without even asked.  You have a heart of gold babe!

I think this is why too I get so upset when I see other kids be mean to you, take things right out of your hands or be mean to you.  You are so smart, so kind, so amazing, so beautiful, so sweet and I don't want any one to ever, ever make you doubt how tremendous you are or crush your sweet spirit. 

I love and admire you so much.

Thank you for being my sweet, sweet girl.

Love you!


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