We have had such a fun, fun, crazy busy week!! I am thinking that rhythm will continue through the weekend.
Last week I bought us a new stereo since I had to get rid of the one I've had since I was 13!! Yes, I had that same stereo for 17+ years. That stereo has been the only my constant in my life for so many years. My mom and dad gave it to me for Christmas and gave me a couple of CD's and tapes to go with it - Eagles, Pearl Jam and Robert Page.
I LOVED that stereo!!
It consoled me as a angry teenager, comforted me and gave me a piece of home every time I moved, it got me smilin', movin' and shakin', it was the host of many, many solo dance parties, it gave me hope when I questioning it all, it reminded me of who I am and what I love. Does that sound just crazy!?!? Ok maybe. I just LOVE music. All kinds. I want you to love music too and go with the way it makes your body move. Let's just hope you have your dad's rhythm and not mine. Your dad really is a terrific dancer.
Anyway, so this new stereo is a great replacement. It's a radio, cd, cassette and Mp3 player, and the absolute best feature of all is it plays records!! Yes, records! I LOVE records.
When I was a young child I used to dress up in my mother's dresses - yes, they were way long, dragged on the floor and made maneuvering very difficult - and I would dance to my parents records. I would entertain myself like this for hours!! I used to play Lionel Richie and Bonnie Tyler the most. Please, please don't hold this bit of information against me ever!! :)
When Grandpa Frank saw the stereo he promised me that he would bring those old records over for us to play and dance to!!
Ok sorry I got off track. Well since I have bought this stereo we have had multiple dance parties and such party took place last night. We had a blast!! All three of us were grooving in the living room. You are the cutest little dancer EVER!! You bend your knees and bounce and of course you twirl too. I am looking forward to many, many more dance parties and having music be a big part of our lives.
Besides our awesome dance parties, it's just been an awesome week. Monday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you two watered the flowers and plants in her yard. Then we ordered yummy pizza for dinner.
Tuesday the 3 of us piled in the car with Todd and Sara and headed up the canyon! Daddy made us yummy sandwiches for us to enjoy up in the mountains. You were LOVING it. you were checking out all the bugs, climbing on everything you could, they even had a playground up there for you to play on. We walked down by the roaring river. We got home when you were tired and filthy!! Luckily the next day Grandma gave you a bath first thing when I dropped you off. You even had dirt inside your diaper!! Ha ha ha! all that matters is you had a great time.
And, um, I suck. I didn't get any pics of the evening.
Wednesday you spent the day with Grandma Donker and you were super tired by the time I got home after 7p.m. You and daddy went on a walk then when you two got home we ate leftover pizza, watched a little t.v. and read books. Then before you know it, it was bedtime.
Thursday you spent the day with Grandma Donker. I picked you up after work then we went to Target. you are the best shopping buddy in the world! We have so much fun wherever we are. You like to stand up in the cart and smile at everyone and check everything out. I just love you! Then we got home and had dinner and our dance party.
This weekend is a 3 day weekend!! Woo hoo!!! We are just staying close to home, but are going to visit the Grandma's and get outside a bit. I am looking forward to being with you!
Thanks for being so amazing!!
Love you!
Daddy did your hair super cute on Tuesday!! |
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