Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dear Maizy,

Last night was a lot of fun.  As soon as I got home we loaded up in the car and headed back into town.  Daddy dropped you and I off at my friend Tristian's house while he ran errands. Tristian  and I used to work together.  I got her fired - long story with a great lesson - anyway, she found it in her heart to forgive me and I am so very thankful that she did.  

Anyway, the purpose of our visit was to go visit her and meet her new baby, Dexter.  He was born on April 6, 2012 and can I just say he is super cute!?!?!

I was kind of curious how you would do with a baby, but like always and with everything you were a rock star!! I held him and you seemed pretty cool with that.  You came and sat right next to us.  I pointed out his cute little toes to you and you kissed them - my heart melted!  

Then you lost interest and explored his toys and room a bit.  You even tried out his bouncer!  Tristian was getting the biggest kick out of you and all that you could say.  

When Dex was in his bouncer you gave him his binky ever so gently, but not before trying out the binky yourself first.  Tristian is and was so easy going and laid back about it all, it was me who was freaking out.  Then you kept giving him his toys and placing them next to him and you even helped bounce him in his bouncer.  I was worried you were going to give him whiplash, so I showed you how to do it gently.  

I am not sure if you will be a big sister one day, but I know whole-heartedly you'd make a fabulous one. 

Dad picked us up and we were driving home as I was telling him all about our visit and how awesome you were with baby Dex.  Then dad turned around while driving  and said "Oh Maizy"  and you yelled back "I LOVE YOU!!!" Yep! You said "I love you!" for the first time.  It was so freaking adorable and brought tears to our eyes.  You kept saying it all night, ok, maybe we kept saying it to you so you would say it back, but regardless it was so cute and tender.  The funny thing was every time you said it, you yelled it!! Ha ha ha!!

You are something else babe! You are truly amazing.  We love you tonz and tonz.  

This weekend we are going to Lava Hot Springs and we are so super excited to take a mini trip as a family.  We are going to have a blast.  I spent all my summers growing up in Lava and I wish that you could have the same experience, but since it's not possible since my Great Grandma passed we will just have to go there as much as we can.  

You are going to swim in the same pool I spent many, many hours in.  Enjoy the same ice cream parlor I did.  Anyway, I could go on and on but this trip means a lot to me. YAY!!

I can't wait to tell you all about it and have lots of pictures capturing the great times.

Thanks for letting me be your mommy!


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