Monday, October 17, 2011

Gardner Village

Dear Maizy,

We had a FABULOUS time at Gardner Village!  Our day started off by you and I sleeping in until 10am!! YAHOO!!  Then we had breakfast, bath time and then Grandma Shelly came over.  She bought you the cutest outfit and shoes for our big day out!!

We drove to the village while you fell asleep almost instantly in the car.  We got to Gardner Village and our first stop was Archibald's for lunch!  Yum!! You were a complete crack-up at lunch!  You were eating your crayons, drawing all over your children's menu and was doing an occasional holler to make sure everyone knew you were there.

Then we were off to the shops and seeing the witches!  It was a really fun day and you definitely got spoiled!  Grandma bought you 2 books, Beautiful Blue Eyes and Frank the Dancing Monster, a plastic magic wand, a yummy cookie we all shared, hair clips, a Tinkerbell tin and a darling soft stuffed bat.  You were spoiled!  We all were.

After the village we stopped by Quilted Bear to continue our adventure which ended with Grandma getting us take out from Panda Express, coming home, eating dinner, playing and going to bed.  My days off work go by toooooo fast!!

I just love being with you and I get the biggest kick out of you exploring and observing things.  Walking around and smiling at people.  You are just too much fun!!  


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