Wednesday, November 23, 2011

List of Thanks

Dear Maizy,

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and this is the time of year we think about all the things we are thankful for and give our thanks.  Here is my list of thanks.

You - for bringing so much love and joy to my life.  When I think about it I can't help but get teary eyed knowing how much God has blessed me. I Love You!

Your Dad - his kindness, love, knowledge, and patience have taught me so much.  I Love Him!

My Mom - she does SOOOOO much for our family.  She gives, gives and gives of herself, time and money without even thinking twice about it.  We would not be where we are without her.  Bless her.

My Grandma - she loves and cares about you so much.  She is always SO willing to watch over you when we work. I know you are in the best care possible when you're with her.  She bathes you, plays interactively with you, cuddles you, feeds you your favorite foods, she makes the most comfortable place for you to nap, washes your clothes when you're there, praises your every move, gloats over your beauty and knowledge.  We love her!

My job - it offers me the stability to provide for my family.  The insurance benefits are exceptional and for that I am thankful.

Our home - it's getting more and more comfortable.  It's warm, nice, affordable and it's full of love! I love watching how comfortable you are in our home and how you still find areas to explore.

Running Water - seriously though.  We are so lucky for warm running water.  I really appreciate it especially at your bath time.  I truly am a thankful mom for this.  You want your children to be happy, healthy and clean and this luxury provides it for us.

Freedom - the freedom to think, want, say whatever we as Americans want.  As a mother of a strong, young daughter I am assured that you may always be as independent as you desire and everything that you  strive for is at your finger tips - this is definitely something to be thankful for.

Internet - to be able to keep in touch with friends and family.  Share your pictures and my thoughts with you and be able to write a "blog", to have the ability right at my finger tips to look up anything I want to know is simply amazing.

Grocery Stores - to be able to walk into a clean facility that contains anything and everything my materialistic heart desires is a blessing. I know that people in other areas of the world don't have the luxury of experiencing.  If you're sick and you need medicine it's readily available, hungry - I can fix that too!! We are really quite lucky.

I believe our lists of things to be thankful for change each year.  I think back even 2 years ago how my list has changed dramatically.

I have so much to be thankful for and I am.  Having a family of my own is so amazing and I am so very thankful and blessed.  I have been humbled in so many ways.  I try to judge less and love more. Not sweat the small stuff and just take and enjoy life for what it is.

I can't wait to help you and read all of your "lists of thanks" each year.

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  It's the first one where I get to stay home and prepare the dinner.  Your dad is in charge of the turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and I am in charge of the cornucopia salad, pies, appetizers and veggies.  Grandpa Frank is coming over to join us for dinner.  Then we are going up to Grandma Shelly's for dessert.  It's going to be a wonderful day and the best part about it is I get to spend time with my favorite people - you and your dad! 

Here's to many, many more Thanksgivings and memories.


I love you!


Can you believe this is you a year ago!?!?  Love you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Medically Confirmed

Dear Maizy,

Yesterday was your 15 month doctor appointment and it's been confirmed by a medical professional that you are smart, beautiful, witty and awesome!!

I took yesterday off for the event.  We woke up headed to the doctor's and she was running late.  45 minutes to be exact!!  We weighed you and you weigh 19 pounds and 10 ounces!!  WOW!!  You are still quite small for your age, but you're growing fast and catching up!!

The doctor finally made it to our room and had an intern with her this time.  The first thing the doctor said to the intern was "this 15 month old is not your typical 15 month old, she's more like a 20 month old!"  WOW!!  And boy is she right!!

We told the doctor all the things you say and do and you are way ahead of schedule PLUS you are very sociable which is not common among children your age. 

At one point you put your arms up for the doctor to hold you and she said "it's not me she wants, Maizy wants the stethoscope around my neck, she has motives, she is thinking and this is very typical of a 2 year old. See."  The doctor picked you up and your grabbed her stethoscope.  You my dear are very smart and tricky.

They took your measurements and your head circumference is in the 7th percentile while your height and weight is in the 44th percentile. 

After meeting with the doctor it was time to go get your immunizations.  Saddest thing for sure.  You had to get three shots - measles, chicken pox and hepatitis A - 2 in your left leg and one in your right.  Poor thing.  You cried so hard, it made me cry.  This was the worst round of shots so far.  On the way to the car you would think about it and get pissed off that it was still hurting I could just tell.  Then when we were in the car you kept crying and was grabbing at your legs and I don't think it helped that we were all starving!  We didn't anticipate the doctor taking so long.  Grandma to the rescue.  She also had the day off and was all ready to meet us at Mimi's Cafe for lunch.  Dad dropped us off while he went to work for a few, so we had a wonderful, well deserved lunch with Grandma.  Then we went to Target with Grandma for a few things and then she drove us home and dropped us off.  You slept in the car on the way home and that's all you slept. All day.  You had too much to do but I loved it because we spent all day together!! YAY!!

We played, we chased each other, we ate dinner, laughed and cuddled.  Then dad got home and we did all that all over again!!  You are such a delight!!  At one point the doctor said "don't you just enjoy her." And while the answer is "Yes! Yes! Yes!"  It's bigger than that.  We love you with all that we are.  You are a true delight in our lives.  We would do anything for you.  You add and bring so much to not only our lives but the rest of the family too!

You are a true blessing and we love you!


While at work I received this pic via text message.  Grandma Annette is watching you today.
Oh you girls!! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mother's Know Best

Dear Maizy,

Our weekend has been amazing.  You are SO entertaining!!  Friday we all got home and played, it was a long week for all of us.  You went to Grandma Donker's Wednesday, Thursday and Friday while your dad worked.  We had to wake you up early every morning and it throws you completely off schedule, it makes me feel bad.  You and daddy missed each other.  Friday you were clinging on to him and touching his face while you two talked, it was adorable and heartfelt.

Saturday you and I went up to Grandma Shelly's while we got new tires on the car.  We got lunch at In-N-Out and ate it at Grandma's. Grandma and Grandpa Glen were getting a kick out of you. We hung out there for a few hours, got the car and came home.  You and daddy took naps while I cleaned my room.

My room was a mess with stuff that just needed to be put away.  I allowed it to be cluttery and messy until it finally got to me.  It only took 3 hours to make it spic-and-span.  I started thinking how important it is to clean your room.  Being organized and putting everything in it's place makes your days run smoother and therefore makes life easier, so clean your room!!! Keep it clean!!  My mom never made me clean my room growing up and she did me a HUGE injustice!!!!!  Cleaning and keeping your room clean, your "junk" to a minimum, clothes hung up and put away is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  It only took me 25+ years to figure this out.  Learn from me.  Mom's know best!!

Today your father, me and Grandma Annette dropped off and picked you up at Grandma Shelly's while we went and saw Twilight: Breaking Dawn - your dad likes the vampire movies.  It was a great movie and since your dad loved it I enjoyed it even more.  Well when we got to Grandma's to drop you off I noticed that I forgot to pack diapers!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  I felt so bad and to make matters worse Grandma Shelly was ticked off about it and wouldn't you know it you needed a diaper change 30 minutes after you were there!! I felt so bad, but Grandma made me feel even worse.  I really did feel bad.

Then after the movie we went and picked you up and Grandma rubbed it in again plus we forgot your bottle too, but I doubt you would have slept over there anyway.  It made me think that the reason they say Mother's Know Best is because they forget about all the stupid, forgetful crap they did, they would never admit it to their children and nor would they volunteer such information.  I KNOW for a fact that none of your Grandma's are perfect, but they did what they thought was best and they probably would like to forget the things they didn't do "right", so I decided not to let this one affect me and let it slide.  I mean I felt worse than anyone else could have made me feel. So yes, Mom's may know best, but if you ask them "Mom's Know Best and.................. it all - they just fail to leave this part out of the saying.

I would like to go down on the record for being the first mom to admit that I don't know best or all the answers like some mom's (grandma's claim), I'd like to think I do and the reason being is because I have done lots of stupid things in life and I don't want you to do the same and that my dear is why mom's think they know best. So from trial and error it's that we think we know best. Some mistakes are bigger and stupider than others, but if you listen to me I can help you avoid the negative consequences.  I will just have to tell you  the consequences of doing something stupid.  I will be honest with you and that is what most mom's (grandma's) don't do.  I love you and you deserve that from me.  I am going to break the chain in our family and will be an honest mom. I can go more in depth with this one when your older, but it's the least I can do being your mother.  I love you and want the best for you and have a pretty good idea I know best. ; )

Thank you for an amazing weekend.  I have tomorrow off from work to take you to your 15 month old well check visit - you have to get some shots - OUCH!!!!



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Maddie, Maizy, Maizy, Maddie

Dear Maizy,

Before you there was Maddie, my cat.  She was such a great companion. I couldn't wait for you and Maddie to meet.  I just knew that you two would like each other.  Well Maddie decided to pack her bags and runaway.  Never to be seen or heard from again. 

On Wednesday March 19, 2003 Grandpa and  I went to the Humane Society to find Grandpa a dog.  Well I decided to go check out the cats.  I was not planning on getting a cat that day - just looking.  Well I saw Maddie - her name at the shelter was Tiger Lily - in a cage and she was stretching out her paw at all the passerbys.  She had these gorgeous green eyes, a beautiful coat - it's what they call tortoise and was just a petite thing.

I asked to take her to a meeting room at the shelter where they take the animal out of their cage and you go in a little room to interact and get a feel for each other.  Once we were in the little room Maddie's personality exploded.  She was full of spunk and I had to have her.

Grandpa didn't find a dog but I found a cat.  YAY!!  I left her at Grandpa's while I ran to the store to get the basic necessities for her.  While I was at the store Grandpa called and asked how much longer I was going to be - Maddie pooped on the floor.  Ha ha ha!!

I took Maddie home to my apartment.  We have a very interesting relationship to say the least.  It was something we definitely had to work on.  Maddie had love/hate feelings towards me, she refused to cuddle and she wanted to go outside and play.  I was not a fan of that at all!! I lived in an apartment complex and didn't think she was safe BUT with her howling and pounding on the blinds with her paws until she got her way - she went outside.  She would be gone for hours at a time and some nights didn't even come home.  I missed her.  I longed for her to reciprocate those feelings towards me. 

One time during the winter months a neighbor brought Maddie to my door and threatened to call Animal Services and report me for animal abuse if she saw Maddie out during a winter evening ever again.  I was DEVASTATED!!!  I am a huge animal lover,  I would never cause any animal, let alone my pet that I love dearly any harm.  Maddie didn't want to come home ever and I felt powerless.

Her and I continued to work on our relationship.  I gave her the benefit of the doubt.  Someone else had raised her and there she was at the shelter, so who knows if she was neglected, physically hurt but obviously she had some trust issues.  Our relationship was built on mutual trust.  I showed her that I loved her unconditionally, I provided her with a home, safety, food and water.  It took a long time but her and I became the best of friends and I love her very, very much.

When I started dating your dad she did not like him at all.  It saddened him I think since Maddie and I loved each other so much.  I am not sure why she didn't like him, but when we started hanging out Maddie would come home less and less and I would have to go searching for her. 

When I found out I was pregnant I was SO excited to have you two meet and have you grow up with this awesome cat!  But I think she may have known I was expecting - they say animals can sense it - and maybe didn't like the unexpected. 

Maddie left the house on Tuesday March 9, 2010 just shy of 7 years of us being together and never returned.  I was devastated.  I searched and searched for Maddie.  I posted signs everywhere.  I would yell for her all hours of the evenings. I was sad.  I am still sad over it.  I miss her.  I am sad that you two have never met. 

I know that you will have great  childhood pets that will forever have a place in your heart.  I also had a dog named Scooter that we had for 14 years!!  Yes, 14 years, but we'll talk about him another day.

 I like to think that Maddie moved somewhere warm and sunny, resides by a swimming pool, chases all the birds she wants to her heart's content and thinks about me at least once in a while.  I am sure her new owner loves her almost as much as I did and continue to.

Check out how adorable, comical and full of life Maddie was.  She rocked. 

Love you Maddie.

Love you Maizy.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

15 Months Old!

Dear Maizy,

You are 15 months old today (well yesterday)!!  Crazy how time flies, it actually makes me really sad.  I wish I could hit the "pause" button and make life  slow down. 

We had a fabulous weekend together.  Friday I got home from work and we went to Wal-Mart to do some much needed shopping.  You don't like to sit in the cart like most children, you prefer to stand up in the cart, wave to people, reach out for things and grab random things to put in the cart.  Tonz of people would smile and wave at you, comment on how beautiful you are and I know you brightened some sad people's evening for sure.  I mean we were at Wal-mart on a Friday night.

We were at Wal-Mart longer than any other person should be.  We were all starving so we stopped at Atlantis burger for salad and sandwiches on our way home.  Then you and I went and played in your room before bed time. You are so fun to watch and play with.

Saturday we woke up, dad fixed us breakfast and we got busy making a birthday cake for Christian's birthday.  We were pretty pleased with the way it turned out.  Then you decided to take a nap around the time that we should have been leaving for the party.  Yikes!

We finally arrived at the party and you were SO cute!  It had been a year since some of the party guests had seen you and they were getting quite a kick out of how much you've grown and how dang cute you are!?!  You kept wanting Sara's sister-in-law, Afton, to hold you.  You are always attracted to pretty people, she is pretty.  She held and carried you around.  All the kids were playing in the bedroom and you would go in there once in a while to check out the action.  All the kids were so cute and shared their candy with you.  I love watching you interact with other kids. 

There was a baby at the party that you were fascinated by, but you kept patting her little chest and it was freaking me out.  I remember when you were a baby and kids would do that to you and I didn't like it.  You are quite fascinated with babies, it's adorable!  When at the store we walk down the doll aisle.  I LOVE hearing you say "baby" at all the dolls as you point them out.  You also point them out on the diaper boxes too, so freakin' cute!!  I love your sweet little voice.

After the party we headed up to Grandma's house for dinner.  Brittany and Patrick were there too!  It was a lot of fun.  Grandma and Brittany took turns reading you stories.  You were also quite entertaining with your stepping stool - turning it upside down and sitting in it. 

Sunday we slept in until 10:45am!  You're the best.  Got ready for the day.  I dropped you off at Grandma Donker's and I headed to a friends house to work on some Christmas crafts.  I missed you dearly, but you played and played at Grandma's and had a ball!!

Thanks for the awesome weekend!!  15 months already!?!?!  Where did the time go.

Love you!!


Friday, November 11, 2011

This and that.

Dear Maizy,

I took the day off work yesterday.  We were getting our new furniture delivered and I couldn't bare the thought of being at work while you and your dad got to indulge in the new couches with out me.  Well the furniture arrived all too early - they were delivered, set up and delivery guys out of the door by 8:10am - no sleeping in for me on my day off.

I was bummed that we didn't get to sleep in, but the good thing is we had our whole day to play and do whatever we want without having to wait around to get our day started. 

We moved the old couch into the kitchen temporarily.  You did not like this change.  You took your cell phone and went and sat on the couch in the kitchen.  Not sure who you called or what you were saying, but I don't think you were diggin' the new couches.

We got ready for the day and were out of the door by 11am.  We went to look for new curtains, shoes for your dad and stuff for the house.  We went to Ross, TJ Max, Shopko, Wal-Mart and Target!  You were awesome in all of these stores!!  You did however like to take your shoes and socks off in the car of each store.  Eventually we just put your shoes in my purse and let you wear your socks everywhere!

Then we went to The Pizza Factory for lunch, it was yummy!!  You did pretty good with no nap.  In fact, you did great!!  I just love you and your face.

I just love the time that I get to spend with you and appreciate you so much.  You are this tiny little thing but you are so big at the same time.  You have big beautiful eyes full of curiosity, a smile that brightens the day,  the cutest little/big voice, a strong personality that I love,  I beg for your kisses - you're very choosy about giving them,  I die for your hugs - they are few and far between.  Not that you're not full of love but you are just too busy!!

I want to end with my favorite scripture. 

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. - Psalm 139:14

I love you!!!


Tent City

Dear Maizy,

Look at what your Grandma Shelly gave you!!

She brought this to our house Tuesday night before us girls left for cousin Liz's going away party.  Can you believe this thing!?!?  Your dad blew it up for you and filled it with 50 pink and purple balls that came with it.  You got the biggest kick out of this thing!

We had to leave for the party then when we came back around 9:30pm you had a burst of energy and played and played in this thing.  Ok we did too!!  It was a blast to watch you play and press your cute face up to the windows on the side.  Cute, cute, cute!!

Then you did the cutest thing ever!!  There are the Disney princesses on each of the corners of the "tent" and they are about your size - you started talking to them!!  It was SOOOOO cute.  I couldn't understand what you were saying, but it was darling.  Tangled is one of the princesses on it along with Belle, Cinderella and Snow White.  Too Cute!!  Thanks Grandma Shelly

Love you!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday Night Family Night

Dear Maizy,

I got home from work last night and surprised you as you were watching Tangled in our bed.  We cuddled for a minute while your dad was getting ready for the evening and Grandma was on her way to get us for dinner. Grandma called to tell me she was on her way and you wanted my cell phone after the conversation.  I gave it to you and a few minutes later you gave it right back to me - by dropping it on my lip while I was lying down!!!  It hurt SOOOO freakin bad and instantly I had a fat, purple lip - just in time for dinner!!  OUCH!!  I know it was a complete accident, but it stung with pain as I felt my lip getting bigger.  My eyes instantly started watering profusely too! 

Nothing that some good beer with dinner couldn't fix.  Anyway, Grandma arrived and we went to Red Rock downtown for dinner.  You looked absolutely darling in your brown sweater dress, tights and boots!!  You are SO dang cute.  You were just looking around at all the hustle and bustle.  Then you got bored with that, so Grandma gave you a pen and paper, then you got bored with that and played with Grandma's cell phone, then you got bored with that and luckily your dinner, cheese pizza, arrived!! 

We had a great night, ate some yummy food and were entertained by you! Thank you for being such a good girl when we go out.  Grandma was getting the biggest kick out of you!

Then we went back to our house, played with Grandma for a few then it was bed time.

It was a great night.

Luckily, my fat lip isn't so fat today.

Love you!!!


Our weekend.

Dear Maizy,

We had another successful, fun weekend!  I never doubt that we will, but I am here to tell you all about it.  Friday night I got home and we played and played and played. 

Saturday I woke up to the power being out and it SNOWED!  I was supposed to go to a seminar but with the power being out and snow on the ground -  what better excuse than to stay warm in bed!?!?  The power came on about an hour later.  The baby monitor was plugged in so when it came back on I heard you in your room blabbin' away.  I LOVE listening to you talk to yourself in your room, then I like to sneakily open your door and spy on you. Sometimes you are lying there with your toes in the air trying to touch them, sometimes you are talking to your bear and pointing to it's facial features, sometimes you are screaming for someone to come in and get you!  This particular morning you were playing with a balloon that was near your crib - would you believe we've had this same balloon going on two months now - crazy huh!?!  I know, I know having a balloon near your crib is not safe, but when we put you to bed it was floating on the ceiling.  Please don't call the authorities. ; )
Anyway, you squealed when you noticed me spying.  I picked you up, we chatted as we walked down the stairs.  I got coffee for me and toast and jam for you.  You are always in the best moods in the mornings. I LOVE it!!  Well I knew that giving you yummy jam for breakfast would require a bath right away.  After breakfast you got in the tub, played and played then we got ready for the day! We decided that while the sun was out and it was a beautiful day we'd run some errands.

I opened the door and showed you the snow I had in my hand - you grabbed it out of my hand and ATE it!  I don't blame you, so I ate some too!  Didn't seem to taste as I remembered like it did 25+ years ago.

Well we got you all bundled up and ran our errands.  See.......

You pretty much fell asleep as soon as we pulled out of the driveway.  I went to a few shops while dad stayed in the car with you.  You slept for a good hour and most likely would have slept longer if I didn't zoom over a speed bump that woke you up - sorry about that! I did feel really bad, but you were happy, smiling and just happy to be out and about.

Then we got home.  You grabbed an apple that was sitting on the table and started eating it.  I could see that the skin of the apple was tough for you to eat, so I peeled it for you.  It was so cute to watch you eat this big apple!  You were loving it.  Loving it so much that you decided to rub the apple in your hair and all over your face.  Bath time!  It was your second bath for the day!!  You crack me up!

You love the bath.  You like to lay on your tummy in the bath and lean back and put your head in the water.  I like bath time more now that you are bigger and more durable!!  It was so scary when you were little, had soap on your little body and was so slippery.  Bath time would give me slight heart attacks when you were a wee little baby!

After bath time and getting you dressed in comfy warm clothes we just stayed warm and inside the rest of the day!  Grandma came over around 9pm to give us some chili that Grandpa Glen made - yummy!  We played in your room and Grandma helped me get you ready for bed. 

Sunday we woke up, had breakfast and played.  Grandpa Frank came over around 12:30pm and I have never, ever seen you SO shy.  You were holding on to me and burying your head in my chest.  You were walking around and covering your face.  We were cracking us up!!  Your father and I had never seen you act like that.  I had such mixed emotions - I liked that you were being shy because you were cuddling with me which you don't like to do near enough in my book, but I felt bad that you don't see your Grandpa enough - um, I've seen you friendlier with strangers.  Grandpa brought you some yummy fruit bars, so you and Grandpa had one while we chatted and played.  You eventually warmed up to he was leaving.  He needs to come around more - what do you think!?!

After Grandpa left you took a long overdue nap,  I finished my book and your dad watched football, it was a fantastic, quiet, relaxing Sunday.

Our weekends always go by SOOOOO fast!!!  Thanks for the awesome weekend and for being such a good girl!

I love you!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Dear Maizy,

Before I was expecting you I was always torn on becoming a mother.  It was a role I was so hot and cold about, off and on, positive and negative, let's just say I was all over the map about being a person's mom.  I mean it's a HUGE job and responsibility!  I am not sure everyone or anyone I know for that matter thinks like I do - that could be good and bad.  Good because I over analyze to much stuff too often and put a lot of thought into some things. Bad because some women become mom's because that's what "women do" and they may not want it or even strive to be good at it.  I want to be a mom, a good one.

I think about this quote often:

 Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. - Elizabeth Stone

Anyway,  I remember talking to my co-worker years ago.  This co-worker was not just not anyone, it happened to be Branden Campbell, vocals and bass guitarist for the band The Neon Trees, we used to work together before he was famous, ok anyway, we were talking about kids and he said that being a parent was the coolest thing ever.  Then he told me this and it has always stuck with me - "Your kids just have so much trust in you.  My daughter Katie was standing up on something and said "dad, catch me!" and just jumped right to me trusting that I would catch her. I just thought that was really cool."  And I did too.  I never forgot that simple little story.  You trust that I will be there to "catch you."

You trust me.  You have too. I take you trusting me with all that I am.  I do my best to make the best decisions for you every single day.  I have to make sure I buy the best diapers,  the most nutritional and yummy food for you,  the right clothes and shoes, the best doctor, medicine, provide you with a safe and clean home, make sure you have clean clothes, towels and bedding and that is just some of the things I (we as parents) do.  I love doing all of these things for you, but it's not just me, it's your father too.  I honestly don't know what we would do without him.  You truly have an amazing father!

We love you so much and take such pride in you, our home, each other and being your parents.  You make me proud every minute of every day.

Last night I was giving you a bath and you trusted me to lie you back in the water and hold on to you.  You loved it!  You put your head back in the water, was closing your eyes and kicking your legs.  I was slowly pouring water on your tummy and we were humming a little song.  I would try to sit you up, but you were totally relaxed and wanted to continue lying back in the water.  I will always cherish that moment. 

I feel bad when I think of other children that don't have a chance and aren't given one from the very moment they are born. I seriously get so mad when parents take their children for granted and neglect them.  UGH!  I never want to take you for granted.  You are a special, special child.

Anyway, last night after our awesome bath time.  I got you in your jammies and we played in your room.  You were climbing from the ottoman (which rocks) to your rocking chair. Dangerous!  You were having a blast!!  You are such a little climber.  I love watching you play and giggle. 

Look how happy you were with yourself.

You were smiling and having a blast.  Then you saw the camera and gave me your serious face.
Then you got bored with the chair and found a basket to climb into.  You crack me up!

Thank you for trusting me.  I love you!  I am truly blessed to be your mother. It's Friday and I CAN NOT wait for the weekend.  I LOVE our weekends!!

Love you!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Dear Maizy,

I can't get over how smart, fun and just downright awesome you are.  When I was expecting you people always told me "Oh you're going to be so tired!"  "You know she is going to be a teenager one day, right." "You'll never be able to do what you want anymore." They never told me all the good stuff.  It's like it was a secret or something. 

Well these things are true and they aren't.  I have and always will be tired.  When do we really get enough sleep.  Even on nights when you go to bed and I could potentially go to bed too - I don't.  So it's not always your fault I am tired.

You will be a teenager one day and I will patiently await those days.  I just hope that  we have a good relationship and respect for each other.  That we can communicate. That you ask and tell me lots of stuff.  That may be in a perfect world, but I am really hoping that is the case.  I always want to know what is going on with you, how you are feeling and I want to be right there supporting you and hopefully making life as a teen better and not worse.  There was NO communication between my parents and I and I don't want that for us.  Please!?!

People are right I can't just do whatever I want, whenever I want and that is fine by me.   I was sick of always thinking about me.  I had been doing that for way too long.  I love the spontaneity that you bring to my life.  Sometimes we read books all night,  play dolls, watch a movie, play music, dance, draw and sometimes you don't even want anything to do with me at all, but I love every minute of it because it's all you.  I love watching you play and interact with your father, me, other people and your toys.

Being your mom is the best thing by far I have ever done.  I get so excited for the person that you are and for the person you will continue to be. 

I've only known you for over a year - two if you count when you were in my tummy, but look how much you have changed.
Taken 11.2.10

Not only physically but mentally as well.  You have doubled - plus some in size,  you have lots more hair,  you now run, talk, giggle a ton more, play with toys all your own, feed your self, ask for stuff when you want it and your ability to understand is remarkable.  Can you believe this picture was taken exactly one year ago today!?!?

You have this cute little comb and brush set and I'll say "Go find your brush, go find it."  And there you go looking around the room and you always find it.  You'll brush your hair, your dolly's then mine.  I love when you brush my hair and you talk while doing it. 

The funniest thing - the other night you were brushing my hair and I turned my head to talk to your dad and you pulled my hair to put my head looking forward again.  You were like a mean hair dresser!  I got the biggest kick out of it. 

You know the word for most of your body parts.  We'll say "where are your toes?" And you'll touch them or put them in my face, "where is your belly?" And you'll pat your belly or ours.  "Where is your eye?"  You'll point to yours or put your finger into ours.  It's just amazing.

I am truly blessed to have you as my daughter.  You are smart, you are kind, you are important, you are beautiful, you are funny, you are mine.

I Love You!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Dear Maizy,

We survived Halloween!!  Whew!!  My day began at work. Boo! We had a Chili Cook Off here. Your dad and I both entered a crock pot of chili and wouldn't you know it.  Dad WON!!!!!  YAY!!!  Your dad took first place.  His chili really was quite delicious.  It had lots of flavor and color and just the right amount of spice - Yum!  Since he took first place he received a $25 gift card to a steak house.  Go Daddy! 

Then later in the afternoon the employees children came to my office for trick-or-treating.  I couldn't wait to see you!!! I was SO excited.  Everyone kept asking where you were.  I was getting anxious.  I kept calling and your dad didn't answer the phone and then when I called at 4:20pm you two were just barely leaving the house!  I was so, so sad!  The event ended at 5pm and when you got here everyone was pretty much gone. I admit when you and your dad got here I cried I was so sad.  Well we walked around anyway and about 5 people saw you, but 5 very luck y people.  I was bummed and still am when I think about it.  You weren't your usual happy self and it could have been because A) I cried and maybe the running mascara on my face threw you for a loop.  B) You just woke up and was trying to take it all in and figure it out. C) YOu were actually given candy and mommy and daddy let you keep it! Weird!

Anyway, after work we drove up to Grandma Donker's house for pizza and salad - not to mention they ordered my least favorite pizza IN THE WORLD!  UGH!  Not much besides my fave park ranger was making me to happy!  Anyway, everyone was excited to see you and Grandma Donker got you a cute little Halloween gift.  A Dora the Explorer card,  a plastic pumpkin and inside were 3 beanie babies, a darling outfit and 2 new books!! It was really nice of her.  Your dad and I also got you a Dora the Explorer Halloween dvd, but we gave that to you a day early!

Then after dinner we watched you run around and play.  You were cracking us all up. Then before we left I let you eat a mini Halloween cupcake.  It has bright orange frosting with black sprinkles. You ate it all up - it was really, really cute!! Dangit!  I didn't get a pic of that.  Needless to say with all that sugar you were up until 1:30am.

Thank you for the wonderful Halloween!! You had the most darling costume EVER!!  The cutest part of it all was your smile of course.  Thank you for being such a good, good girl! 

Love you tonz and tonz!
