Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mother's Know Best

Dear Maizy,

Our weekend has been amazing.  You are SO entertaining!!  Friday we all got home and played, it was a long week for all of us.  You went to Grandma Donker's Wednesday, Thursday and Friday while your dad worked.  We had to wake you up early every morning and it throws you completely off schedule, it makes me feel bad.  You and daddy missed each other.  Friday you were clinging on to him and touching his face while you two talked, it was adorable and heartfelt.

Saturday you and I went up to Grandma Shelly's while we got new tires on the car.  We got lunch at In-N-Out and ate it at Grandma's. Grandma and Grandpa Glen were getting a kick out of you. We hung out there for a few hours, got the car and came home.  You and daddy took naps while I cleaned my room.

My room was a mess with stuff that just needed to be put away.  I allowed it to be cluttery and messy until it finally got to me.  It only took 3 hours to make it spic-and-span.  I started thinking how important it is to clean your room.  Being organized and putting everything in it's place makes your days run smoother and therefore makes life easier, so clean your room!!! Keep it clean!!  My mom never made me clean my room growing up and she did me a HUGE injustice!!!!!  Cleaning and keeping your room clean, your "junk" to a minimum, clothes hung up and put away is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  It only took me 25+ years to figure this out.  Learn from me.  Mom's know best!!

Today your father, me and Grandma Annette dropped off and picked you up at Grandma Shelly's while we went and saw Twilight: Breaking Dawn - your dad likes the vampire movies.  It was a great movie and since your dad loved it I enjoyed it even more.  Well when we got to Grandma's to drop you off I noticed that I forgot to pack diapers!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  I felt so bad and to make matters worse Grandma Shelly was ticked off about it and wouldn't you know it you needed a diaper change 30 minutes after you were there!! I felt so bad, but Grandma made me feel even worse.  I really did feel bad.

Then after the movie we went and picked you up and Grandma rubbed it in again plus we forgot your bottle too, but I doubt you would have slept over there anyway.  It made me think that the reason they say Mother's Know Best is because they forget about all the stupid, forgetful crap they did, they would never admit it to their children and nor would they volunteer such information.  I KNOW for a fact that none of your Grandma's are perfect, but they did what they thought was best and they probably would like to forget the things they didn't do "right", so I decided not to let this one affect me and let it slide.  I mean I felt worse than anyone else could have made me feel. So yes, Mom's may know best, but if you ask them "Mom's Know Best and.................. it all - they just fail to leave this part out of the saying.

I would like to go down on the record for being the first mom to admit that I don't know best or all the answers like some mom's (grandma's claim), I'd like to think I do and the reason being is because I have done lots of stupid things in life and I don't want you to do the same and that my dear is why mom's think they know best. So from trial and error it's that we think we know best. Some mistakes are bigger and stupider than others, but if you listen to me I can help you avoid the negative consequences.  I will just have to tell you  the consequences of doing something stupid.  I will be honest with you and that is what most mom's (grandma's) don't do.  I love you and you deserve that from me.  I am going to break the chain in our family and will be an honest mom. I can go more in depth with this one when your older, but it's the least I can do being your mother.  I love you and want the best for you and have a pretty good idea I know best. ; )

Thank you for an amazing weekend.  I have tomorrow off from work to take you to your 15 month old well check visit - you have to get some shots - OUCH!!!!



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