Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Dear Maizy,

I can't get over how smart, fun and just downright awesome you are.  When I was expecting you people always told me "Oh you're going to be so tired!"  "You know she is going to be a teenager one day, right." "You'll never be able to do what you want anymore." They never told me all the good stuff.  It's like it was a secret or something. 

Well these things are true and they aren't.  I have and always will be tired.  When do we really get enough sleep.  Even on nights when you go to bed and I could potentially go to bed too - I don't.  So it's not always your fault I am tired.

You will be a teenager one day and I will patiently await those days.  I just hope that  we have a good relationship and respect for each other.  That we can communicate. That you ask and tell me lots of stuff.  That may be in a perfect world, but I am really hoping that is the case.  I always want to know what is going on with you, how you are feeling and I want to be right there supporting you and hopefully making life as a teen better and not worse.  There was NO communication between my parents and I and I don't want that for us.  Please!?!

People are right I can't just do whatever I want, whenever I want and that is fine by me.   I was sick of always thinking about me.  I had been doing that for way too long.  I love the spontaneity that you bring to my life.  Sometimes we read books all night,  play dolls, watch a movie, play music, dance, draw and sometimes you don't even want anything to do with me at all, but I love every minute of it because it's all you.  I love watching you play and interact with your father, me, other people and your toys.

Being your mom is the best thing by far I have ever done.  I get so excited for the person that you are and for the person you will continue to be. 

I've only known you for over a year - two if you count when you were in my tummy, but look how much you have changed.
Taken 11.2.10

Not only physically but mentally as well.  You have doubled - plus some in size,  you have lots more hair,  you now run, talk, giggle a ton more, play with toys all your own, feed your self, ask for stuff when you want it and your ability to understand is remarkable.  Can you believe this picture was taken exactly one year ago today!?!?

You have this cute little comb and brush set and I'll say "Go find your brush, go find it."  And there you go looking around the room and you always find it.  You'll brush your hair, your dolly's then mine.  I love when you brush my hair and you talk while doing it. 

The funniest thing - the other night you were brushing my hair and I turned my head to talk to your dad and you pulled my hair to put my head looking forward again.  You were like a mean hair dresser!  I got the biggest kick out of it. 

You know the word for most of your body parts.  We'll say "where are your toes?" And you'll touch them or put them in my face, "where is your belly?" And you'll pat your belly or ours.  "Where is your eye?"  You'll point to yours or put your finger into ours.  It's just amazing.

I am truly blessed to have you as my daughter.  You are smart, you are kind, you are important, you are beautiful, you are funny, you are mine.

I Love You!


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