Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Dear Maizy,

We survived Halloween!!  Whew!!  My day began at work. Boo! We had a Chili Cook Off here. Your dad and I both entered a crock pot of chili and wouldn't you know it.  Dad WON!!!!!  YAY!!!  Your dad took first place.  His chili really was quite delicious.  It had lots of flavor and color and just the right amount of spice - Yum!  Since he took first place he received a $25 gift card to a steak house.  Go Daddy! 

Then later in the afternoon the employees children came to my office for trick-or-treating.  I couldn't wait to see you!!! I was SO excited.  Everyone kept asking where you were.  I was getting anxious.  I kept calling and your dad didn't answer the phone and then when I called at 4:20pm you two were just barely leaving the house!  I was so, so sad!  The event ended at 5pm and when you got here everyone was pretty much gone. I admit when you and your dad got here I cried I was so sad.  Well we walked around anyway and about 5 people saw you, but 5 very luck y people.  I was bummed and still am when I think about it.  You weren't your usual happy self and it could have been because A) I cried and maybe the running mascara on my face threw you for a loop.  B) You just woke up and was trying to take it all in and figure it out. C) YOu were actually given candy and mommy and daddy let you keep it! Weird!

Anyway, after work we drove up to Grandma Donker's house for pizza and salad - not to mention they ordered my least favorite pizza IN THE WORLD!  UGH!  Not much besides my fave park ranger was making me to happy!  Anyway, everyone was excited to see you and Grandma Donker got you a cute little Halloween gift.  A Dora the Explorer card,  a plastic pumpkin and inside were 3 beanie babies, a darling outfit and 2 new books!! It was really nice of her.  Your dad and I also got you a Dora the Explorer Halloween dvd, but we gave that to you a day early!

Then after dinner we watched you run around and play.  You were cracking us all up. Then before we left I let you eat a mini Halloween cupcake.  It has bright orange frosting with black sprinkles. You ate it all up - it was really, really cute!! Dangit!  I didn't get a pic of that.  Needless to say with all that sugar you were up until 1:30am.

Thank you for the wonderful Halloween!! You had the most darling costume EVER!!  The cutest part of it all was your smile of course.  Thank you for being such a good, good girl! 

Love you tonz and tonz!


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