Before you there was Maddie, my cat. She was such a great companion. I couldn't wait for you and Maddie to meet. I just knew that you two would like each other. Well Maddie decided to pack her bags and runaway. Never to be seen or heard from again.
On Wednesday March 19, 2003 Grandpa and I went to the Humane Society to find Grandpa a dog. Well I decided to go check out the cats. I was not planning on getting a cat that day - just looking. Well I saw Maddie - her name at the shelter was Tiger Lily - in a cage and she was stretching out her paw at all the passerbys. She had these gorgeous green eyes, a beautiful coat - it's what they call tortoise and was just a petite thing.
I asked to take her to a meeting room at the shelter where they take the animal out of their cage and you go in a little room to interact and get a feel for each other. Once we were in the little room Maddie's personality exploded. She was full of spunk and I had to have her.
Grandpa didn't find a dog but I found a cat. YAY!! I left her at Grandpa's while I ran to the store to get the basic necessities for her. While I was at the store Grandpa called and asked how much longer I was going to be - Maddie pooped on the floor. Ha ha ha!!
I took Maddie home to my apartment. We have a very interesting relationship to say the least. It was something we definitely had to work on. Maddie had love/hate feelings towards me, she refused to cuddle and she wanted to go outside and play. I was not a fan of that at all!! I lived in an apartment complex and didn't think she was safe BUT with her howling and pounding on the blinds with her paws until she got her way - she went outside. She would be gone for hours at a time and some nights didn't even come home. I missed her. I longed for her to reciprocate those feelings towards me.
One time during the winter months a neighbor brought Maddie to my door and threatened to call Animal Services and report me for animal abuse if she saw Maddie out during a winter evening ever again. I was DEVASTATED!!! I am a huge animal lover, I would never cause any animal, let alone my pet that I love dearly any harm. Maddie didn't want to come home ever and I felt powerless.
Her and I continued to work on our relationship. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Someone else had raised her and there she was at the shelter, so who knows if she was neglected, physically hurt but obviously she had some trust issues. Our relationship was built on mutual trust. I showed her that I loved her unconditionally, I provided her with a home, safety, food and water. It took a long time but her and I became the best of friends and I love her very, very much.
When I started dating your dad she did not like him at all. It saddened him I think since Maddie and I loved each other so much. I am not sure why she didn't like him, but when we started hanging out Maddie would come home less and less and I would have to go searching for her.
When I found out I was pregnant I was SO excited to have you two meet and have you grow up with this awesome cat! But I think she may have known I was expecting - they say animals can sense it - and maybe didn't like the unexpected.
Maddie left the house on Tuesday March 9, 2010 just shy of 7 years of us being together and never returned. I was devastated. I searched and searched for Maddie. I posted signs everywhere. I would yell for her all hours of the evenings. I was sad. I am still sad over it. I miss her. I am sad that you two have never met.
I know that you will have great childhood pets that will forever have a place in your heart. I also had a dog named Scooter that we had for 14 years!! Yes, 14 years, but we'll talk about him another day.
I like to think that Maddie moved somewhere warm and sunny, resides by a swimming pool, chases all the birds she wants to her heart's content and thinks about me at least once in a while. I am sure her new owner loves her almost as much as I did and continue to.
Check out how adorable, comical and full of life Maddie was. She rocked.

Love you Maddie.
Love you Maizy.
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